delusion oor Maltees


/dɪˈluːʒən/ naamwoord
A false belief that is resistant to confrontation with actual facts.

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There have also been post-marketing reports of death by suicide, delusions and psychosis-like behaviour
Iżjed minn # ×EMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Postmarketing experience with efavirenz has shown the following additional adverse reactions to occur in association with efavirenz-containing antiretroviral treatment regimens: cerebellar coordination and balance disturbances, delusion, hepatic failure, neurosis, photoallergic dermatitis, psychosis and completed suicide
l-informazzjoni għandha tinkludi dettalji xierqa fuq il-kondizzjoni intiża li tkun trattata u ġustifikazzjoni tan-natura li thedded il-ħajja jew hi kronikament debilitanti jew natura serja u kronika tal-kondizzjoni megħjjuna minn referenzi xjentifiċi jew mediċinaliEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
In patients with influenza who were receiving Tamiflu, there have been postmarketing reports of convulsions and delirium (including symptoms such as altered level of consciousness, confusion, abnormal behaviour, delusions, hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, nightmares), in a very few cases resulting in accidental injury or fatal outcomes
F'każijiet ta' teħid lura kif imsemmi f'(a), (b) u (ċ), għandha tiġi preżentata notifika ġdida, ħlief jekk l-awtoritajiet kompetenti konċernati jaqblu li tkun biżżejjed talba debitament motivata mill-awtorità kompetenti inizjali tad-dispaċċEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
The following adverse reactions are expected under the use of Pramipexole Teva: abnormal dreams, confusion, constipation, delusion, dizziness, dyskinesia, fatigue, hallucinations, headache, hyperkinesia, hypotension, increased eating (binge eating, hyperphagia), insomnia, libido disorders, nausea, peripheral oedema, paranoia; pathological gambling, hypersexuality and other abnormal behaviour, somnolence, weight increase, sudden onset of sleep, pruritus and rash and other hypersensitivity
Billi, skond l-Artikolu # tar-Regolament (KEE) Nru #, ir-Renju Unit bagħat lill-Kumissjoni applikazzjoni għar-reġistrazzjoni taEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Psychiatric and paradoxical reactions Reactions like restlessness, agitation, irritability, decreased inhibition, aggressiveness, abnormal thinking, delusions, rages, nightmares, depersonalisation, hallucinations, psychoses, inappropriate behaviour, extroversion that seems out of character, and other adverse behavioural reactions are known to occur when using benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine-like agents
filwaqt illi l-verifiki li għandhom jitwettqu mill-Istati Membri u l-komunikazzjonijiet għat-tmexxija taEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
compulsive shopping, delusion, hypersexuality, libido disorder, paranoia, pathological gambling
Huma permessi skali mutipli taEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
When it comes to making decisions in life —whether in the matter of morals or worship or anything else— the best way to guard against self-delusion is to be guided by God’s standards of good and bad.
Billi kondizzjonijiet għal reklamar komparattiv permess, sa fejn jirrigwarda l-paragun, għandhom ikunu stabbiliti sabiex jistabbilixxu liema prattiċi rrelatati mar-reklamar komparattiv jistgħu jgħawġu l-kompetizzjoni, ikunu detrimentali għal kompetituri u jkollhom effett negattiv fuq l-għażla tal-konsumaturjw2019 jw2019
Uncommon: Paranoia (e. g. excessive fear for one s own well-being) Delusion Excessive daytime sleepiness and falling asleep suddenly Hyperkinesia (increased movements and inability to keep still) Weight increase Increased sexual desire drive (e. g. increased libido) Allergic reactions (e. g. rash, itching, hypersensitivity
Huwa xieraq li wieħed jistabbilixxi dispozizzjonijiet dettaljati dwar il-prodotti tas-sajd importati fil-Komunità minn Saint Pierre et Miquelon, skond id-Direttiva #/KEEEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
The following adverse reactions are expected under the use of Oprymea: abnormal dreams, confusion, constipation, delusion, dizziness, dyskinesia, fatigue, hallucinations, headache, hyperkinesia, hypotension, increased eating (binge eating, hyperphagia), insomnia, libido disorders, nausea, peripheral oedema, paranoia, pathological gambling, hypersexuality and other abnormal behaviour; somnolence, weight increase, sudden onset of sleep; pruritus and rash and other hypersensitivity
L-investigazzjoni kontra l-ħrib miftuħa fl-# uriet li l-ħrib tal-miżuri kien akkompanjat minn dampjar u li l-effetti taEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Psychiatric and paradoxical reactions Reactions like restlessness, agitation, irritability, decreased inhibition, aggressiveness, abnormal thinking, delusions, rages, nightmares, depersonalisation, hallucinations, psychoses, inappropriate behaviour, extroversion that seems out of character and other adverse behavioural reactions are known to occur when using benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine-like agents
Suġġett: Il-ftehima ta' kummerċ ħieles bejn l-ASEAN u l-UEEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Expected adverse events The following adverse reactions are expected under the use of MIRAPEXIN: abnormal dreams, amnesia, behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions such as binge eating, compulsive shopping, hypersexuality and pathological gambling; confusion, constipation, delusion, dizziness, dyskinesia, fatigue, hallucinations, headache, hyperkinesias, hyperphagia, hypotension, insomnia, libido disorders, nausea, paranoia, peripheral oedema, pruritus, rash and other hypersensitivity; restlessness, somnolence, sudden onset of sleep, syncope, visual disturbance including vision blurred and visual acuity reduced, vomiting, weight decrease, weight increase
Għalhekk is-suq tar-REWS hu suxxettibbli għal pressjoni fil-prezzijiet fil-forma taEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Uncommon side effects include: dizziness; weakness; reduced coordination of movements; unsteadiness and/or falls (ataxia); decreased concentration; apathy; restlessness; depression; agitation; irritability; confusion, abnormal thinking and behaviour (extroversion that seems out of character, decreased inhibition, aggressiveness, rages, delusion, depersonalisation, psychosis); nightmares; hallucinations; double vision or other sight problems; increased sensitivity to noise (hyperacusis); smell disorder (parosmia); speech disorders, including slurred speech; numbness, e. g. in the extremities (hypoaesthesia); nausea; decreased appetite; increased sensitivity to light (sunlight, UV light); feeling vaguely ill (malaise
II.#.#.#. inżammu kontinwament għal mill-inqas # jum f'azjenda fejn l-ebda każ ta' epididymitis li tittieħed (Brucella ovis) ma ġiet djanjostikata fl-aħħar #-il xaharEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Or, in the exuberance of youth, we may imagine that the enemy will never come to claim us —a delusion we cling to as long as we can.
Obbligi ta' l-approvazzjoni tat-tip tal-manifatturijw2019 jw2019
paranoia, psychomotor agitation, delusion, confusional state, anxiety, aggression, nervousness, disorientation
L-informazzjoni pprovduta mill-Istati Membri għandha titqassam skond il-prodott, il-kodiċi NM u l-pajjiżEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
I wanted to save him from his delusion.
Fejn huwa prattiku u possibbli, il-kejl totali ta' kemm ikun ġie frankat matul il-perjodu totali ta' l-applikazzjoni ta' din id-Direttiva għandu jsir b'dan il-mudell ta' kalkolu armonizzat, mingħajr preġudizzju għal dawk l-iskemi ta' l-Istati Membri li jużaw persentaġġ ogħla ta' kalkoli axxendentijw2019 jw2019
Expected adverse events The following adverse reactions are expected under the use of SIFROL: abnormal dreams, amnesia, behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders and compulsions such as binge eating, compulsive shopping, hypersexuality and pathological gambling; confusion, constipation, delusion, dizziness, dyskinesia, fatigue, hallucinations, headache, hyperkinesia, hyperphagia, hypotension, insomnia, libido disorders, nausea, paranoia, peripheral oedema, pruritus and rash and other hypersensitivity; restlessness, somnolence, sudden onset of sleep, visual disturbance including vision blurred and visual acuity reduced, vomiting, weight decrease, weight increase
Billi t-twaqqif fi Stati Membri ta’ awtoritajiet ta’ superviżjoni, li jeżerċitaw il-funzjonijiet tagħhom b’independenza sħiħa, huwa kondizzjoni essenzjali għall-protezzjoni ta’ individwi fl-ipproċessar ta’ data personaliEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
There have also been post-marketing reports of severe depression, death by suicide, delusions and psychosis-like behaviour
Mozzjoni għal riżoluzzjoni: BEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Postmarketing experience with efavirenz has shown the following additional adverse reactions to occur in association with efavirenz-containing antiretroviral treatment regimens: cerebellar coordination and balance disturbances, delusion, hepatic failure, neurosis, photoallergic dermatitis, psychosis and completed suicide
Il-kaxex tad-data magħrufa string huma stampati mix-xellug u mimlijin bl-ispazji skond it-tul taEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has a number of symptoms including disorganised thinking and speech, hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not there), suspiciousness and delusions (mistaken beliefs
Għandhom jikkomunikaw minnufih lill-Kummissjoni t-test ta' dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet u tabella ta' korrelazzjonijiet bejn dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet u din id-DirettivaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
(5) Depression, anxiety, apathy, withdrawal, delusions.
Il-kwota tat-tariffa għal xi prodotti hi soġġetta għas-sodisfazzjon taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has a number of symptoms, including disorganised thinking and speech, hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not there), suspiciousness and delusions (false beliefs
Informazzjoni dwar riċiklaġġ u metodi ta' rimi għall-industrijaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Often, the more inflated the delusions are about marriage, the greater the disenchantment is once reality hits home.
Dan l-Artikolu għandu japplika għall-konkorsi tajw2019 jw2019
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