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/stjuːd(ə)nt/ naamwoord
A person who studies a particular academic subject.

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person who studies an academic subject




person who studies an academic subject

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This increases the likelihood that students will identify and learn the relevant and important points.
цаг, анхаарал гаргамаар байгаа юм.LDS LDS
Invite students to look in Luke 13–14 for what the Savior taught about interacting with people who are less fortunate than us.
түүнийг боол гэдгийг нь мэдэх болно.LDS LDS
Invite a few students to share how they answered the question and how they felt as they testified of the scriptures to others.
Би таны стрессийг арилгахыг хичээхээ больсон.LDS LDS
During the discussion, think about why the material is beneficial for Bible students.
яагаад ярих хэрэгтэйг би маш сайн мэднэ.jw2019 jw2019
After sufficient time, invite students to select an item on their list and share with their group how it influences their lives and leads them toward salvation.
Тэгэхээр эртний уран бүтээлчид нэг хэсэг зүйлүүдээс хамгаалагддаг байсан байх,LDS LDS
These exercises are vital to helping students understand how the doctrinal statements they have been learning are relevant to modern circumstances.
миний бодлоор, огторгуйд бидLDS LDS
Invite a student to read 1 Peter 2:11–12 aloud.
Кофений ширээг хар даа.LDS LDS
Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by President Ezra Taft Benson.
Номын үйл явдлын үеэр сарын тэмдэг нь ирэх Жияа.LDS LDS
Many Bible Students got their first taste of field service by distributing handbills for a pilgrim’s public talk.
Тэд айж байгаа учраас хойшлуулдаг юм.jw2019 jw2019
Invite students to give examples of how the Book of Mormon has given them direction, strength, answers to questions, or solutions to problems.
доор шингэн ус байхыгLDS LDS
Remind students that the prophet Alma used an analogy of a growing seed to teach the Zoramites how to develop faith in Jesus Christ.
Тэр зорилготойгоор эдгээр орнуудыг дахин сэргээхийг хүссэнгүй.LDS LDS
Invite students to review the Book of Mormon doctrinal mastery scripture passages they have studied in doctrinal topic 3, looking for any that support the truths on the board.
Учир нь бид зѳвхѳн ѳѳрсдийн умвэлтэд маш бат бэх cуурьшсан байдаг.LDS LDS
Studying the Gospel of John can help students come to know Heavenly Father through the ministry of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Гурав дах нь, миний хувьд хамгийн сонирхолтой нь,LDS LDS
Invite one student to read the words of the Savior and another student to read the words of the father in the account that follows in Mark 9:16–24 (you might assign these parts before class and invite these students to locate their respective lines).
Тэгэхээр яагаад ийм олон тэрбум хүн нэн ядууралд байсаар байна вэ?LDS LDS
Ask students to consider how they can use the three principles written on the board to confidently respond to their friend’s question.
Туслахаараа тооцоолол хийлгүүлсэн.LDS LDS
* Have students read to each other.
хоолны ширээн дээр ярьж суусныхаа үр дүндLDS LDS
(Ensure that students understand the following: The Atonement of Jesus Christ provides the way for all of Heavenly Father’s children to overcome both physical and spiritual death.
ерөнхийлөгчид, дэд захирлууд, профессорууд болонLDS LDS
Give students a moment to study 2 Nephi 33:4–5, looking for additional blessings that we can receive from studying the Book of Mormon.
Миний бодлоор, хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй хүнийLDS LDS
(Students may use different words but should identify a principle similar to the following: If we yield ourselves to God, we can become free from sin and receive the gift of eternal life.)
Мэлхий, тогоруутай огт адилгүй байв.LDS LDS
Students should understand that they are attending class to come to know Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and to progress toward eternal life through a study of the scriptures and the words of the prophets” (Gospel Teaching and Learning, 15).
Иймд би үйл ажиллагааны судалгааг сонгосон баLDS LDS
Express your testimony and gratitude for spiritual gifts, and encourage students to earnestly seek for and use their spiritual gifts to serve others and strengthen the Church.
Энэ бидний авсан хариулт.LDS LDS
Follow up: Throughout the course, consistently encourage and assist all students as they work to complete the Elevate Learning Experience questions.
байж болох зүйл гэж бодож байна.LDS LDS
You may want to suggest that students mark the phrase “thy prayer is heard” in this verse.)
Битгий тэднийг үл тоогоорой.LDS LDS
(Students may use different words but should identify the following principle: If we ignore the warnings and counsel of the Lord’s servants, then we put ourselves in danger.
үнэлгээ өгч дүнгээ аваад дараагийн долоо хоногт шилждэг.LDS LDS
These are the reasons I founded University of the People, a nonprofit, tuition-free, degree-granting university to give an alternative, to create an alternative, to those who have no other; an alternative that will be affordable and scalable, an alternative that will disrupt the current education system, and open the gates to higher education for every qualified student regardless of what they earn, where they live, or what society says about them.
Энэ нь огт харагдахгүй гэсэн үг биш л дээ.ted2019 ted2019
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