terrorist oor Mongools


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A person, group, or organization that uses violent action, or the threat of violent action, to further political goals; frequently in an attempt to coerce either a more powerful opponent, (such as a citizen or group targeting a government), or conversely, a weaker opponent, (such as a government, or even an internal citizen or group, being targeted by a larger government).

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person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle

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Our oldest son and his wife were expecting their first child and lived three blocks from the World Trade Center in New York City when the first plane, hijacked by terrorists, crashed into the North Tower.
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So as soon as I see a question about things I'm afraid of, which might be earthquakes, other religions, maybe I'm afraid of terrorists or sharks, anything that makes me feel, assume you're going to exaggerate the problem.
Энэ өрөөнд байгаа уг салбарын нэг агуу хүнted2019 ted2019
He does not prevent all disasters, but He does answer our prayers to turn them aside, as He did with the uniquely powerful cyclone that threatened to prevent the dedication of the temple in Fiji;6 or He does blunt their effects, as He did with the terrorist bombing that took so many lives in the Brussels airport but only injured our four missionaries.
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Last March 22nd, a terrorist detonated a suicide bomb in the Brussels, Belgium, airport.
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Do terrorists have some of that?
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17 Another of the thousands of mourning ones comforted by Jehovah’s Witnesses in the days following the terrorist attacks was a lady whom the Witnesses met while they were visiting their neighbors.
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They were made in the 1980's, they're like baseball cards of terrorists.
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Observers say mankind could easily be annihilated by a war that a terrorist initiates.
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8 For example, in the wake of last year’s terrorist attack in New York City, one Christian sister was sharing Psalm 46:1, 11 with the people she met in her ministry.
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Kennedy, and the terrorist attacks on 9/11 are examples of shocking events where people can remember exactly where they were and how they felt when they heard the news.
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The plane that crashed into the Pentagon near where we are tonight, Washington D.C., was also a terrorist suicide mission with similar devastating results.
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Those who are willing to die for their belief, especially religious belief, often come under suspicion of being terrorists or at least of being a menace to society.
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After a terrorist attack in one country, many were left in a state of shock.
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3 In recent years, there have been several horrendous cases of mass suicides, murders, and terrorist attacks involving esoteric sects.
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McVeigh and Nichols, and the Oklahoma City attack in the 1990s was a good example of homegrown terrorists.
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14 A Witness who is a full-time evangelizer approached a lady on the sidewalk and asked what she thought about the recent terrorist attacks.
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They would bring prosperity, security, overcome sectarian violence, ensure that states would never again harbor terrorists.
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Since 1914 life has been marred by wars between nations and between ethnic groups, often as a result of political interference by clergymen and now by widespread terrorist attacks.
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Her tail terminates in a cycloptic eyeball, made out of 1986 terrorist cards.
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Hadiza is a Chibok girl, and on April 14, 2014, she was kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists.
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We recoil in horror when we hear of youngsters gunning down fellow students at school, of parents abusing their children, of terrorists killing or maiming innocent victims, and of so-called natural disasters playing havoc with human lives and property.
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Anybody who dismisses the thought of a nuclear weapon being used by a terrorist is kidding themselves.
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As conflicts between nations escalate, as cowardly terrorists prey on the innocent, and as corruption in everything from business to government becomes increasingly commonplace, what can help us?
Тэд өөрсдийн цэргийн хуаран, эмнэлгээ барих болно.LDS LDS
Laws can prohibit behavior that is generally recognized as wrong or unacceptable, like sexual exploitation, violence, or terrorist behavior, even when done by extremists in the name of religion.
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