CERN oor Maltees


European Council for Nuclear Research (derived from French acronym)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Maltees


The Commission will grant CERN the right to propose candidates for membership of relevant expert and advisory bodies.
Il-Kummissjoni se tagħti lis-CERN id-dritt li tipproponi kandidati għas-sħubija ta’ korpi esperti jew konsultattivi rilevanti.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In order to increase the impact of initiatives aimed at ensuring more industrial competition and engagement, F4E has been the initiator of a forum comprising similar, first of a kind high-tech frontier projects in Europe (CERN, ESA, ESS, ESRF, ESO, etc.).
Jidher li dawk l-ispezzjonijiet fuq il-post għadhom jagħtu l-istess garanziji bħal dawk imwettqa mill-Istati Membrieurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Calls on the Commission to propose a legal framework to facilitate the creation and operation of major Community research organisations and infrastructures and to consider the involvement of existing European institutions and agreements, such as the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA), albeit that intergovernmental treaties to implement such organisations should be avoided
Jistieden lill-Kulleġġ, lill-OLAF u lill-Kummissjoni biex jinfurmaw lill-awtorità ta’ kwittanza bir-riżultati tal-investigazzjoni tal-OLAF bla dewmien hekk kif ikunu disponibblioj4 oj4
A new arrangement in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding has been accordingly drafted to cover issues such as reinforced cooperation through joint activities to consolidate and further develop ERA and implement and follow up the European Strategy for Particle Physics, as well as consultations and exchange of information on issues of mutual interest, in particular in relation to the consolidation and further development of the European Research Area and to the European Strategy for Particle Physics, including for the latter, related contacts with CERN non-Member States
Minħabba l-istat ekonomiku prekarju taoj4 oj4
It also played an active role in the updating of the European strategy for particle physics[26] led by CERN.
Kemm għandu jdum it-trattament • Keppra huwa wżat bħala trattament għal marda kronikaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The observer status granted in # to the European Communities at the CERN Council is maintained
Il-parteċipanti jistgħu jagħtu sostenn taoj4 oj4
(Attestation for members of the families of non-Swiss scientific staff of CERN)
L-attivitajiet proposti ta’ dan il-proġett ser jinvolvu lill-komunità xjentifika u teknika fl-eżami ta’ kwistjonijiet tekniċi speċifiċi u fl-iżvilupp ta’ proċessi innovattivi li jtejbu l-prestazzjoni eżistenti tas-CTBT u l-valutazzjoni tagħha, l-ewwel permezz ta’ sett ta’ workshops immirati għall-esplorazzjoni ta’ ideat ġodda, u t-tieni bl-ittestjar tat-tekniki promettenti u l-iżvilupp tagħhom fi proċessi li jistgħu jitħaddmuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The # Green Paper on new perspectives for the European Research Area (ERA), which calls for greater cooperation and strengthened partnership with intergovernmental research organisations such as CERN, notably as regards research programming, training and mobility of researchers, research infrastructures, intellectual property and international cooperation
Din id-dispożizzjoni m'għandhiex tapplika għal mekkaniżmu ta' riċirkolazzjoni tal-gass ta' l-egżost (EGR), sistema deNOx, filtru tal-partikuli jew sistema ta' filtru tal-partikuli deNOx magħqudin, u lanqas ma għandha tapplika għal komponent jew sistema li hija mmonitorjata għal ħsara funzjonali kbiraoj4 oj4
25 In the audits for the 2011, 2012 and 2013 annual reports, the Court found for the measures con‐ cerned by this audit that around a third of the rural development pro‐ jects had not been sufficiently checked for the reasonableness of costs.
Meta l-Istati Membri jadottaw dawk id-disposizzjonijiet, għandhom jikkontjenu referenza għal din id-Direttiva jew ikollhom magħhom din ir-referenza fl-okkażjoni tal-pubblikazzjoni uffiċjali tagħhomelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
— Funktionsbescheinigung für wissenschaftliches Personal des CERN nicht schweizerischer Staatsangehörigkeit/Attestation de fonctions à l'usage du personnel scientifique non suisse du CERN/Attestato di funzione ad uso del personale scientifico non svizzero del CERN (Attestation of functions for non-Swiss scientific staff at CERN)
NEFQA (Tabelli # saEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Own initiatives and scientific conferences. CERN and the development of the European fusion research institutes are examples of both the will and ability of the scientific community to seek and find international partners on their own initiative, and to obtain international funding from governments of third countries
Jinnota l-oqsma ta’ prijorità identifikati mis-servizz ta’ Verifika Interna, b’mod partikolari l-verifika tal-proċess tal-akkwisti pubbliċi, inkluż is-segwitu għal azzjonijiet mhux kompluti, il-proċess biex jiġu vverifikati l-għotjiet, u t-tlestija u r-rappurtar rigward il-verifiki tal-#; jilqa’ s-sejbiet, b’mod partikolari l-kumment li l-proċess ta’ akkwist kien tjieb b’mod konsiderevoli, u li żewġ azzjonijiet mhux konklużi mill-verifika tal-# kienu ttejbu, kif ukoll il-kumment li l-proċess biex jingħataw l-għotjiet jikkonforma mal-qafas regolatorju u mal-prinċipji tat-trasparenza u tal-ġestjoni finanzjarja tajbaoj4 oj4
Calls on the Commission to propose a legal framework to facilitate the creation and operation of major Community research organisations and infrastructures and to consider the involvement of existing European institutions and agreements, such as the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA), albeit that intergovernmental treaties to implement such organisations should be avoided;
Qabel ma ' tibda l-kura għandha tiġi eżaminata l-infertilita tal-koppja u għandha issir evalwazzjoni biex tistabbilixxi jekk hemmx xi kontra-indikazzjonijiet għat-tqalanot-set not-set
The Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research dated # July #, as revised on # January #, hereinafter referred as the Convention, and in particular Article # through which the signatories of the Convention have entrusted collaboration among European States in fundamental research in particle physics, as the branch of physics that addresses the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces that act on them, including through international cooperation, to CERN
il-ħsara, anki jekk ikollhom l-istess sintomi bħal tiegħekoj4 oj4
The case of CERN, in particular, shows how voluntary, bottom-up processes do more to accommodate the concerns at issue here than do rules imposed from above.
Tiġi żviluppata strateġija għall-ġbir ta' armi, titlesta u tiġi infurzata l-leġislazzjoni relatata ma' l-armi żgħarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The 2007 Green Paper on new perspectives for the European Research Area (ERA) (1), which calls for greater cooperation and strengthened partnership with intergovernmental research organisations such as CERN (2), notably as regards research programming, training and mobility of researchers, research infrastructures, intellectual property and international cooperation,
Il-Kummissjoni EwropeaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
President The following spoke: Luigi Berlinguer on the announcement by CERN on 4 July 2012 confirming the existence of the Higgs boson, which opened up new prospects for particle physics and European scientific research.
Poġġi l-beaker fuq ħawwada manjetika u daħħal l-elettrodi tal-miter tal-pH li jkunu ġew ikkalibrati minn qabelnot-set not-set
Reply of the Commission 47 Box 17 The weaknesses of national data collection and information management systems in the countries to which the EU provides assistance is a factor which is inherent to the developing status of the countries concerned and a permanent point of con‐ cern on all donors ’ side.
Għall-Kunsillelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
attestation for members of the families of non-Swiss scientific staff of CERN
Kimiċi ta' l-istess formula strutturali (inklużi l-idrati) huma kkontrollati rrispettivament mill-isem jew in-numru CASoj4 oj4
Other professional activities · European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN): Czech representative on the Finance Committee (1993-1996) · International Monetary Fund, short-term external expert (1995) · Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), external consultant on public expenditure management (1997-2000) · World Bank, short-term external expert (1999) IV.
Dan ma jipprekludix la r-reviżjoni ġudizzjarja u lanqas is-superviżjoni parlamentari taħt il-liġijiet kostituzzjonali tal-Istati Membrinot-set not-set
Director-General of the CERN
Referenza għall-Artikoli tar-Regolament (KE) Nru #/# u l-ispejjeż eliġibblioj4 oj4
Corrigendum to Commission Decision #/#/EC, Euratom of # June # on the conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding between the European Commission and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN
Sa mill-#, ir-regoli Komunitarji applikabbli dwar l-akkwist pubbliku (Direttiva tal-Kunsill Nru #/#/KEE tat-# ta’ Ġunju # relatata mal-koordinazzjoni ta’ proċeduri għall-għoti ta’ kuntratti tas-servizz pubbliku) jobbligaw lid-Danimarka biex toħroġ sejħa għall-offerti għall-kuntratti tas-servizz pubbliku li jipprovdu għat-trasport bil-karozzi tal-linja, ħlief jekk dawn is-servizzi jkunu pprovduti internament (in houseoj4 oj4
(4) An Observer Status was granted to the European Communities at the CERN Council by decision taken by the latter on 27/28 June 1985.
Dan ir-rekwiżit huwa kkunsidrat li jkun ġie sodisfatt jekk id-dawl mitfugħ ma jiddisturbax lis-sewwieq kemm direttament jew indirettament permezz tal-mirja ta’ viżjoni anterjuri u/jew is-superfiċi tal-vettura li jirriflettuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An example is the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics led by CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research.
Il-Kummissjoni ma tistax tapplika regoli ta’ għajnuna mill-Istat għal sitwazzjonijiet stabbiliti b’mod definit qabel l-adeżjoni, bħall-ftehim ta’ xiri tal-ishma tal-Postabank, li hu att legalment vinkolanti, għaliex dan jikser il-prinċipju tan-non-retroattivitàEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Established in 1954, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) is a research centre of excellence and the world's largest particle physics laboratory, attracting top scientists.
li tistabbilixxi mudell għal-listi ta’ entitajiet approvati mill-Istati Membri skond provvedimenti varji tal-leġislazzjoni veterinarja tal-Komunità, u r-regoli li japplikaw għat-trasmissjoni ta’ dawn il-listi lill-KummissjoniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission will grant CERN the right to propose candidates for membership of relevant expert and advisory bodies.
L-osservazzjonijiet tal-Kummissjoni, il-metodu għall-kalkolu tan-nefqa eliġibbli u l-konklużjonijiet finali ġew ikkomunikati lir-Renju Unit f’ittra bid-data tal-# ta’ OttubruEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls on the Commission to propose a legal framework to facilitate the creation and operation of major Community research organisations and infrastructures and to consider the involvement of existing European institutions and agreements, such as the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA), albeit that intergovernmental treaties to implement such organisations should be avoided;
L-ebda nefqa li tkun ikbar mill-appropjazzjonijiet awtorizzati mill-budget ma tistanot-set not-set
130 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.