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How long does it usually take for us to forgive each other?
Ингээд насанд хүрэгчид болон сурагчдыгjw2019 jw2019
These meetings are usually held in private homes or at other convenient places.
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Explain that to be “in the spirit” (verse 2) means to be enveloped by the Spirit in a revelatory state or vision, and explain that the “jasper” stone in verse 3 may indicate a colored stone or a diamond and that a “sardine stone” (verse 3) is a precious stone that is usually red or reddish orange.
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Grisha usually repaired his car in this place.
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Explain that tithing is one-tenth of what we earn and is usually paid with money, but there have been times when people paid with whatever they had.
Иймд бодол санаа бидний ямар хүн болохыг тодорхойлоход чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг.LDS LDS
Lap dancing is defined as “an activity in which a usually seminude performer sits and gyrates on the lap of a customer.”
Хэрвээ би охинтой болволjw2019 jw2019
(3) If no one usually meets for field service on the days that we share in the ministry, how can we encourage others in the congregation to join us?
сайн зохиомжтой мөчүүд бренд бий болгодог.jw2019 jw2019
Church buildings are usually supplied with an organ, pianos, or electronic music keyboards.
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Many people believe that one race (usually their own) is superior to others.
За. Тэгвэл бид хаана байна вэ?jw2019 jw2019
Wolves usually don't attack people.
Тэд манай ертөнцийн, энэ гараг дээрх амьдралын түүхийг өгүүлдэг.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As we rest from our usual daily activities, our minds are freed to ponder spiritual matters.
Тэнгэрт бидэнд нар гэдэг хайлшийн аварга том эх үүсвэр байна.LDS LDS
They usually chose the fruit that was “picked fresh this morning.”
ТП: Тийм ээ, би тэгш бус байдлыгLDS LDS
3 One of the psalmists —likely a prince of Judah and a future king— expressed a feeling that is not usually associated with law.
КА: Ямар ч байсан их үнэтэй.jw2019 jw2019
The characters of the well-worn plot have usually earned celebrity and prominence through extraordinary talent as actors, athletes, politicians, or business leaders.
Би тэдэнд "Манай гэрт ямар байсныг би мэдэж байна.LDS LDS
When I looked at the birth dates and death dates on the headstone connected by the usual insignificant little dash, this small symbol of a lifespan suddenly filled my mind and heart with an abundance of rich memories.
бүр 360 градусын харах орчинтой болох эсвэл хэт ягаан, улаан туяаг хардаг болох.LDS LDS
Usually, unless time is limited, all students who desire to make a comment should have an opportunity to speak.
КА: Энэ маш сайхан боловч үнэтэй машин.LDS LDS
When we are learning in school, we usually have classmates around us.
Гэхдээ тэр үед хавдрын эсрэг дайны талбартLDS LDS
God “rewards those who earnestly seek him,”12 but that reward is not usually behind the first door.
1960 онд буцаад очъё.LDS LDS
Mount Carmel is usually lush and green, as moisture-laden winds from the sea rise along its slopes, frequently depositing rains and plentiful dew.
өдөрт мянга мянган удаа тохиолддог.jw2019 jw2019
A few days later at about 10:00 a.m., I wondered where Cyrus was because he usually came home between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.
(Аудио) НР: Бид түүх зохиож, үүндээ итгэдэг.LDS LDS
Colored T-shirts or pullover reversible shirts are usually sufficient.
Жишээ нь манай аав химийн инженер хүн л дээ,LDS LDS
They can cover a wide range of subjects, but they usually have a few things in common: (1) they’re not superficial or merely factual (though they can be a follow-up to factual questions), (2) they have some connection to our everyday lives, and (3) they challenge us to give more than just a preprogrammed response.
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The parents of a 15-year-old in South Africa said: “The first thing that our daughter usually reads in Awake!
Харанхуйд хөөцөлдөж, гүйж болохгүй.jw2019 jw2019
Material and construction: Stones, usually, with thorny brush often placed into the top of the walls.
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While the Church provides mission presidents with a minimal living allowance, the couples usually have the financial means to supplement that allowance with their own funds.
Би заримдаа маш ихийг, заримдаа цөөхөнг олж хардаг чLDS LDS
201 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.