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/taɪə(ɹ)/ naamwoord
(Australian, Irish, New Zealand, UK) The ring-shaped protective covering around a wheel which is usually made of rubber or plastic composite and is either pneumatic or solid.

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/ˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ eienaam, naamwoord
An ancient sea port and city state of Phoenecia, in the present day Lebanon.

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How was the prophecy against the city of Tyre fulfilled?
шинэ нарны аймгуудыг, мэдээжjw2019 jw2019
Explain that after the Savior left Tyre and Sidon, He traveled to the east side of the Sea of Galilee, to the region of Decapolis.
мөнгөгүй, тэгээд хэдэн өдрийн турш гудамжаар холхин ядарчLDS LDS
By the time Psalm 83 was composed, the inhabitants of Tyre had turned against Israel and had sided with its enemies.
Яагаад гэвэл 4 настай хүүхдүүд спорт тоглож чадахгүй.jw2019 jw2019
Siege of Tyre
Гэвч, хаанаас?jw2019 jw2019
8:23) At Psalm 45:12, these symbolic “ten men” are spoken of as “the daughter of Tyre” and “the wealthiest of men.”
хэрэггүй зүйлд зарцуулж эхэлсэн бэ?" гэж асуухадjw2019 jw2019
Sometime after 607 B.C.E., who destroyed the mainland city of Tyre?
хүмүүсийн дунд орж бид тэднийг дэмжихийг хүсч байна.jw2019 jw2019
10 Jehovah inspired his prophet Ezekiel to expose and condemn Tyre’s dynasty of kings.
Гэхдээ надаас гадна дэлхий ертөнцjw2019 jw2019
Explain that as Jesus traveled from Galilee to the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, He met a Canaanite woman.
Цаасыг хураан авч буй хянагч нарLDS LDS
In 332 B.C.E., who used the ruins of the mainland city to build a causeway and destroyed the island city of Tyre?
чаддаггүй хүн бас байдаг гэдгийг мэддэг.jw2019 jw2019
It is no surprise that Jehovah was going to bring calamity upon Syria, Philistia, and Tyre.
онолуудын нөлөөн дор хүн гээч амьтан өөрчлөгдөж байдаг.jw2019 jw2019
When Paul stopped in a city called Tyre, some disciples—evidently concerned for Paul’s safety—advised Paul not to go to Jerusalem (see Acts 21:4).
хүүхдэд нь дамжих магадлалтай гэдгийг бид мэднэ.LDS LDS
(Ezekiel 28:13-17) Yes, haughtiness moved Tyre’s kings to violence against Jehovah’s people.
Энэ бол оюун санааны байдал. Энэ бол үйл ажиллагаа.jw2019 jw2019
9 In contrast with the haughty rulers of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon, the king of Tyre at one time proved helpful to God’s people.
Тэгвэл одоо Курдистаныг далайд гарцгүй санах ёстой.jw2019 jw2019
How did the kings of Tyre prove to be traitors?
Би станцын реакторт юу болж байгаа,jw2019 jw2019
10 In the first century C.E., tensions arose between proud King Herod Agrippa of Judea and the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon, who sought peace with him.
Бидний хэл яриа сэтгэхүйд, ертөнцийг харах үзэл,jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 23:8, 9) Tyre’s kings came to think too much of themselves, and they began to oppress God’s people.
Ноднин, их хэмжээгээр стрессдсэн хүмүүстjw2019 jw2019
Ask them to locate the cities of Tyre and Sidon on the map.
Энэ л намайг тэд "Жинхэнэ сэтгэгч" байж чадна гэдэгт эргэлзүүлсэн юм.LDS LDS
Eze 26:4, 12 —Ezekiel foretold that the walls, houses, and soil of Tyre would be thrown into the water (it-1 70)
Ноднин, их хэмжээгээр стрессдсэн хүмүүстjw2019 jw2019
What about Philistia and Tyre?
зургийг нь харсан тэр мөчийг тайлбарласан.jw2019 jw2019
Invite students to locate the cities of Tyre and Sidon and the Sea of Galilee on Bible Maps, no. 11, “The Holy Land in New Testament Times.”
Энэ нь өртөг их шаардах баLDS LDS
“A Prophecy Against Tyre Strengthens Confidence in Jehovah’s Word”: (10 min.)
Хүмүүс гурван доллар өгцгөөж байна.jw2019 jw2019
Why was God going to bring calamity upon Syria, Philistia, and Tyre?
Яагаад гэвэл би үнэнийг олж мэдсэн юм.jw2019 jw2019
The costly siege of Tyre lasted 13 years
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10, 11. (a) Who might be compared to the kings of Tyre?
зургийг нь харсан тэр мөчийг тайлбарласан.jw2019 jw2019
16 Later, political tensions developed between King Herod Agrippa of Judea and the people of Tyre and Sidon.
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31 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.