steady oor Mongools


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To stabilize something; to prevent from shaking.

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Steady,” she whispered to the oxen and herself.
Энэ бол маш чухал өөрчлөлт.LDS LDS
“To those who stagger or stumble, he is there to steady and strengthen us.
ИМ: Балрах шахсан. Яг бүтэлгүйтэх гэж байсан.LDS LDS
(Kingdom Interlinear) To keep a kettle of water boiling, we need a steady supply of heat.
хамгийн агуу сэтгэгчид, хамгийн их бүтэлгүйтсэн байдаг.jw2019 jw2019
I am a lover of the cause of Christ and of virtue, chastity, and an upright, steady course of conduct, and a holy walk.
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Following this mission, Alma expressed joy in the steadiness and faithfulness Shiblon had demonstrated while suffering persecution among the Zoramites.
Энэ ялангуяа Европт ажиглагдана.LDS LDS
Such unwavering faith in times of trial creates steadfast men and women and gives sure, steady direction when potentially disorienting storms rage.
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* Why do you think that steady and daily obedience to God’s word is so vital in building our faith and trust in Him?
♫Би уншиж ч чадахгүй, бичиж ч чадахгүй байснаа♫LDS LDS
For now, I take comfort in knowing that the anchor of the gospel and the rock of our Redeemer will keep us steady and secure.
чадвартай, өөртөө итгэлтэй эмэгтэй гэсэн утгатай.LDS LDS
When Uzzah, who was leading the wagon, grabbed hold of the Ark to steady it, he died on the spot for his “irreverent act.”
Ийм тѳрлийн технологи ашиглан хэрхэн хүн тѳрѳлхтѳнд цоо шинэ мэдрэхүй нэмэх вэ?jw2019 jw2019
“The Elders [should] go forth ... in all meekness, in sobriety, and preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified; not to contend with others on account of their faith, or systems of religion, but pursue a steady course.
амархан биш гэдгийг бид бүгд мэднэ.LDS LDS
Through the gift of the Holy Ghost, we receive added capacity and spiritual gifts, increased revelation and protection, steady guidance and direction, and the promised blessings of sanctification and exaltation in the celestial kingdom.
хүчний тухай гайхалтай үгс.LDS LDS
Their words, joined with the scriptures and the promptings of the Spirit, provide a secure and steady bedrock foundation of eternal values and principles to which we can attach our anchors so we can remain steadfast and secure amid the struggles and trials of life.
их дээд сургуулиудын зөвлөхүүд зэрэг 3,000 гаруйLDS LDS
Private debt flows to developing countries rose to an estimated $192 billion, up from $85 billion in 2003, driven by abundant global liquidity, steady improvement in developing-country credit quality, lower yields in rich countries, and expansion of investor interest in emerging market assets.
надад аймшигтай зүйлс болж байлаа
We have to learn to adjust our unsteady steps to match Jehovah’s steady lead.
сэргийлж чадахгүй юм.jw2019 jw2019
“Energy prices are recovering in response to steady demand and falling stocks, but much depends on whether oil producers seek to extend production cuts,” said John Baffes, Senior Economist and lead author of the Commodity Markets Outlook.
Суух ч үгүй, зогсох ч үгүй би оргилд нь хүрнэ
The man who had been named Rock because of his potential for steadiness began to sink like a stone because of his wavering faith.
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In the covenant path we find a steady supply of gifts and help.
Энэхүү байгууламж ньLDS LDS
“And now, my son, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in keeping his commandments; for blessed is he that endureth to the end.
Адам Смит хэлэхдээLDS LDS
I'd entered practice in 2003, and for the first several years, it was just this steady, upward improvement in my learning curve.
Энэ нь хадгалалтынх байж болох чted2019 ted2019
Surely they merit our steadiness, patience, and love—and yes, our forgiveness.
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The Catholic World Report states: “Under the steady hammering of Orthodox complaints, ‘proselytism’ has taken on the connotation of forcible conversion.”
Зарим нь орон гэрээ алдсан.jw2019 jw2019
In 1824, New York prison guard James Hardie credited the device with taming his more boisterous inmates, writing that the "monotonous steadiness, and not its severity...constitutes its terror," a quote many still agree with.
Би идэхэд бэлэн байсан.ted2019 ted2019
We saw steady increases in publishers and congregations in the circuits we served.
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Commendably, a steady stream of pioneers left Britain for such countries as France, despite having little or no knowledge of the language.
Тодорхой сэдвийн дор, тухайлбал байгаль орчны тѳлѳѳ,jw2019 jw2019
And third, through intense reflection, he gathered the information that he needed to design and revise the procedure, and then, with a steady hand, he saved my life.
номонд шинэчлэгдэх илүү боломж гарч байна.ted2019 ted2019
88 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.