acquiesce oor Maltees


/ˌækwiˈɛs/ werkwoord
(intransitive) To concur upon conviction; as, to acquiesce in an opinion; to assent to; usually, to concur, not heartily but so far as to forbear opposition.

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In any event, acquiescence by a trade mark proprietor in the use of a name similar or identical to his trade mark might well, depending on the circumstances, be sufficient to constitute consent within the meaning of Article 5(1), and thus remove the use from the scope of the prohibition by another route.
Sabiex tkun żgurata l-koerenza globali tal-azzjoni Komunitarja, huwa wkoll xieraq li jkun rekwiżit li fl-iżvilupp jew ir-reviżjoni tal-kriterji tal-Ekotikketta tal-UE jitqiesu l-aktar għanijiet strateġiċi reċenti tal-Komunità fil-qasam tal-ambjent, bħall-Programmi ta’ Azzjoni Ambjentali, l-Istrateġiji għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Programmi tat-Tibdil fil-KlimaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In praying ‘Let your will be done on earth,’ do we not acquiesce to what happens on earth as being God’s will?
Politika biex jitnaqqsu qabdiet sekondarji mhux mixtieqa u jiġi eliminat irrimi fis-sajd Ewropew (votazzjonijw2019 jw2019
(40) This passivity contrasts with the active conduct of another person whose behaviour is actually encouraged by the inactivity of the acquiescing party.
Għalhekk, is-sistema ta’ finanzjament tal-iskema speċjali tal-uffiċjali tal-RATP tidderoga mil-liġi ordinarja: l-RATP tiggarantixxi l-bilanċ finanzjarju tal-iskema kkonċernata, ladarba ma kellhiex il-kontribuzzjoni impjegatur mħallsa mill-RATP għall-iskema speċjaliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) it files for, consents to or acquiesces in the appointment of any trustee, administrator, receiver, liquidator or analogous officer to it or over all or any material part of its property;
titwettaq analiżi tar-riskju skond id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Kapitolu B, li tidentifika l-fatturi potenzjali kollha ta’ okkorrenza ta’ ESB u l-perspettiva storika tagħhom fil-pajjiż jew reġjunEurLex-2 EurLex-2
– The proprietor of an earlier mark does not have to have it registered before his ‘acquiescence’ in the use of a later mark by another person in the same Member State can start.
Il-President għandu jippreżenta l-abbozz tal-att lill-kapijiet l-oħra tad-delegazzjoni li għandhom jindikaw bħala tweġiba jekk jaċċettawx jew ma jaċċettawx l-abbozz, jekk jipproponux emendi għall-abbozz jewjekk jeħtiġux aktar żmien biex jikkunsidrawhEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In western societies the association of communication media with current material well-being brings fresh meaning to the Roman maxim panem et circenses, which the Latin poet Juvenal (2) employed to mock the Roman people’s acquiescent idleness and lack of interest in matters of politics.
billi l-manifattur għandu jistabbilixxi u jindika l-perjodu taż-żmien li matulu l-mezz jaħdem kif maħsubEurLex-2 EurLex-2
1) — Limitation in consequence of acquiescence — Concept of acquiescence — Concept of Community law? — Possibility of proceedings under relevant national law, including rules relating to honest concurrent use of two identical marks
Stati Membri għandhom jispeċifikaw kif daħliet għandhom ikunu magħmula fir-reġistri li jikkonċernawEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Mere ‘acquiescence’ must however be clearly distinguished from ‘consent’, which, as the Court has explained in its case-law, (42) must be expressed in such a way that an intention to renounce that right is unequivocally demonstrated.
Din id-Deċiżjoni għandha tiġi ppubblikata f'Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta' l-Unjoni EwropeaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
201 In addition to those three specific examples of the dealers’ acquiescence to the applicants’ initiatives designed, if not to put an end to exports, at least to limit them, the Commission, still at recital 100 to the contested decision (sixth sentence), refers, as well as to dealer [confidential], to dealers [confidential] and [confidential], and refers, in that regard, to recital 78 to the contested decision.
Karburant dieselEurLex-2 EurLex-2
– The five-year period of acquiescence can start running even before the proprietor of the earlier mark has actually had his mark registered.
Ir-Regolament (KE) Nru #/# għandu għalhekk jiġi emendat kif meħtieġEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In so far as Article 9(1)(b) of the Community Trade Mark Regulation (1) requires that, in order for the proprietor of a Community trade mark to prevent a third party not having his consent from using a sign in the course of trade in the cases set out in that provision, there should exist a likelihood of confusion, can this provision be interpreted as meaning that there is no likelihood of confusion where the earlier Community trade mark has, owing to the acquiescence of the proprietor, peacefully coexisted for some years with similar national trade marks in two Member States of the European Union, so that the absence of a likelihood of confusion in those two Member States is extended to other Member States, or to the European Union as a whole, regard being had to the unitary treatment that the Community trade mark requires?
Deskrizzjoni tal-metodutaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Therefore, given that the intervener submitted its application for a declaration of invalidity of the contested mark on 5 December 2011, such an awareness, if it were established, would not be sufficient to prove that it had acquiesced in the use of the contested mark for five successive years, within the meaning of Article 54(2) of Regulation No 207/2009 (see paragraph 32 above).
ksur tad-dritt Komunitarju, żball ta’ liġi u nuqqas ta’ motivazzjoni, sa fejn it-Tribunal għas-Servizz Pubbliku ma applikax il-kriterju legali ksur suffiċjentement serju u ma spjegax għaliex kien neċessarju li jitbiegħed f’dan il-każ mill-ġurisprudenza eżistentiEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The first three of those situations involve, de facto, the tacit acquiescence of the holders of a right of custody (that is, usually, the parent left behind), in so far as no application for return of the child has been made in the Member State of wrongful removal, or such an application has been either withdrawn or refused without the applicant taking further steps in the proceedings in the Member State of former habitual residence, in accordance with Article 11(7) and (8) of the Regulation.
seiners tat-tonn, bastimenti tat-tonn pole and line u longliners tal-wiċċEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the absence of direct documentary evidence of an agreement, the CFI should have established the existence of concurrence of wills to limit parallel trade, which required a unilateral policy adopted by Nintendo to achieve an anti-competitive goal, constituted as an implied or express invitation to Contact Data to fulfil this goal jointly, and at least tacit acquiescence by Contact Data.
Il-possibilità li vettura tiġi immobilizzata fejn jinstab li hemm ksur serju għandha wkoll tkun inkluża fil-medda komuni ta' miżuri miftuħa għall-Istati MembriEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where the proprietor of an earlier national trade mark as referred to in Article 8(2) or of another earlier sign referred to in Article 8(4) has acquiesced, for a period of five successive years, in the use of a later EU trade mark in the Member State in which the earlier trade mark or the other earlier sign is protected while being aware of such use, he shall no longer be entitled on the basis of the earlier trade mark or of the other earlier sign to apply for a declaration that the later trade mark is invalid in respect of the goods or services for which the later trade mark has been used, unless registration of the later EU trade mark was applied for in bad faith.
ir-raġunijiet għaliex il-pussess, direttament jew indirettament permezz ta' sussidjarji, ta' aktar minn nofs is-setgħa tal-vot jew tal-potenzjal tas-setgħa tal-vot ta' investit ma jikkostitwixxix kontrollEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, the period of acquiescence can start to run even before the proprietor of the earlier mark has his mark registered.
tissorvelja l-iskambju ta’ organi mal-Istati Membri l-oħra u ma’ pajjiżi terzi kif previst fl-ArtikoluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Board of Appeal, the applicant submits, was bound to take account of the lack of confusion and the acquiescence of the intervener.
Barra minn hekk, fl-okkażjoni ta' għeluq it-tletin sena tal-Mostra Mercato, il-Muniċipalità ta' Pederobba, li tospita din l-inizjattiva, ħarġet serje ta' kartolini u kanċellazzjoni postali speċjaliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The period of acquiescence can start running, and may also end, before the proprietor of the earlier mark has had his mark registered.
Iżda, fid-dawl tat-tagħrif reċenti, inkluża ċ-ċifra preliminari tal-# ta' #,# % tal-PDG li hija aħjar milli mistenni, it-tbassir għall-# jidher plawsibbli, filwaqt li x-xenarju jibqa' kemxejn favorevoli fis-snin imbiegħdaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission cannot hold that apparently unilateral conduct on the part of a manufacturer, adopted in the context of the contractual relations which it maintains with its dealers, in reality forms the basis of an agreement between undertakings within the meaning of Article 81(1) EC if the Commission does not establish the existence of an acquiescence by the other partners, express or implied, in the attitude adopted by the manufacturer.
It-test kollu tad-deċiżjoni jinsab fuq Ingliż u se jkun ippubblikat wara li jkun meħlus minn kwalunkwe sigrieti tan-negozju li jista' jkun fihEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The first question to be examined is whether the concept of ‘acquiescence’ in Article 9 of the directive is a concept of European Union law which must be given an autonomous and uniform interpretation.
L-applikant iddefenda wkoll id-doża ta ' #ug u ddiskuta s-sigurtà ta ' Rapinyl meta jingħata fuq terapija analġeżika kontinwa abbażi ta ' fentanyl jew ta ' oppjojdi ieħor u qies li t-twassil ta ' fentanyl minn ġol-mukuża jipproduċi riżultati konsistenti, indipendentement mit-tip ta ' terapija bażiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) ‘other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’ means any act by which significant pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is inflicted on a person, when such pain or suffering is inflicted either by or at the instigation of, or with the consent or acquiescence of, a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.
Il-kabina tax-xufier għandu jkollha żewġ punti ta’ ħruġ, li m’għandhomx ikunu fl-istess ħajt laterali; meta waħda mill-ħruġ tkun tieqa, hi għandha tikkonforma mar-rekwiżiti stipulati fil-paragrafi #.#.#.# u #.#.# għat-twieqi tal-emerġenzaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’ means any act by which significant pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is inflicted on a person, when such pain or suffering is inflicted either by or at the instigation of, or with the consent or acquiescence of, a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.
Meta l-Iskola Reġjonali għall-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika tibda topera mija fil-mija, huwa ta’ importanza kruċjali li r-rappreżentanti lokali u reġjonali jieħdu sehem fil-programmi tat-taħriġEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) is “acquiesced” a Community law concept or is it open to the national court to apply national rules as to acquiescence (including delay or long-established honest concurrent use)?
billi l-Qorti Speċjali għas-Sierra Leone kienet stabbilita b'mod konġunt min-Nazzjonijiet Uniti u mill-Gvern tas-Sierra Leone fl-#, wara gwerra ċivili brutali, li damet sejra għal aktar minn għaxar snin u l-mandat tagħha hu li tressaq quddiema lil dawk li għandhom l-akbar responsabilità għall-atroċitajiet li seħħew fis-Sierra LeoneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, his action shall not be admissible if the application for registration of the trade mark was filed in good faith and he has acquiesced in its use for a period of five years.
il-Korriġendum # għar-Regolament Nru # [#]EurLex-2 EurLex-2
91 It should be noted, moreover, that the claim of limitation in consequence of acquiescence is applicable where the proprietor of the earlier trade mark ‘has knowingly tolerated the use for a substantial length of time’, which means ‘intentionally’ or ‘in full knowledge of the facts’ (judgment of 20 April 2016, SkyTec, T‐77/15, EU:T:2016:226, paragraph 33; see also, to that effect, judgment of 22 September 2011, Budějovický Budvar, C‐482/09, EU:C:2011:605, paragraphs 46 and 47, and Opinion of Advocate General Trstenjak in Budějovický Budvar, C‐482/09, EU:C:2011:46, point 82).
l-ewwel sena ta’ bażi li għandha tapplika għal serje ta’ żmien fin-NACE RevEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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