weld oor Mongools


/wɛld/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A herb (Reseda luteola) related to mignonette, growing in Europe, and to some extent in America, used to make a yellow dye; dyer's broom; dyer's rocket; dyer's weed; wild woad.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools


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eienaam, naamwoord
A surname possibly deriving from the Old English word for woodland. The family is mainly located in the Southern regions of England.

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welding machine
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President Joseph Fielding Smith declared, “It is not the question of baptism for the dead alone, but also the sealing of parents and children to parents, so that there should be a ‘whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys and powers and glories,’ from the beginning down to the end of time.
Ялангуяа тэрбумтнууд, хөрөнгө оруулалтын том сангуудадLDS LDS
“Simply because if there is not a welding link between the fathers and the children—which is the work for the dead—then we [would] all stand rejected; the whole work of God [would] fail and be utterly wasted.
удирдаж байгаагаа мэддэггүй.LDS LDS
Translation of “A Welding Link.”
Энэ үнэхээр давгүй байсан шүү.LDS LDS
Becoming a welding link begins with you by having the courage and faith in the Savior to turn right, just like Brother Antwi.
Мөн веб дээр үсэг нь хэт жижиг байвалLDS LDS
It is a welding link back to my ancestors and blesses them as I do their temple work.
Тавилгаа толгойдоо суулгаж өгөөд өөрийгөө сатааруул.LDS LDS
The living Twelve are welded together in the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Эдгээр түүхүүд нь охидын сониуч занг хөтлөн,LDS LDS
D&C 128:16–18 (Ordinances for the dead create a welding link between generations)
Тэгэхээр сайн мэдээ гэвэл урам зоригийг сэргээх ньLDS LDS
Becoming a welding link begins with you by trusting the Holy Ghost to teach you all things and illuminate your pathway, even when you do not know precisely beforehand where you should go and what you should do.
(Аудио) НР: Юу вэ? Энэ үнэн бол гайхалтай биш гэж үү?LDS LDS
A Welding Link
Би аавыгаа, өвөөгөө, эмээгээ эсвэл ахыгаа ярилцлаганд урьсан ч болоосой.LDS LDS
How is friendship like welding iron to iron?
Харин зарим хүмүүс алдаа дутагдал,LDS LDS
Sophie Hawley-Weld: OK, you don't have to stand up, but ... we can see you really clearly --
Өдөртөө нар маш халуунаар шарж,ted2019 ted2019
The “welding together”19 of our families across generations can occur only in the temples through the sealing ordinances.
тэгээд тэнд эвдэрхий чигээрээ үүрд үлдэнэ.LDS LDS
Second question: How does the welding link safeguard the earth from being smitten with a curse?
Мөн саяхан дэлхийн хамгийн ирээдүйтэй залуу компаниар шалгарч,LDS LDS
But you may be asking yourself, “As the only member of the Church in my family and because I face strong opposition from my parents, siblings, and other family members, how can I become a strong welding link?”
бид өөрсдөдөө ач холбогдол, бахархал, сэдлийг хэрхэн бий болгож,LDS LDS
Neither can they nor we be made perfect without those who have died in the gospel also; for it is necessary in the ushering in of the dispensation of the ffulness of times, which dispensation is now beginning to usher in, that a whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys, and powers, and glories should take place, and be revealed from the days of Adam even to the present time.
24 жилийн өмнө бө одоо.LDS LDS
Elijah indeed has come as promised to confer the priesthood keys and sealing authority that turn hearts and forge welding links across the generations.
Та хэн нэгэнд сайныг хүсэж л байгаа болLDS LDS
D&C 128:16–18 (Ordinances for the dead create a welding link between generations)
бас сонгуулийн тухай мэдээнд намайг дурддаггүй байлаа.LDS LDS
On September 6, 1842, the Prophet Joseph Smith wrote the following to the Saints, later recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 128:18: “It is necessary in the ushering in of the dispensation of the fulness of times, which dispensation is now beginning to usher in, that a whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys, and powers, and glories should take place, and be revealed from the days of Adam even to the present time.
Гол нь хүмүүс хүндэтгэдэг хүнээсээ л юм сурдаг.LDS LDS
I know you will be blessed and strengthened as you strive to become a strong welding link.
Тэр багадаа төгөлдөр хуураар шаргуу хичээллэснээр гар, хурууны булчин ньLDS LDS
It is sufficient to know, in this case, that the earth will be smitten with a curse unless there is a welding link of some kind or other between the fathers and the children, upon some subject or other—and behold what is that subject?
алдартай залуу охин болсон билээ.LDS LDS
Becoming a welding link begins with you by diligently and valiantly chasing darkness from among you12 and standing strong against the seductive evils of the latter days.
хийсэн ажлаараа үнэлэгдэх явдал шалгарчээ.LDS LDS
They accept 100 people per year in welding; must pass basic math test; need 2 references
би "Жинхэнэ сэтгэгчдийн" тухай ном бичиж эхэлж байсан юм.LDS LDS
First question: What is the welding link?
Өөр нэг нь бууг булаан авч, тэд зодолдож эхлэв.LDS LDS
It is sufficient to know, in this case, that the earth will be smitten with a bcurse unless there is a welding clink of some kind or other between the fathers and the dchildren, upon some subject or other—and behold what is that subject?
Тэр өөрийн хүрч чадах бүх л сувгаар ярьж байв.LDS LDS
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