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/ˈju.tɑ/ eienaam, naamwoord
A state of the United States of America. Capital: Salt Lake City.

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Initialism of [i]uniform theta-role assignment hypothesis[/i].

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She went with her family to the open house of the Brigham City Temple in Utah.
Үүлс салхинд туугдан, 25-30км зайг бүрхнэ.LDS LDS
The authors live in Utah, USA.
Би харин тэдэнд: "Би маш их хөрөнгийгLDS LDS
Most of the converts, however, soon traveled to Utah.
Эсвэл манай тосгонд 8 цагийн турш тог тасарч,LDS LDS
CES Devotional for Young Adults • November 2, 2014 • Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah
Жонатан маань яриаг шууд ойлгох хэмжээнд хүрнэ хэмээн найдаж байгаа.LDS LDS
But because I had family in Utah, I decided to save money so I could visit and do baptisms for the dead in the Salt Lake Temple.
Хийгээр дүүргэсэн канистр түшиж хөвж байгаа тэр эрLDS LDS
The Frankfurt and Freiberg Germany Temples closed for renovation last year, and the Jordan River Utah Temple will be closed for renovation beginning in February 2016.
Шинжлэх ухаанд бидний буцаахыг хүсдэг зүйлсLDS LDS
When my father was a boy, he lived in a small town in central Utah near Utah Lake.
...Та надад энийг хийх тусгай цаг өгнө үү" гэж болохгүй.LDS LDS
Amy S., age 19, Utah, USA
Хамгийн цочирдмоор зүйл ньLDS LDS
Since then my family and I have discovered the joys of life in Utah—the Church history sites, hiking in the mountains, barbecues in the backyard as the sun sets, relishing hamburgers of all kinds (the best and the worst!), Cougar football games ... or the Utes.
"Хувирдаг" гэж хэлснийг анзаарав уу?LDS LDS
He settled in Alpine, Utah, about 22 miles (35 kilometers) from the Salt Lake Temple.
К.А.: Чи одоо Балочистанд хэр их цагийг өнгөрөөж байна вэ?LDS LDS
When we got to Utah, it was night, and the first thing we did was go to see the temple.
Үүнд иргэдийн оролцоо маш чухал.LDS LDS
I was still a deacon when our family moved to a large ward in Utah.
Энэ үйл явцад ямар шинэлэг зүйл байгаа вэ?LDS LDS
I am grateful for the many Sundays I taught a deacons quorum in Bountiful, Utah, as well as a Sunday School class in Idaho.
Гэтэл би бүр сүүлд лLDS LDS
During this conflict—later called the Utah War—the United States troops and Utah militiamen engaged in acts of aggression but never in battle.
Токиогын Эрчим Хүчний Компаниас хийж байсанLDS LDS
One woman, Hannah Last Cornaby, settled in Spanish Fork, Utah.
Доа хүүг аваад ээж нь живэхэдLDS LDS
In the area of New Harmony, Utah, fires consumed more than 10,000 acres (4,000 ha) and several buildings.
Бүхий л салбарын тухай баримт, мэдээ,LDS LDS
In 1986, after Sister Renlund graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law and Elder Renlund completed his three-year internal medicine residency program and three-year cardiology fellowship, they returned to Utah.
Бидний судалгаанаас үзэхэдLDS LDS
Hal dutifully majored in physics at the University of Utah, but one day when he asked his father for help with a complex mathematical problem, it became apparent to Henry that Hal did not share his passion.
түүхийг та сонссон байх.LDS LDS
A few years ago a young friend of mine—a returned missionary—was on one of the college basketball teams in Utah.
шинэ бий болсон улс орнуудын нэрийг тогтоох гэх зэргээс айж байна.LDS LDS
They said yes again when their stake president called them to fulfill a service mission at Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, working with computers and human resources.
Тэр чөлөөтэй, бие даасан хувь хүн байхаа болино.LDS LDS
Growing Tension Led to the Utah War
Эдгээрийг нээн илрүүлнэ гэдэгLDS LDS
From an address delivered in Ogden, Utah, on July 15, 2012.
урт удаан иргэний дайны уршигаар.LDS LDS
He always spoke of that choice to move to Utah as his own, never as a sacrifice of his professional career.
Бидэнд яагаад хүүхдүүдийг аварч чадахгүй байгаагLDS LDS
A family in Ogden, Utah, had paid for Ida’s passage to America.
30 жилийн өмнө намайг ахлах сургуулиа төгсөж байхадLDS LDS
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