television oor Mongools


/ˈtɛlɪˌvɪʒən/, /ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(uncountable) An electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of real-time visual images, and often sound.

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device for receiving television signals


device for receiving television signals




telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images

зурагт радио

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television receiver
зурагт · телевизор
interactive television
Интерактив телевиз
satellite television
Сансрын телевиз
television channel
телевизийн суваг
television set
Зурагт · зурагт · зурагт радио · телевизор
cable television
Кабелийн телевиз · кабелийн телевиз


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Ask your children about the benefits and the dangers of the Internet, video games, and television.
Миний хувьд ч бодол маань өөрчлөгдсөн.LDS LDS
Feasting on the word of God each day is more important than sleep, school, work, television shows, video games, or social media.
Паркинсоны өвчтэй, над шиг салгалдаг нэгэн залуудLDS LDS
Similarly, we won’t be able to get our testimonies in shape by simply watching general conference on television.
төсөвлөхөө үргэлжлүүл гэхийн тулд биLDS LDS
With Angela in 1975, before a television interview
улс тѳрийн асуудлуудыг давж гарч болно гэж ойлгосон юм.jw2019 jw2019
(For example, consider your promise to “stand as witnesses of God at all times” as it relates to the way you interact with others, including how you treat family members, the things you discuss with friends and acquaintances, the language you use, the kinds of movies or television shows you watch, the music you listen to, social and dating relationships, and how you respond to those who criticize your beliefs.)
Тэгэхээр химийн өнцгөөс харахад,LDS LDS
The sessions of this weekend are being broadcast via television, radio, cable, satellite transmission, and the Internet, including on mobile devices.
Зөв хариулт нь ШведүүдийнLDS LDS
Unknown to Bill, Harold had seen a television news item featuring the Witnesses working together to build a new Kingdom Hall in a very short time.
Тэгээд компаниуд өөр хаа нэгтэйгээс тэрхүү чадамжыг эрэлхийлнэ.jw2019 jw2019
(Ephesians 5:3, 4) And what about the violence that may be available on television or in video games?
бүтээсэн зүйлийг нь бид нүднийх нь өмнө сүйтгэх болно.jw2019 jw2019
With no television in the home, family members had more time for each other and more time to pursue interests, develop talents, and engage in sports and other activities as a family.
"Саад тотгорыг даван туулах" гэсэн үгэнд оруулах далд утга ньLDS LDS
Instead of breathing a sigh of relief when church is over and frantically running in search of a television before the football game begins, let our focus remain on the Savior and upon His holy day.
Видеонд харж байгаа зүйлээ үгүйсгэж чадахгүй бөгөөдLDS LDS
With tens of thousands of customers now demanding solar home systems, the sales and service centers are seeing an increase in their sales of radios, televisions, kettles and other small appliances that newly-electrified households want to buy as well.
гэвч тэд энэ биегүй, бүтээлч мөн чанарыг авъяас билэг гэдэг байж
11 To avoid sexual immorality, we might do well to ask ourselves, ‘Do I allow my eyes to arouse in me an appetite for immoral material readily found in books, on television, or on the Internet?’
хэтэрхий халуун ч биш, бас хүйтэн ч бишjw2019 jw2019
Starving, hollow-eyed children and uprooted refugees on the run vie for our attention on the television screen.
Бид энд зөвхөн цөөнхийг ярьж байна. Гэхдээ тэднийг шүүн таслах хэрэгтэй.jw2019 jw2019
9 Many films, websites, television shows, video games, and songs are immoral, violent, or demonic.
хүйсийн тэгш эрх, эрчим хүч, санхүү гээд лjw2019 jw2019
Four television programs, 70 hours of TV --
Тэр бас олон хэсгээс бүрдсэн, олон утас холбох шаардлагатай байлаа.ted2019 ted2019
That was before the days of television (this is ancient history), so I only had pictures from newspapers to use to copy his swing.
Энэ нь бидний орчин тойронд чухал юм.LDS LDS
Хэдхэн сарын дотор маш том болж өргөжсөн.ted2019 ted2019
“What we watch on television can affect our thoughts, even if it isn’t a bad program.
Ерөнхийдөө, бидний бүх эд эс өдрийн турш элэгдээд,LDS LDS
“My children and I were watching a television broadcast of general conference, and you were speaking about prayer.
Тэдэнд хичээл заа гэж мөнгө төлдөг.LDS LDS
These voices belong to those who disregard gospel truth and who use the internet, social and print media, radio, television, and movies to present in an enticing way immorality, violence, ugly language, filth, and sleaze in a way that distracts us from our goals and the plans we have for eternity.
Надад хамгийн хялбар байхаар.LDS LDS
One way a person could wander into the foolish course of the “young man in want of heart” is by aimlessly flipping through television channels or surfing the Internet.
Хэрвээ гэрийн даалгавраа хийх гэж байхдаа, (Инээд)jw2019 jw2019
“When we came home from school the next Monday, we found the television set in the middle of the floor with a huge crack through the thick glass screen.
Би сэтгүүлч шиг хөлөө ачиж байна уу?” гэж бодов.LDS LDS
(Psalm 94:20) For example, how should we feel when newspaper, radio, or television reports about Jehovah’s Witnesses are distortions or outright falsehoods?
Энэ чинь зэвүүцмээр хэрэг.jw2019 jw2019
For example, movies, styles, fads, television programs, advertisements, or music lyrics provide ample opportunity to talk about moral standards.
Энэ бодит амьдрал дээр юу гэсэн үг вэ?LDS LDS
In addition, wicked spirits capitalize on the sinful bent of humans by promoting literature, movies, and television programs that feature immoral and unnatural sexual behavior.
оролцуулна гэж шийдсэн.jw2019 jw2019
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