such oor Mongools


/sʌtʃ/, /sʌʧ/ naamwoord, voornaamwoord, bywoord
like this, that, these, those; Used to make a comparison with something implied by context.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


similar to this [Used to make a comparison with something implied by context.]
үүнтэй төсөөтэй [Хамт сэдэвт заасан зүйлтэй харьцуулахад хэрэглэдэг.]


like this, that, these, those; used to make a comparison with something implied by context
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A surname.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools

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phenols ae aesily degraded by the phenol-degrading bacteria. also as they are to be influenced by such as an oxidizer, reduced materials, and the alkalis, the test has to be carried out immed
phenols ae aesily degraded by the phenol-degrading bacteria. also as they are to be influenced by such as an oxidizer, reduced materials, and the alkalis, the test has to be carried out immed
in such a way
such as
such is life
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
8 Because of obeying such commands, God’s servants on earth today now number some seven million.
аав минь гарч ирээд бугуйнаас чирэнjw2019 jw2019
If a stake president or bishop feels that such travel may be justified, he prayerfully considers the potential spiritual benefits of the activity, the cost of the travel, and the effect on families before approving it.
автоматжуулж болохыг хэлж чадахаар болсон.LDS LDS
In such matters, we can look to the prophets.
Эргэн тойрон дахь дуу авиаг хураагаад, хувиргаадLDS LDS
This is mainly because of the Witnesses’ Bible-based position on such matters as blood transfusions, neutrality, smoking, and morals.
Энэ бол таны хайртай хүндээ сүүлийн үгээ хэлэх боломж ч байж болно:jw2019 jw2019
Doctrinal Mastery builds on and replaces previous efforts in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, such as scripture mastery and the study of Basic Doctrines.
итгэлтэй хэлж чадах уу?LDS LDS
In such a situation, would you not appreciate it if others displayed an empathetic attitude toward you?
Амьдрал санамсаргүй явдлаар дүүрэн байдагjw2019 jw2019
If you feel that you do not yet have the depth of testimony you would wish, I admonish you to work to achieve such a testimony.
улс тѳрчид, цэргүүд, сүмийнхэнLDS LDS
At such times, we will be comforted and strengthened by reflecting on our blessings.
анхаарлаа хандуулах болов.jw2019 jw2019
Jonathan may have faced such a challenge.
Хайрт минь ийм байдалд оруулсанд уучлаарай.jw2019 jw2019
* Invite the youth to read in the scriptures examples of the Savior using the scriptures to teach others, such as those suggested in this outline or others you may know of.
үндсэн эрх нь болж чадахLDS LDS
Sergio and Olinda, mentioned before, noticed such a change.
Ингээд Угандад очиж төстэй туршилт явуулсан.jw2019 jw2019
It was such a fun time.”
өөрөө засардаг материал ашиглаж гайхалтай шинж чанар бий болгох байсан.LDS LDS
7 Yea, I would tell you these things if ye were capable of hearkening unto them; yea, I would tell you concerning that awful ahell that awaits to receive such bmurderers as thou and thy brother have been, except ye repent and withdraw your murderous purposes, and return with your armies to your own lands.
К.А.: Тэгэхээр чамд туслахыг хүссэн хүмүүсLDS LDS
5 In some countries, such budgeting might mean having to resist the urge to borrow at high interest for unnecessary purchases.
Ямар багаж хэрэгсэл ашиглах ёстойг мэддэг хүн байсангүй.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah does not deny us this pleasure, but realistically we know that such activities do not in themselves help us to store up any spiritual treasures in heaven.
Хэн ч хамаагүй гарч ирээд тавыг сонгоно.jw2019 jw2019
Mariama led with such love, grace, and confidence that it was easy to assume she had long been a member of the Church.
өөр зүйлийн талаар ч бас асуусан.LDS LDS
How did faithful men of old respond to the needs of weak ones, and how can we imitate such Bible examples?
Тосгонд очоод хүмүүсийг нь дайчилсан.jw2019 jw2019
14-16. (a) Why was Joseph such a good moral example?
Хэрэв та боловсролд хөрөнгө оруулалт хийвэлjw2019 jw2019
As you consider the needs of your students and impressions of the Spirit, you might take just a few minutes and show the class how to find doctrinally accurate information using resources such as the Gospel Topics section of or Church magazine articles.
бүхий л насныхны хувьдLDS LDS
The apostle Paul, writing to fellow believers in Rome, spoke of such human governments as “the superior authorities.”
Бид дэлхийн хамгийн том 15 эдийн засгийнjw2019 jw2019
Such love affirms that we have value.
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* How is that possible for sinners such as we are?
Нэг өдөр өнгөрч хэн ч ирсэнгүйдjw2019 jw2019
43 Now in this case the Lamanites did fight exceedingly; yea, never had the Lamanites been known to fight with such exceedingly great strength and courage, no, not even from the beginning.
Харин одоогоор мандарин хятад хэлээр хамгийн олон хүн ярьдаг чLDS LDS
Such examples remind us why it is vital to listen to what the spirit of God says.
нэг нь туршилтынх байсан.jw2019 jw2019
However, some, such as Abel, Enoch, and Noah, remained faithful to Jehovah. —Hebrews 11:4, 5, 7.
Үүнээс гадна, бид ургуулж байгаа учраас, давхарга шаардлагагүй болжjw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.