status oor Mongools


[ˈsteɪtəs], [ˈstætəs] naamwoord
A person’s position or standing relative to that of others.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


The condition of a user that can be displayed to the user's contacts to communicate whether the user is currently online and available, offline and unavailable, and so on.

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regardless of race, nationality, faith, social origin and status, wealth or education
арьс, өнгө, үндэс угсаа, шашин шүтлэг, нийгмийн гарал байдал, эд хөрөнгө, эрдэм боловсролоор үл ялгаварлах
status report
төлөвийн мэдээлэл
online status
онлайн төлөв
Statue of Liberty
Эрх чөлөөний хөшөө
status date
төлөвийн огноо
status area
төлөвийн муж
status quo
status bar
төлөвийн мөр


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Roman citizens in Philippi and throughout the Roman Empire were proud of their status and enjoyed special protection under Roman law.
цусны хорт хавдар туссан бөгөөдjw2019 jw2019
They may define their worth by a position they hold or status they obtain.
би гарч яваад метроны буудал руу уруудлаа.LDS LDS
It is our status as a son or daughter of God—not our frailties or tendencies—that is the true source of our identity.63
тосгондоо ажил хийдэггүй хамгийн хөгшин эмэгтэй.LDS LDS
Those who produce articles for adults try to keep in mind that readers differ in ages, stages of life, and marital status.
SAP-д хүн ямар ч асуултад 17 минутын дотор хариулах боломжтой гэж үздэг.LDS LDS
2:9) In contrast, love will move us to avoid any discrimination based on education, race, or social status.
илүү олон шинэ санаа төрүүлэх хэрэгтэй.jw2019 jw2019
(Note: You may need to explain that deification and apotheosis refer to the idea that a person can become a god or be elevated to divine status.)
Бид эмч лүү харж "ALS гэнээ?LDS LDS
We learn that God chooses the pure in heart who are righteous and have righteous desires to do His work, confirming the teaching from the Bible that God looks upon the heart and does not choose based on outward appearance or social status or standing (see 1 Samuel 16:7).
♫Та миний дүрийг зурагтаар харах л байсан биз♫LDS LDS
For the information of the members of the Church, the First Presidency has issued the following statistical report regarding the growth and status of the Church as of December 31, 2012.
Хэрвээ олон төв суурин газар хүрсэн бол,LDS LDS
Eleven of the women were married, two were widows, six were unmarried, and the marital status of one is unknown.
Эцгийн эрхт ёс ноёрхсон тэр газарLDS LDS
These personal character qualities stand independent of the organizational status of our Church unit, our economic circumstances, our family situation, culture, race, or language.
Надад та бүхэнд үнэнээ хэлэх зүйл байна.LDS LDS
Women have so much status that we have not been hearing, that they have not been hearing, and we needed to tell them that they need to know where their rights are and how to take them by themselves, because they can do it and we can't.
Би нөхөр лүүгээ, тэр над руу харлаа.ted2019 ted2019
Gustav Adolf’s desire for an extravagant status symbol ruined the design of what would have been a magnificent sailing vessel, the mightiest warship of its time.
Окситоцин таны зүрхийг нөхөн сэргээж, стресснээсLDS LDS
Display a picture of a temple that has a statue of the angel Moroni on top, such as the picture of the Salt Lake Temple found in the Gospel Art Book (no. 119; see also
олоход амраар тохируулсан байж.LDS LDS
What gives Jehovah the right to this status?
Харин машин хэдхэн минутын дотор сая сая эссэ уншиж эсвэл сая саяjw2019 jw2019
Music played, and spotlights shone down on statues of shepherds, Wise Men, Mary, and Joseph.
Заримдаа бусад бүх нэр дэвшигчдээс асуусан асуултыг надаас асуулгүй орхидог байсан,LDS LDS
Because of their upbringing or social status, they may feel inferior to those of another race or nationality.
харин нийтийн сэргэлт гэсэн утгатай үг юм.jw2019 jw2019
Inside the building a light shone on a large statue of Jesus stretching out His scarred hands.
Бидэнд гаргасан амжилт бий, Адено хам шинжийн вирусын жишээ.LDS LDS
Contention developed because they believed their status in the Church was determined by the importance of the person who baptized them.
Одоо бидэнд тулгараад буй асуудал гэвэл:LDS LDS
(Revelation 1:9) He endured and kept true to his dedicated status as a Christian for about 60 years.
Энэ нь ажил хийх цорын ганц шалтгаан гэж ойлгожээ.jw2019 jw2019
And I pray that knowledge of that status may give you a great deal of comfort, reassurance, and confidence that you are approved in His eyes.
ямар утгатай болохыг ойлгож эхэлсэн хэрэг юм.LDS LDS
A panel , consisting of World Bank and non-Bank employees/members, will decide the successful applicants. Letters to applicants in regards to their application status will be issued mid-May 2010.
юу хийж болох вэ гэхээр
Where Jesus was concerned with service, they were concerned with status.
Тэрээр дараах түүхийг надад ярьсан:LDS LDS
Like each piece of the statue, every Messianic prophecy would provide a vital piece of information about the Messiah.
станц дээрх сансрын нисгэгчид ихэнх цагаа байдлыг хянаж шалгахад зарцуулахын орондjw2019 jw2019
As we all enter a meetinghouse to worship as a group, we should leave behind our differences, including race, social status, political preferences, and academic and professional achievements, and instead concentrate on our common spiritual objectives.
Цахилгаан гаргах хамгийн гол арга болLDS LDS
Work status
тэд дахин нэгийг эвлүүлж, бид түүнийг нь салгах болно.LDS LDS
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