peep oor Maltees


/piːp/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(UK, slang) person.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Maltees


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(US) A soft marshmallow candy, shaped into a baby animal for Easter celebration.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Maltees

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A World War II jeep attached to an armored regiment.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Maltees

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In the corner of the sofa there was a cushion, and in the velvet which covered it there was a hole, and out of the hole peeped a tiny head with a pair of frightened eyes in it.
Il-Komunità għandha tkun irrappreżentata fil-Kumitat Konġunt li jirreferi għalih l-Artikolu # tal-Ftehim mill-KummissjoniQED QED
Thither, too, the woodcock led her brood, to probe the mud for worms, flying but a foot above them down the bank, while they ran in a troop beneath; but at last, spying me, she would leave her young and circle round and round me, nearer and nearer till within four or five feet, pretending broken wings and legs, to attract my attention, and get off her young, who would already have taken up their march, with faint, wiry peep, single file through the swamp, as she directed.
Il-Kummissjoni tista' tirkupra l-ammonti kollha jew parti minnhom li jkunu diġà tħallsuQED QED
At the time I now write of, Father Mapple was in the hardy winter of a healthy old age; that sort of old age which seems merging into a second flowering youth, for among all the fissures of his wrinkles, there shone certain mild gleams of a newly developing bloom -- the spring verdure peeping forth even beneath February's snow.
iwettqu valutazzjoni tal-konsegwenzi tal-implimentazzjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet għall-protezzjoni ta’ dejta personali u l-privatezza, inkluż jekk l-applikazzjoni tistax tintuża għall-monitoraġġ ta’ individwiQED QED
Some leaning against the spiles; some seated upon the pier- heads; some looking over the bulwarks of ships from China; some high aloft in the rigging, as if striving to get a still better seaward peep.
total ta’ mhux iktar minn # % ta’ elementi oħrajnQED QED
Young Archie Harker distinguished himself by going up the yard and trying to peep under the window- blinds.
Il-vittmi taQED QED
And on the trunk of the tree he leaned against, a brown squirrel was clinging and watching him, and from behind a bush nearby a cock pheasant was delicately stretching his neck to peep out, and quite near him were two rabbits sitting up and sniffing with tremulous noses -- and actually it appeared as if they were all drawing near to watch him and listen to the strange low little call his pipe seemed to make.
Azzjonijiet u proposti eliġibbliQED QED
" Well, here we all are, " said Phineas, peeping over the stone breast- work to watch the assailants, who were coming tumultuously up under the rocks.
Jekk applikant għal trade mark Komunitarja ikun wera prodotti jew servizzi taħt il-marka li għaliha qiegħed japplika, f'wirja internazzjonali li tkun waħda uffiċjali jew waħda li tkun rikonoxxuta internazzjonalment u li taqa' taħt it-termini tal-Konvenzjoni dwar Wirjiet Internazzjonali iffirmata f'Pariġi fit-# ta' Novembru # u riveduta l-aħħar fit-# ta' Novembru #, huwa jista, jekk jippreżenta l-applikazzjoni fi żmien sitt xhur mid-data tal-ewwel wirja tal-prodotti jew servizzi taħt il-marka li għaliha huwa qiegħed japplika, jitlob dritt ta' prijorità minn dik id-data skont it-tifsira tal-ArtikoluQED QED
Optical viewing glasses [peep holes] for doors
Fl-# se tkun implimentata sistema ta’ kejl tal-prestazzjonijiet komprensiva li tkun konsistenti mal-għanijiet SMART stabbiliti, fosthom il-prodott, ir-riżultat u l-indikaturi tal-impatttmClass tmClass
Alice laughed so much at this, that she had to run back into the wood for fear of their hearing her; and when she next peeped out the Fish- Footman was gone, and the other was sitting on the ground near the door, staring stupidly up into the sky.
Peep toe shoes
Fil-każ ta’ boċċi tal-akkoppjar (coupling balls) li jistgħu jitneħħew jew komponenti li mhumiex imwaħħla b’viti b’ras u kamin (bolts), per eżempju tal-Klassi A#-X, il-punt ta’ konnessjoni u l-arranġament li jsakkar għandhom ikunu ddisinjati għal tqabbid mekkaniku pożittiv (positive mechanical engagementtmClass tmClass
When the dusk was gathering and Iping was just beginning to peep timorously forth again upon the shattered wreckage of its Bank Holiday, a short, thick- set man in a shabby silk hat was marching painfully through the twilight behind the beechwoods on the road to Bramblehurst.
Min-naħa l-oħra, il-ħlasijiet għall-enfitewsi ġew stabbiliti fuq il-bażi ta' valur ta' # miljun euroQED QED
Telecommunication devices and apparatus (including straps for mobile phones, security sheets preventing the man aside from peeping the displays of the mobile phones and other parts and accessories for telecommunication devices and apparatus)
Wara li kkunsidra l-opinjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew [#]tmClass tmClass
Inadvertent peep reducers being parts of medical ventilators for maintaining pressure
Ir-Regolament tal-Kunsill (KE) Nru #/# tas-# ta’ Ottubru # dwar il-protezzjoni kontra l-importazzjonijiet sussidjati minn pajjiżi mhux membri tal-Komunità Ewropea kif emendattmClass tmClass
Peep boxes
It-tabib tiegħek se jiddeċiedi kemm għandek bżonn ZYPADHERA u kemm-il darba għandek tingħata l-injezzjonitmClass tmClass
Peep valves
L-awtorità lokali kompetenti tistatmClass tmClass
She stretched herself up on tiptoe, and peeped over the edge of the mushroom, and her eyes immediately met those of a large caterpillar, that was sitting on the top with its arms folded, quietly smoking a long hookah, and taking not the smallest notice of her or of anything else. & gt;
Il-motivi u l-argumenti prinċipali huma dawk invokati fil-kawża T-#/# Veromar di Tudisco Alfio & Salvatore S.n.c. vs Il-KummissjoniQED QED
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) activators being parts of medical ventilators for maintaining air or gas pressure
Qed jiġi impost dazju tatmClass tmClass
Peep activators being parts of medical ventilators for maintaining pressure
Il-konsegwenza hija għalhekk li l-informazzjoni li tidħol, u l-investigazzjonijiet li jsiru mill-OLAF, inkluż f'każijiet de minimis, ikunu trattati, fil-prinċipju, bl-istess mod mill-OLAF. Il-prijoritajiet ta' investigazzjoni tal-OLAF huma mfissra fil-Manwal, u fil-pjan preżenti annwali ta' ġestjonitmClass tmClass
Brogues, loafers, wedges, wedgies, flats, courts, platforms, high tops, creepers, ballet flats, gladiators, t bar shoes, boat shoes, court shoes, mary janes, peep toes, slingbacks, biker boots, chelsea boots, laceups, cowboy boots, stack heels, go go boots, thigh highs, toners, stilettos, spike heels, all of the aforesaid being footwear
Annimali illi huma utilizzati fil-prova tatmClass tmClass
At this point Gregor did not take one step into the room, but leaned his body from the inside against the firmly bolted wing of the door, so that only half his body was visible, as well as his head, tilted sideways, with which he peeped over at the others.
Deċiżjoni tal-Kumitat Konġunt taż-ŻEE Nru # tal-# taQED QED
Installation, maintenance and repair of security devices, including door locks and closures, chains and bolts, peep holes, alarms and grills
Fejn il-korp kompetenti jqis li d-detentur ikun kiser xi termini tal-użu jew dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dan il-kuntratt, il-korp kompetenti għandu jkun intitolat li jissospendi jew jirtira l-awtorizzazzjoni tiegħu biex id-detentur juża l-Ekotikketta tal-UE, u li jieħu dawk il-miżuri li huma meħtieġa biex jevita li d-detentur jibqa’ jużaha aktar, inklużi dawk il-miżuri li huma pprovduti fl-Artikoli # u # tar-Regolament tal-Ekotikketta tal-UEtmClass tmClass
They seemed to be starting up everywhere and each day she was sure she found tiny new ones, some so tiny that they barely peeped above the earth.
Fil-# ta' April #, fil-laqgħa annwali tagħhom, il-gvernaturi tal-Bank iddeċidew li jirduppjaw l-ammont tal-kapital awtorizzatQED QED
She was walking by the White Rabbit, who was peeping anxiously into her face.
L-Aġenzija għandha tagħti l-opinjoni tagħha, wara li tikkonsulta mal-Kummissjoni, fi żmien tliet xhur minn meta tirċievi talba bħal dinQED QED
Or I heard the peep of the young when I could not see the parent bird.
Rapport dwar it-Trattat ta' Liżbona [#/#(INI)]- Kumitat għall-Affarijiet KostituzzjonaliQED QED
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