union oor Mongools


/ˈjuːnjən/, /ˈjuːniən/ werkwoord, naamwoord, adjektief
The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or joined; junction; coalition; combination.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


the act of uniting or the state of being united

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


naamwoord, adjektief, eienaam
A nickname for the 0-10-2 train configuration derived from the name of the only U.S. company to use that configuration.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools

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soviet union
зөвлөлт холбоот улс
Soviet Union
Зөвлөлт Холбоот · Зөвлөлт Холбоот Улс
European Union
Jewropyn Cholboo · Европын Холбоо
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
Zövlölt Sotsialist Bügd Najramdah Holboot Uls
trade union
үйлдвэрчний эвлэл
european union
европын холбоо
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Зөвлөлт Социалист Бүгд Найрамдах Холбоот Улс · Зөвлөлт Холбоот Улс
Soviet Union
Зөвлөлт Холбоот · Зөвлөлт Холбоот Улс
European Union
Jewropyn Cholboo · Европын Холбоо


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
President Joseph Fielding Smith declared, “It is not the question of baptism for the dead alone, but also the sealing of parents and children to parents, so that there should be a ‘whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys and powers and glories,’ from the beginning down to the end of time.
манай зөвхөн эмэгтэйчүүд авах дүрмийг хууль бус болгосон.LDS LDS
6 The apostle John wrote: “God is light and there is no darkness at all in union with him.”
Хүмүүс 15 цент хүртэл ажилласан.jw2019 jw2019
* (1 John 2:24; 3:24) Hence, by keeping Christ’s commandments, his followers remain in union with him, and that unity, in turn, enables them to bear fruit.
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Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remains in the vine, in the same way neither can you, unless you remain in union with me.
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That soulful union represents just how united a husband and wife are in all areas of their lives.
танд аврагдахын тулд хийж болох олон зүйл байна.LDS LDS
He raised us up together and seated us together in the heavenly places in union with Christ Jesus. —Eph.
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4 Prior to the man’s interruption, Jesus was speaking to his disciples and others about being on guard against hypocrisy, about having the courage to confess union with the Son of man, and about receiving help from the holy spirit.
Энэ заавал ийм байх албагүй.jw2019 jw2019
Love is the strongest bond of union and the strongest motivation for doing what is right. —1 Corinthians 13:8, 13; Colossians 3:14.
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I will strive to remain worthy of the blessing of our eternal union.
Хэрэв та дэлхийн хоёрдугаар дайныг санах аваасLDS LDS
23 Moreover, many were deeply impressed with the importance of remaining in union with Christ and adopting the spirit he showed.
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11 Such unity is based on love, the “perfect bond of union.”
Хятад бүс нутгийнхаа эдийн засгийн гол тулгуур орон болж байна.jw2019 jw2019
SLP II is supported by the World Bank, European Union and Japanese Government and aims to enhance livelihood security and sustainability of communities throughout Mongolia.
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But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.” —Colossians 3:13, 14.
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Parents and children who worship together are likely to become united in love, the “perfect bond of union.” —Col.
Тиймээс би сэтгэл шулуудсан,jw2019 jw2019
6:29) When fertilization involving eggs or sperm (or both) from someone not within the marital union occurs, this amounts to what the Bible terms por·neiʹa, sexual immorality.
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“It took time,” says Jodi, “but Steve and I worked together as a team to build a solid union.
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We sent economists in the Soviet Union with privatization plans when it broke up, and what they really lacked was social trust.
Тиймээс тэр ертѳнц бидэнд үгүйлэгдэхгүй.ted2019 ted2019
It begins with the union of two reproductive cells—one from the mother and one from the father.
тэд яг л энэ туршилтад оролцсон мэт мэдрэмж төрсөн гэж байлаа.LDS LDS
The standard set in that Edenic marriage was monogamy, “the two” being joined together in a lasting union.
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The congregation would view them as having gone on record before God and man to be faithful to each other so that their union could be treated as if validated by civil authorities.
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4:3-6) The Bible encourages us to “clothe [ourselves] with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.” —Col.
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First John 2:6 states: “He that says he remains in union with [God] is under obligation himself also to go on walking just as that one [Christ] walked.”
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4:9) Indeed, a husband and wife must work hard in order to obtain “a good reward” in the form of a loving and lasting union that has God’s blessing.
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But the Witnesses were still under ban in the huge Soviet Union and in its allied nations in the Warsaw Pact.
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For example, one of our brothers in the former Soviet Union was sentenced to 23 years in prison because of his faith.
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150 sinne gevind in 36 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.