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One who uses or makes use of something, a consumer.

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person who uses a computer

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Хэрэглэгчийн интерфейс
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Many videos, songs, and other audio and visual materials have use restrictions by virtue of copyright laws or user agreements.
5 дахин илүү үнэ хэлж байсан.LDS LDS
The Gospel Library application allows users to bookmark, highlight, and make notes as they read from the scriptures, general conference talks, and Sunday manuals.
Өнөөдөр хүн бүр Казахстаныг геополитикийнLDS LDS
If a wheelchair user can't play Beyoncé, then Beyoncé can't play a wheelchair user.
Тийм болохоор би байгалийн хийнээс давуу болно гэсэн итгэлтэй байна.ted2019 ted2019
Users often hide their use or at least minimize their use from everyone, including their romantic partners and spouses.
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When a Facebook user joins and participates in a group, his or her friends are notified.
Ерөнхий төвтэй, хэмжигч бүтцийн багц баLDS LDS
And instead of looking at this, I would like to end up by showing the internet users per 1,000.
зууханд хийгээд л бялуу бэлэн.ted2019 ted2019
The report makes a number of suggestions to boost financial knowledge and to pave the road to better financial decision-making of potential users of savings and investment products.
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Before September 2007, only the English language scriptures were available to MP3 users.
Хэн ч бидэнтэй хамтрахыг хүсээгүй.LDS LDS
The number of Internet users are going up like this.
аялахдаа - буудлын өрөөнд,QED QED
It is a manual for human life that God, the manufacturer, as it were, has made available to us, the users.
Дээр нь давирхай асгатал, зөгий наалдчихсан.jw2019 jw2019
“Financial stability in the country depends on a number of aspects, and financial literacy of users of financial products and services plays a very important role,” said Marius Vismantas, Financial Sector Program Coordinator for the World Bank in Mongolia.
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But there is good evidence that Firefox and Chrome users significantly outperform Internet Explorer and Safari users.
Чиний дэргэд би үнэхээр хайрцагнаас гадуур сэтгэж сурах хэрэгтэй болж,ted2019 ted2019
Some marriages may fail when the pornography user refuses to make progress.
яагаад ийм орхигдмол вэ гэвэлLDS LDS
These problem statements were surfaced during meetings with “problem owners” (such as government practitioners and non-governmental organizations), deconstructed into user stories to help innovators address them, and shared online in categories such as water, energy, transport and air quality.
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* Make procurement data and associated contract information available and user friendly for citizens and key stakeholders, such as media and academic institutions.
Төрөлх газар, өвчин 2 маань
A user of a work should assume that it is protected by copyright.
Тиймээс өнөөдөр энэ өнгөцхөн ойлголт,LDS LDS
* Statistical data user satisfaction rate jumped from 47% at the start of project implementation to 71%, as documented by the final user satisfaction survey, conducted in October 2014.
Мөн хамгийн гол нь эдгээр тайлбарууд нь олон янз бѳгѳѳд
Chain mail consists of dozens of tiny pieces of steel fastened together to allow the user greater flexibility without losing protection.
Үлгэр дууриалал үнэхээр чухал,LDS LDS
Let's look at some of the maps being created by users right now.
хил хязгаарын шугамыг даван, дэд бүтэц хөгжижted2019 ted2019
At, all items in the Gospel Library section feature a “Share” tool, which allows users to easily share links to Church magazines articles, general conference talks, and lesson manuals on various social media sites.
Бид дахин өсөхгүй. Яагаад?LDS LDS
These audio files will provide the scriptures to a growing population of audio users worldwide.
Өнөөдөр дэлхий дээр 200 гаруй улс оршин тогтнож байна.LDS LDS
But one user alone can never make sense of such a vast amount of information.
Энэ нь Европыг Оросоос эрчим хүчний хувьд хамааралтай байдлыгted2019 ted2019
Chain mail consists of dozens of tiny pieces of steel fastened together to allow the user greater flexibility without losing protection.
Та бүхэн дурын газраас худалдан авч болно.LDS LDS
* Consider referring the spouse of the pornography user to professional help or counseling.
Би бүх хариуцлагыг өөрөө хүлээнэ. Намайг алсан ч хамаагүй.LDS LDS
Using a work in any of these ways without authorization from the copyright owner is contrary to Church policy and may also subject the Church or the user to legal liability.
аав минь биднийг тойруулан суугаадLDS LDS
52 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.