Microsoft Points oor Maltees

Microsoft Points

A digital micropayment and loyalty service that enables efficient micropayments and prepaid purchase for cash based consumers (including kids/teens, as well as emerging and developing markets), and provides a mechanism to directly reward loyal customers.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Maltees

Punti ta' Microsoft

A digital micropayment and loyalty service that enables efficient micropayments and prepaid purchase for cash based consumers (including kids/teens, as well as emerging and developing markets), and provides a mechanism to directly reward loyal customers.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Microsoft points out that footnote 1317 to the contested decision states that ‘[t]he monitoring trustee should not only be reactive, but should play a proactive role in the monitoring of Microsoft’s compliance’.
L-impjegati responsabbli għal spezzjoni għandu jkollhomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
723 In that context, Microsoft points out that Sun is a United States company and that the letter of 15 September 1998 was sent from Sun’s headquarters in the United States to the United States headquarters of Microsoft, which is also a United States company.
L-analiżi ta' dawn l-ispejjeż tidher fit-tabellaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Supported by CompTIA and ACT, Microsoft points out that trade secrets may be of great value, owing mainly to the fixed development costs, irrespective of whether they are also patentable or already patented, since the undertaking concerned must be free to adopt a policy in that regard.
Pereżempju, struttura f'għamla ta' ħarem tista' tinbidel ma' l-istruttura naturali tar-razza tal-macaques hi magħmula minn ġgajta ta' ħafna rġiel u ħafna nisaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
198 Fourth, Microsoft points out that, of the 488 days covered by the periodic penalty payment, 306 were devoted to the Commission’s assessment of Microsoft’s proposals, which casts doubt on its opinion that the measures which Microsoft had to take were obvious and shows that the periodic penalty payment imposed was unfair.
Il-perjodu taż-żmien stabbilit fl-Artikolu #) tad-Deċiżjoni #/KE għandu jkun stabbilit għal # jumEurLex-2 EurLex-2
1239 As a preliminary point, Microsoft denies that its application for annulment of Article 7 of the contested decision is premature.
CPA #.#.#: Magni tal-illixxar jew magni oħrajn li jirrumblaw, barra mill-metall u l-ħġieġEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In those circumstances, it was for Microsoft to point out the specific reasons why a combination of non-innovative technologies was to be regarded as innovative, since the monitoring trustee and the Commission could not be required to speculate on the reasons underpinning Microsoft’s claim that there was innovation.
Il-ħlasijiet li għandhom jiġu imposti għal mezzi oħra għandhom jiġu deċiżi każ bEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The only examples that Microsoft provides on that point, namely the examples of the ‘Help’ system and the text-to-voice system contained in Windows, are unconvincing.
Kuttunaturi taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points out that the Microsoft monitoring mechanism is exclusively financed by the savings in salaries and pensions in Heading 5;
Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni #/KE taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In response to Microsoft’s criticisms of that point, the Commission explains that, as Novell was not a ‘UNIX vendor’, it was not interested in ‘UNIX-based implementations’ such as AS/U.
Il-preżenza ta' xerrejja b’saħħithom tista’ sservi biss biex tilqa’ sejba prima facie ta' l-eliminazzjoni tal-kompetizzjoni jekk x’aktarx ix-xerrejja in kwistjoni jwittu t-triq għal dħul ġdid effettivEurLex-2 EurLex-2
350 ACT refers to Microsoft’s arguments on this point in its written pleadings and submits that there are several methods of ensuring sufficient interoperability between the operating systems of different suppliers.
methyl benzoquate (#-benzyloxy-#-butyl-#-methoxycarbonyl-#-quinolone) purEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In that connection, it is sufficient to point out that Microsoft does not dispute the Commission’s findings at recitals 705 and 706 to the contested decision.
Poloxamer #, sukrozju, metjonina, fosfat mono-idrat tas-sodju di-idroġinat, fosfat di-idrat tad-di-sodju, m-cresol, aċidu phosphoric ikkonċentrat, sodju hydroxide w ilma għall-injezzjonijietEurLex-2 EurLex-2
126 On that last point, Microsoft observes that, at recital 669 to the contested decision, the Commission states that ‘open industry standards fall short of enabling competitors to achieve the same degree of interoperability with the Windows domain architecture as Windows work group server operating systems do’.
wara li kkunsidra l-kontijiet annwali definittivi tal-Aġenzija Ambjentali Ewropea għas-sena finanzjarjaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
998 Last, Microsoft, supported on this point by ACT, claims that the Commission’s foreclosure theory fails to take account of certain relevant factors and that it is based on predictions which are contradicted by the facts.
Jistgħu jintużaw dawn il-mezzi ta' komunikazzjoniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
93 At the informal meeting of 10 March 2006 (see paragraph 70 above), the Judge-Rapporteur drew Microsoft’s attention to the fact that in certain annexes to its pleadings it seemed to rely on arguments not expressly set out in the actual body of those pleadings and questioned Microsoft on that point.
Minn varjetà oħra ta’ ċikwejra industrijaliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
1112 Microsoft, supported on this point by Exor, submits that adding components to Windows on a piecemeal basis is likely to create conflicts between the different versions of those components, which would cause Windows or the application being installed to malfunction.
Eċċezzjonijiet gћas-subparagrafu (a)(i) ta' hawn fuqEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission refers, on that point, to a letter which Microsoft sent to it on 9 March 2004 (annex D.16 to the rejoinder).
Il-vjaġġi battala minn vetturi b’konessjoni mal-operazzjonijiet tat-trasport imsemmija fit-tielet subparagrafu tal-paragrafu #, u fl-ewwel subparagrafu tal-paragrafu #, bl-istess mod m’għandhomx bżonn tal-awtorizzazzjoniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points out that the so called Microsoft monitoring mechanism is exclusively financed by the savings in salaries and pensions in Heading 5;
Fir-rigward ta' l-għajnuniet għat-tnaqqis ta' l-ispejjeż esterni, l-ispejjeż eliġibbli huma s-sehem ta' l-ispejjeż esterni li t-trasport ferrovjarju jippermetti li jevita meta mqabbla mal-mezzikompetittivinot-set not-set
On that point, it is sufficient to state that Microsoft has put forward no argument capable of vitiating that assessment.
Il-pożizzjoni li għandha tieħu l-Komunità fir-rigward tad-deċiżjonijiet tal-Kumitat Konġunt għandha tiġi adottata mill-Kunsill, li jaġixxi b'maġġoranza kwalifikata fuq proposta mill-Kummissjoni, għal kwistjonijet marbuta mal-kontribuzzjoni finanzjarja ta' l-Isvizzera u għal derogi sostanzjali li jirrigwardaw l-estensjoni ta' l-atti tal-leġislazzjoni Komunitarja għall-IsvizzeraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
1020 In the second place, the Commission, supported on this point by SIIA, disputes Microsoft’s assertion that the analysis of foreclosure in the contested decision is contradicted by the facts.
Fit-twettiq ta’ din id-deċiżjoni, tiġi ikkunsidrata l-ħtieġa li tiġi żgurata konsistenza bejn għajnuna lill-OAU mogħtija mill-Unjoni Ewropea, l-Istati Membri u parteċipanti oħra fil-konferenzi dwar diplomazija preventiva li saru f’Washington, Brussel u MadridEurLex-2 EurLex-2
you reached one of the highest overall marks for grade SC 2 in the Microsoft Office Word skills test (see point (3) under section ‘HOW WILL I BE SELECTED?’), and
kg jew # m# Biex isaqsu għall-ħlas lura skond id-dispożizzjonijiet taEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
892 Furthermore, Microsoft, supported on this point by DMDsecure and Others and ACT, asserts that the Commission cannot rely on Tetra Pak II, paragraph 293 above, and Hilti, paragraph 859 above, to substantiate its argument that Windows and its media functionality belong to two separate product markets.
Awtorità, dmirijiet u responsabbiltajiet tal-kmandantEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission refers on that point, without being contradicted by Microsoft, to the Global Catalog-related protocols and to the synchronisation and replication protocols between domain controllers.
L-emendi jirriflettu s-sitwazzjoni fl-# ta’ SettembruEurLex-2 EurLex-2
698 Microsoft merely put forward vague, general and theoretical arguments on that point.
Il-proposta li jiġi stabbilit limitu ta' # gramma ta' emissjonijiet ta' CO# kull kilometru huwa bidu utliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
89 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.