drastically oor Maltees


In a drastic manner. Extremely.

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Loans to the construction sector and to individuals have been drastically reduced and the demand for new houses decreased due to declining consumer confidence and the lack of cash.
Nisa ta ’ l-eta ’ li jitgħhu jkollhom it-tfal jridu jużaw mod appropriat ta ’ kontraċezzjoni waqt il-kuraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Refusal of consignments or even destruction of goods cause drastic economic consequences for producers and traders, which could be avoided to a large extent with one single transparent reference point applied by competent authorities in all Member States.
dwar arrangamenti specjali ghall-GroenlandjaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the globalisation of the economy has increased tax competition in such a way as to result in the drastic decrease of average corporate tax rates in industrialised countries in the last # years
B'hekk il-Parlament ta l-kunsens tiegħuoj4 oj4
This shortcoming is aggravated by the fact that the fisheries sector throughout the Mediterranean has been in crisis for more than 20 years (10) and new, drastic rules that are not properly thought out could deliver the final blow to the sector.
Ladarba l-għan ta’ din id-Deċiżjoni Kwadru, jiġifieri li tiġi sostitwita s-sistema ta’ assistenza reċiproka f’materji kriminali għall-kisba ta’ oġġetti, dokumenti jew data bejn l-Istati Membri ma jistax jintlaħaq suffiċjentement mill-Istati Membri meta jaġixxu unilateralment u għalhekk, minħabba l-iskala u l-effetti tiegħu, jista’ jintlaħaq aħjar fil-livell ta’ Unjoni, il-Kunsill jista’ jadotta miżuri skond il-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà kif stabbilit fl-Artikolu # tat-Trattat dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea u fl-Artikolu # tat-Trattat li jistabbilixxi l-Komunità Ewropeaeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Drastically reducing cybercrime
Is-servizz tekniku responsabbli mit-twettiq tat-testijiet ta’ approvazzjoniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Since the income of Cypriot farmers affected by the drought has been drastically reduced, they face the serious risk of not having the financial means to meet the immediate needs of their families and to start a new season, leading to an imminent danger of land abandonment, soil erosion and desertification.
Dafiro kien studjat ukoll fi studju active-controlled ta ’ # pazjent bi pressjoni għolja bil-pressjoni dijastolika ≥# mmHg u < # mmHgEurLex-2 EurLex-2
2.3 The 2008 Annex VI to the MARPOL Protocol provides for a progressive drastic reduction to 0,5 % by 2020, or in the event of difficulties by 2025 at the latest.
huma għandhom isemmu dik id-dataEurLex-2 EurLex-2
None the less, as is apparent from the documents in the file at first instance, the Commission drastically reduced the overall value of the market concerned and, in consequence, wrongly assumed that the cartel involved almost 90% of that market instead of 60% thereof, as it stated in the second Statement.
Il-President ħabbar li l-awtoritajiet Franċiżi infurmawh li Marie-Line Reynaud, Pierre Moscovici u Jean-Claude Fruteau ġew eletti bħala deputati fl-Assemblea Nazzjonali FranċiżaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Drastic action is also required to avoid crises by taking cost effective, pre-emptive measures that protect lives and livelihoods.
Għal kull tagħrif dwar din il-mediċina, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lir-rappreżentant lokali tad-Detentur ta ’ l-Awtorizzazzjoni għat-tqegħid fis-Suqnot-set not-set
To make this option compatible with the environment, particularly as regards climate change, drastic reductions in the adverse environmental impacts of fossil fuel use are needed, aiming at highly efficient power generation with near zero emissions.
Koperazzjoni ekonomika, finanzjarja u teknika ma' pajjiżi terziEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Amendment 10 Proposal for a regulation – amending act Recital 9 c (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (9c) Given that the phosphates contained in household laundry detergents represent only a small proportion of the phosphates responsible for eutrophication of the seas, the amount of phosphates entering the seas from other sources must also be cut more drastically in order to protect the marine environment.
Servizz tekniku responsabbli mit-twettieq tat-testijietnot-set not-set
There might even be business practices which, in order to drastically reduce prices, encourage the sale of products that do not meet the requirements to be placed on the market, with the same applying to the provision of services.
limitazzjonijiet għall-aċċess pubbliku u r-raġunijiet għal tali limitazzjonijiet, skond l-ArtikoluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the context of the recent economic situation, following in particular the drastic increase in fuel prices, there is an impending need to take additional measures aiming for a more rapid adaptation of the Community fishing fleet to the current situation, addressing the need to ensure sustainable social and economic conditions for the sector concerned
Dan ir-Regolament għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fil-jum tal-pubblikazzjoni tiegħu f' Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropeaoj4 oj4
38 The applicant therefore takes the view that the drastic step of withdrawing acceptance of the undertaking, with all the consequences that it entails, in response to a human error of an administrative nature as insignificant as the one in the present case, is not proportionate, but is a manifestly excessive reaction which infringes the principle of proportionality.
Il-Kunsill għandu jaġixxi bEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These countries have been forced to make drastic reforms to, and in some cases diversify, their industrial activities.
Il-KEPD jilqa’ l-fatt li l-Proposta tistinka favur konsistenza ma' strumenti legali oħrajn li jirregolaw l-istabbiliment u/jew l-użu ta' sistemi oħra tal-IT fuq skala kbiranot-set not-set
Stresses that the experiences of last winter and the drastically increasing energy demand of booming economies (i.e. China, India) have made it clear that no source of energy must be left unused in order to safeguard security of energy supply;
Japprova l-proposta tal-Kummissjoni kif emendatanot-set not-set
whereas extreme climatic events such as floods and droughts linked to climate change are becoming more frequent and more drastic in their effects, further increasing the risk and the negative economic and social consequences of desertification
Talba għal deċiżjoni preliminari- Juzgado de lo Social Único de Algeciras- Interpretazzjoni tad-Direttiva tal-Kunsill #/#/KEE, ta' l-# ta' Ottubru #, dwar it-taqrib tal-liġijiet ta' l-Istati Membri dwar il-protezzjoni ta' l-impjegati f'każ ta' l-insolvenza ta' min iħaddimhom (ĠU L #, p. #), kif emendata bid-Direttiva #/#/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill, tat-# ta' Settembru # (ĠU L #, p. #)- Portata tal-garanzija mogħtija mill-istituzzjoni tal-garanzija- Kumpens fil-każ ta' tmiem tar-relazzjoniiet ta' l-impjieg- Leġiżlazzjoni nazzjonali li teħtieġ sentenza jew deċiżjoni amministrativa għal dan il-kumpens- Effett dirett tad-Direttiva kif emendata, f'dak li jirrigwarda sitwazzjoni ta' insolvenza ddikjarata, bejn id-data tad-dħul fis-seħħ tad-Direttiva #/# u l-iskadenza tat-terminu ta' traspożizzjoni tagħhaoj4 oj4
This is illustrated by the drastic decline in initiatives registered (from 16 in 2012 to 5 in 2015 (12)) and statements of support (from over 5 million in 2012 to a few thousand in 2015 (13)).
Wara l-parti ntitolataEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A determined effort must be made to raise the basic skills of young people and to drastically reduce early school leaving.
Il-proprjetarji tal-bastimenti tipikament iħallsu # % tal-prezz bil-quddiem f’pagamenti bin-nifs, li jikkoinċidu f’ċerti stadji deċiżivi tal-kostruzzjoni tal-bastiment, bl-# % li jifdal jitħallsu mal-kunsinnaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Expresses its deep concern over the direct consequences of the current international financial crisis on the sustainability and quality of public finances in the Member States; expresses particular concern over the impact of that crisis on the real economy and balance of payments in the new Member States, which are not within the euro area, and which are witnessing a drastic reduction in direct foreign investment
Din id-Deċiżjoni għandha tidħol fis-seħħ fis-# ta’ Ġunju # sakemm ikunu saru n-notifiki kollha skond l-Artikolu # tal-Ftehim lill-Kumitat Konġunt taż-ZEE, jew fil-jum tad-dħul fis-seħħ tad-Deċiżjoni tal-Kumitat Konġunt taż-ŻEE Nru #/# tas-# ta’ Ġunju #, liema data tkun l-aktar tardoj4 oj4
Despite drastic reductions of a number of pollutants in the transport sector, this sector is currently responsible for 20% of the EU-25 emissions.
Linji Gwida strateġiċi għall-Iżvilupp Rurali (#-#) * (Artikolu # tar- Regoli ta' Proċedura) (votazzjoniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
That is certainly a drastic sanction.
ammonti ċkejknin ħafna ta’ dawn l-aġenti sensittivi għas-sħana (ġeneralment, biex isirulatexes ta’ gomma termosensittivi), aġenti katjoniċi attivi fuq l-uċuħ (ġeneralment, biex isirulatexes ta’ gomma elettro-pożittivi), antiossidanti, koagulanti, aġenti għat-tfarrik, aġenti li jifilħu l-friża, peptizzaturi, preservattivi, stabilizzaturi, aġenti li jikkontrollaw il-viskożità, jew addittivi simili b’għanijiet speċjaliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Additionally, Italy claimed that the mere transfer from a public to a private owner entails a drastic change in the organisation and management, and that the conditions imposed by the AGCM with its decision n° 23670 of 21 June 2012 further ensure a discontinuity in the economic activity of CIN vis-à-vis Tirrenia in EA;
Minħabba l-istat ekonomiku prekarju taEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
As a consequence, a significant number of suppliers went bankrupt, whilst others had to drastically reduce their production capacity, with ensuing staff reductions.
R #: Ir-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (KE) Nru #/# tat-# ta' Ġunju # dwar l-użu ta' format komuni Ewropew għaċ-ċertifikati ta' sigurtà u dokumenti ta' applikazzjoni skond Artikolu # tad-Direttiva #/#/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill dwar il-validità ta' ċertifikati tas-sigurtà kkunsinnati taħt id-Direttiva #/#/KE(ĠU L #, #.#.#, pEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Sustainable, resource-efficient and low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive process industries Increasing the competitiveness of process industries, such as chemical, cement, pulp and paper, glass, minerals or non-ferrous metals and steel, by drastically improving resource and energy efficiencies and reducing the environmental impact of such industrial activities.
ċ) iċ-ċertifikat għandu jidentifika ċar il-kunsinna li jkun qed jirreferi għalihanot-set not-set
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