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/ˈsʌpləmənt / werkwoord, naamwoord
Something added, especially to make up for a deficiency.

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As needed, teachers and leaders supplement curriculum materials with Church magazines, particularly the general conference issues of the Ensign and Liahona.”
Миний ярилцсан ихэнх охидLDS LDS
Updates and Supplements to Instructions
дамжуулах боломжтой юу?LDS LDS
While the Church provides mission presidents with a minimal living allowance, the couples usually have the financial means to supplement that allowance with their own funds.
Цагдаагийн хэлтэс энд ажилладаггүйг мэдэж байгаа байх.LDS LDS
Stake presidents, bishops, and teachers of the temple preparation class may choose to use these materials as a supplemental resource with the Endowed from on High teacher’s manual and the booklet, Preparing to Enter the Temple.
гэнэтийн явдлаар дүүрэн.LDS LDS
Calcium supplements in America?!
би Халлагаас хүсэхгүй,QED QED
If the instructor does not have a preference, leaders could suggest a hymn that will supplement the topic of the lesson.
Харин дараа нь хүмүүс өөр өөр орчин руу буюуLDS LDS
While scripture mastery is an important part of the curriculum, it should supplement, not overshadow, daily sequential study of the scriptures.
2.5-аас дээш хувьтай оролцогчдыг эхний халз мэтгэлцээндLDS LDS
You may also want to use the supplemental teaching ideas that appear at the end of some lessons or take time to answer students’ questions about a particular scripture passage or gospel topic.
Та бүгд хүн юм байна.LDS LDS
The DVD introduces the 2010 Mutual theme and can be used to supplement youth classes, quorum meetings, Mutual, bishop’s youth discussions, and other activities throughout the year.
10 гаруй оронд очсон байна.LDS LDS
You may supplement the weekly lessons with other Church-approved materials, such as the Friend or the Liahona.
Тиймээс энэ цаг мөчид би Эммаг онцлохыг хүсэх байна.LDS LDS
15 Just as adding the proper supplements may enhance the physical soil, so our cultivating humility, hunger for spirituality, trust, godly fear, and love for God can enrich our figurative heart.
та нарын биеийг хэллэгийг ажигланjw2019 jw2019
* Read any supplemental material provided in the lesson and consider how you might use this material in your lesson.
АМ: Тийм ээ, чөлөөтэй ярилцаж байгаа нь миний хувьд гайхамшиг.LDS LDS
Stake activities should supplement ward activities, not compete with them.
Энэ тайзан дээр олон хүн байна.LDS LDS
A portion of this video was suggested as a supplemental teaching idea in lesson 97 (Acts 23–26).
Дундаж насныхныг тархины тухай миний дуртай нэг явдал ингэж тодорхойлсон байдаг.LDS LDS
9:22) The enclosed supplement lists some of these brochures, explains whom they were designed for, and suggests how the brochures might be offered.
911 рүү залгахад хэн нэгэн тандjw2019 jw2019
These reviews can be supplemented with the scripture mastery activities listed in this appendix.
бид бүхэнд хэрхэн нөлөөлж байгааг бодоод үзээрэй.LDS LDS
This DVD can be used to supplement quorum meetings, classes, youth conferences, and other youth activities throughout the year and will be available in Cantonese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Хүүхдүүдээ сайн хүмүүжүүлэхийн тулдLDS LDS
The digital versions of the teacher manual contain additional Commentary and Background Information, Supplemental Teaching Ideas, and media resources that are not included in this printed manual because of space limitations.
Тэдэнд үлгэрлэх дүр байхгүй.LDS LDS
Did you ever wonder why there are no less than three TV commercials being run for calcium supplements.
хоорондуур өнгөрөх хэрэгтэй болно.QED QED
With a whole shelf devoted to calcium supplements.
ажлаасаа гарч Чарльзтаун дах гэрээ орхинQED QED
As needed, teachers and leaders supplement curriculum materials with Church magazines, particularly the general conference issues of the Ensign and Liahona.
тун удахгүй мөхөх болно.LDS LDS
Not long afterwards, Brother Alip unexpectedly received an offer to supplement his income by delivering papers for a local business.
Тэгвэл агаараар дамждаг вирусыг авч үзье л дээ.LDS LDS
It will also include financial support such as microloans for new and existing microenterprises, supplemented by interest rate relief for the most vulnerable beneficiaries.
замдаа хүчиндүүлдэг тухай сэтгэл өвтгөм түүх ярьснаа
Here are some details to supplement your study of this remarkable story.
зөв газарт нь хүмүүсийн амийг аврахLDS LDS
59 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.