utensil oor Mongools


/juˈtɛn.səl/, /juˈtɛnsəl/ naamwoord
An instrument or device for domestic use, in the kitchen, or in war.

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I was barred from entering into my own kitchen and my own dining room, my utensils were separated.
олон зүйлийг сургамжилж байна.ted2019 ted2019
And now France has become the first country to completely ban all plastic utensils, cups and plates.
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“Keep yourselves clean, you who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah.” —Isaiah 52:11
3 км зайд байгаа хүнд үхэхjw2019 jw2019
Isaiah warns: “Turn away, turn away, get out of there, touch nothing unclean; get out from the midst of her [Babylon], keep yourselves clean, you who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah.”
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For example, we had to learn to use appliances and utensils that were unfamiliar to us.
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Paul’s metaphor compares the Christian congregation to “a large house” and individual members of the congregation to “utensils,” or household implements.
За одоо үүнийгээ Хятад хэлээр хэлээд үзвэлjw2019 jw2019
And in fact, many cities across the US have even passed ordinances that simply ban the production of many products containing polystyrene, which includes disposable utensils, packing peanuts, takeout containers and even plastic beach toys, all products that are very useful in today's society.
Энэ таны бодолтой хэр ойролцоо байгааг харж болно.ted2019 ted2019
The utensils in Jehovah’s temple were dedicated, or set aside, exclusively for pure worship.
мөнгөгүй, тэгээд хэдэн өдрийн турш гудамжаар холхин ядарчjw2019 jw2019
They brought new utensils.
Тэр таталцлын хүчээс бага шатлалуудаар явдаг.ted2019 ted2019
7 Let each company, with their captains and presidents, decide how many can go next spring; then choose out a sufficient number of able-bodied and expert men, to take teams, seeds, and farming utensils, to go as pioneers to prepare for putting in spring crops.
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As a result, work on the temple and temple utensils was quickly completed. —2 Chronicles 24:4, 6, 13, 14; Deuteronomy 17:18.
Нэгэн кэйс судалгаа 1960-аад оны Их Британийjw2019 jw2019
He starts ‘to throw out those selling and buying in the temple, and he overturns the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves; and he does not let anyone carry a utensil through the temple.’
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Provide paper and writing utensils for family members, and have them draw a bridge.
Би ихэнх эрдэмтэд түүхч гэдгийг ойлгосон.LDS LDS
One source says that each cause for impurity would be subjected “to questioning concerning the circumstances in which it may be contracted, how and to what extent it may be transmitted to others, the utensils and objects capable and incapable of becoming unclean, and finally, the means and rituals required for purification.”
шилдэг багийг үүсгэсэн байдаг.jw2019 jw2019
Mom explained that we were having a pie-eating contest, but we could not use utensils or our hands.
өөрсдийн хөтөлбөрт уг номыг багтаан,LDS LDS
Three men in the area generously brought beds, various food items, and needed utensils.
Уоррен Бергэр хэлэхдээ: "Загварчлан сэтгэх нь бидэндjw2019 jw2019
Some also carried the furniture and utensils of the tabernacle when these had to be transported.
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17 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.