steep oor Mongools


/stiːp/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Of a near-vertical gradient; of a slope, surface, curve, etc. that proceeds upward at an angle near vertical.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


adjective noun
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The path rugged and steep?
байдаг нь гайхалтай юм.LDS LDS
As we made our descent over historic Donner Pass, a steep section of highway, the cab of the semi suddenly and unexpectedly filled with thick smoke.
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It was a city steeped in idolatry and superstition.
ALS-тэй хүмүүст энэ нь хонгилын үзүүрт харагдах гэрэл байсан.jw2019 jw2019
Our struggle is found in living in a world steeped in sin and spiritual indifference, where self-indulgence, dishonesty, and greed seem to be present everywhere.
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We were enjoying our time together when I hit an icy spot and ended up making a glorious crash landing on a steep slope.
аль нэг хэлээр ярьдаг бол дэлхийг харах онцгой өнцөгтэй гэж.LDS LDS
Life can be like hikers ascending a steep and arduous trail.
Гэхдээ овог аймгуудын оролцоо,LDS LDS
However, the recently approved 2011 Budget of Mongolia envisages a steep increase in government spending, together with a sharp rise in the fiscal deficit to an unprecedented 9.9 percent of GDP.
Тэгэхээр, орлогын тэгш бус байдлын хувьд
But late last year, after a sustained period of rapid economic growth propelled by high mineral prices, the country entered a steep economic downturn.
Тиймээс нэгэн гайхалтай туршилт хийжээ
The field was on our right, and the river, at the bottom of a steep embankment, was on our left.
Бид зүгээр хүмүүсийн 500 жилийн түүхтэй рационал сэтгэлгээгLDS LDS
Sadly, some hikers have lost their lives by falling off that narrow, steep trail.
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Historians have documented that here or there some society or nation experienced a steep moral decline and then collapsed.
ганцаараа суугаа нэгнээс гараагүй байна.jw2019 jw2019
Like the path on Huayna Picchu, our mortal journey is a steep and difficult climb, one that requires our Heavenly Father’s help to successfully complete.
Бүх эмэгтэйчүүд очиж жагссан ньLDS LDS
Steeped in the language of the Bible and a mixture of Anglo-European cultures brought over by immigrants to North America, some people in the early 19th century believed it was possible for gifted individuals to “see,” or receive spiritual manifestations, through material objects such as seer stones.7
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As Dad hiked up the steep trail, I jumped from one large rock to another along the sides of the trail.
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* The economy, however, faces significant risks in the near term, as reflected in the steep drop in exports in July and August.
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Steep terrain typical of these areas further limits the installation of pipes and substations.
Миний инбокс хэсэгт яагаад ч юм орчихсон байсан
* The 2011 Budget of Mongolia envisages a steep increase in government spending to an unprecedented MNT 779 billion (over 52 percent of GDP).
Мөн багш, эцэг эхчүүдийг бага насны охидтойгоо
We must pass over steep precipices and turbulent waters in our own journey here on earth.
би гүйлтээр дэлхийг ѳѳрчилж болно гэдэгт итгэдэг.LDS LDS
Instantly we snapped into action and began dragging box after box up the steep staircase.
Илон Маск Теслаг амжилтад хүрнэ гэж өөрөө бодоогүйгээ надад саяхан хэлсэн.LDS LDS
The road began in sagebrush flatlands, ascended through steep, pine-covered slopes, and ultimately emerged into aspen groves and mountaintop meadows, where we could see almost forever.
Та бүгд хүн юм байна.LDS LDS
Others might have reasoned that even though Egypt was steeped in idolatry and spiritism, it had risen to become a world power, while Jehovah’s people suffered as slaves!
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The ground was steep and rocky.
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I tried stopping, but the bank was too steep and I was going too fast.
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“Before, we used to ride into town to get the doctor and climb over that steep pass,” Tsorj says, as he points at the mountain pass in front of his ger.
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There was a steep ravine below the bridge, and with insufficient light, I didn’t know how to help.
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37 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.