strict oor Maltees


/strɪkt/ adjektief
Upright, or straight and narrow; — said of the shape of the plants or their flower clusters.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Maltees


Evidence has been provided that such measures, when rigorously applied under strict control, can be effective.
Ġiet provduta evidenza li miżuri ta' dan it-tip, meta jkunu applikati rigorożament taħt kontroll strett, jistgħu jkunu effikaċi.


Instead, she calls for a strict approach to the issue of justification.
Hija tirrakkomanda, għall-kuntrarju, kontroll sever tal-kwistjoni ġustifikattiva.





Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Considers that, as various fish species are currently among the most threatened long-term resources, and as the disappearance of species may result in further ecological changes, a responsible and strict fisheries policy is called for;
Immedjatament wara t-twelid, il-ħtieġa għall-insulina tonqos malajr (b’ riskju miżjud t’ ipogliċemjanot-set not-set
The Commission shall monitor closely the use made of this derogation in order to ensure the preservation of road safety under very strict conditions, in particular by checking that the total accumulated driving time during the period covered by the derogation is not excessive.
Suġġett: Possibilità ta’ fondi għat-twaqqif ta’ mużew għal dawk li nqatlu waqt li kienu qed ibaħħru, fil-ġżira ta’ GiglioEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Union's on-site assessment visit identified areas for improvement, in particular the need for a strict adherence to the certification process, the need for a better traceability of review and approval of manuals, and the need to strengthen surveillance obligations of the Flight Operations Division.
Il-Kunsill Ewropew, fil-laqgħa tiegħu fil-# u t-# ta’ Diċembru #, approva Pjan Ewropew għall-Irkupru Ekonomiku (PEIE), li jipprevedi l-bidu ta’ azzjonijiet prijoritarji biex l-ekonomiji tal-Istati Membri jkunu jistgħu jaġġustaw b’rata aktar mgħaġġla għall-isfidi attwaliEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The EU legal framework provides for a pre-marketing authorisation of GMOs, on the basis of effective, science based standards for authorisation, giving the EU a strict authorisation system.
servizzi taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) providing for a strict recovery plan based on advice from ICES and STECF in the event that the spawning stock should fall below 50 000 tonnes.
Responsabbiltà fil-każ ta' ipproċessar illegali ta' data personalinot-set not-set
Referring to the criterion relating to the nature of the national health service establishment responsible for drawing up the medical certificate, this concerns hospital care, whereas, when referring to the criterion of the treatment required, this concerns ‘highly specialised medical care’ provided by the foreign hospital service or care unit, which could cover the typical services of a hospital unit (such as a surgical intervention) and any medical acts that do not fall within that strict concept of hospital care (specialist consultations).
awtorità kompetenti tfisser l-awtorità ta’ sigurtà msemmija fl-Artikolu # tad-Direttiva #/#/KEEurLex-2 EurLex-2
122 Still according to that extract, ‘[PNE] will again remind dealers, in a circular, of the strict rules on supplies outside the Netherlands ... and intends to take severe sanctions in that regard if a dealer is found not to have complied strictly with those rules’.
L-iskema għandha ssostni bejn # u # benefiċjarjuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Strict maintenance of environmental conditions and quality control analysis during the manufacturing process shall be assured by the producer.
Il-mekkaniżmu tal-formazzjoni tat-tumur u tar-relevanza potenzjali lill-bnedmin mhumiex magħrufaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
However, such a practice should not jeopardise the strict biosecurity and other measures that should be in force in such areas aimed at eradicating any introduction of the virus
L-osservazzjonijiet jistgħu jintbagħtu lill-Kummissjoni bil-fax (nru tal-fax (#-#) # # #- # # #) jew bil-posta, bin-numru ta' referenza COMP/M.#- BHP Billiton/Rio Tinto, fl-indirizz li ġejoj4 oj4
The Regulation should therefore set clear rules whereby such patients may be enrolled in the clinical trial under very strict conditions.
Huma għandhom jinfurmaw bnot-set not-set
In addition, except for the first one, all instalments of the loan depend on compliance with strict conditions, with agreed terms and conditions similar to International Monetary Fund (IMF) support, in the context of a joint EU/IMF financial assistance, which is another factor influencing the timing of funding.
Il-pjan ta' referenza huwa ddefinit mill-punti ma' fejn jitqabbad il-ħowlder tal-kappaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the same time, the Office is required to comply with strict rules of confidentiality and professional secrecy referred to in Article 10 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 and ensure the respect of procedural rights of persons concerned and witnesses, referred to in Article 9 of that Regulation, in particular the right of persons concerned to the presumption of innocence.
Parti II: ĊertifikazzjoniEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In other words, in the specific context of Regulation No 1215/2012, the approach in the second tier of the potential functional assessment of the nature of a national body should be strict: all criteria must be met, without the possibility of compensation or an overall assessment. (56)
Spejjeż eliġibbli: L-Artikolu #(a)(ii) Għajnuna għat-telf ta’ dħul minħabba l-obbligi ta’ kwarantinaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Strict and thorough monitoring of the recognised organisations performing flag State duties on behalf of Member States commensurate with the size and nature of Member States' fleets should improve the overall performance of ships flying the flag of a Member State
Mhux komuni Komuni Mhux komunioj4 oj4
whereas, due to the strict controls exercised by the Chinese Government over information about and access to Tibetan areas of China, it is difficult to determine accurately the scope of human rights abuses,
Huwa għalhekk neċessarju li id-deroga tiġi estiża għat-totalità ta-bonds tas-settur privat li konġuntement jissodisfaw kriterji fissi, waqt li l-Istati Membri jitħallew iħejju l-lista ta’ bonds li lilhom ikollhom l-intenzjoni, fejn xieraq, jagħtu derogaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the exchange of information, strict professional secrecy is needed to ensure the smooth transmission of that information and the protection of particular rights.’
Dan m' għandu la jobbliga lill-Istati Membri biex jistabbilixxu sistemi ko-regolatorji u/jew awto-regolatorji u lanqas ma jfixkel jew jipperikola inizjattivi ko- jew awto-regolatorji attwali li huma diġà fis-seħħ fl-Istati Membri u li qegħdin jaħdmu b'mod effettivEurLex-2 EurLex-2
There is a strict limitation in time, inasmuch as the Minister is required to act within 21 days from the date of notification.
Strict maintenance of environmental conditions and quality control analysis during the manufacturing process shall be assured by the producer.
L-Iskema ta' Assigurazzjoni tal-Mard hija l-iskema li tipprovdi assigurazzjoni medika lill-persunal tad-diversi korpi tal-Komunitajiet EwropejEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Provision should be made for a derogation from strict compliance with management rules where exports benefiting from export refunds are not likely to exceed the quantity laid down.
Il-Kummissjoni tat dawn l-osservazzjonijiet lil Franza bl-ittra tal-# ta’ Jannar # u tat-# ta’Marzu # filwaqt li tatha l-possibbiltà li tikkumenta dwarhom u rċeviet il-kummenti tagħha rispettivament b’ittra tal-# ta’ Frar # u b’dokument sottomess waqt il-laqgħa tat-# ta’ Marzu # (ara iktar 'il quddiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The revision shall achieve: a further reduction in the number of existing funds; the elimination of imbalances in those funds with deficits; the stabilisation of the current spending at sustainable level, through appropriate adjustments to be made from 1 January 2012; the long-term sustainability of secondary schemes through a strict link between contributions and benefits."
billi kif iddikjarat fir-Rapport dwar l-Iżvilupp tal-Bniedem għall-#/# tal-programm taż-Żvilupp tan-NazzjonijietUniti, l-Indja tikklassifika fil-# post fl-Indiċi tal-Iżvilupp tal-Bniedem (minn # pajjiż), # % tal-popolazzjoni Indjana tgħix b’anqas minn dollaru (US) kuljum u # % b'inqas minn żewġ dollari (US) kuljum; billi l-Indja tikklassifika fit-# post fl-indiċi tal-faqar tal-bniedem għall-pajjiżi li qed jiżviluppaw fost il-# pajjiżi li qed jiżviluppaw li għalihom kien ikkalkulat l-indiċi; u billi l-Indja għandha waħda mill-ogħla rati ta’ tfal li jaħdmuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(4) Whereas the conditions for imports of equidae into the country concerned are at least as strict as the conditions for imports of equidae into the Community; whereas therefore the country should be considered at low risk of incursion of African horse sickness from outside;
l-applikant għandu jipprovdi dikjarazzjoni ta’ nuqqas ta’ użu jew jipprovdi l-kontenut ta’ pigmenti bojod u r-rata li bihom dawn jixterrdu (kif rikjest fil-kriterju #(a), flimkien ma’ kalkolazzjoni ddettaljata li turi l-konformità ma’ dan il-kriterjuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the establishment of media literacy partnerships between the content industry and teaching/training institutions as part of both formal and non-formal education and training (for example, cooperation projects between local media, businesses and teaching/training establishments, media literacy campaigns and festivals), making sure a close watch is kept on the nature of the involvement and the material interests of the media industry in organising this type of partnership, as well as on strict compliance with the legal framework in place
Meta l-Istati Membri jadottaw dawn id-disposizzjonijiet, huma għandu jkollhom riferenza għal din id-Direttiva jew ikunu akkumpanjati boj4 oj4
(b) ... not to interfere in the management of OA except within the strict limits of its role as shareholder;
Suġġett: Produzzjoni żejda ta’ karozzi fl-UEEurLex-2 EurLex-2
FR || Change: Excessive imbalances, which require decisive policy action and specific monitoring || Excessive deficit, deadline for correction: 2015 Recommendation for a Council recommendation under Art 126.7 with 2017 as deadline to correct the excessive deficit || MIP escalation stemming from - deterioration of competitiveness and public debt sustainability not sufficiently curbed by announced measures - systemic risk for the euro area Decision on the activation of the corrective arm to be taken in May, in the light of National Reform Programme and other commitment to structural reforms EDP - new deadline, including strict milestones and also taking into account the reform plan submitted by France
Ir-Reġjun ta' Vysočina jiddikjara li l-kundizzjonijiet stabbiliti fir-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (KE) Nru #/# se jintlaħqu, jiġifieri l-għajnuna għandha tkun immirata lejn impriżi żgħar u ta' daqs medju involuti fil-produzzjoni agrikola primarja, u li l-limitu finanzjarju stabbilit f'dak ir-Regolament se jiġi rrispettatEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The definition selected is deliberately restrictive in order to cover only convictions in the strict sense, i.e. final judgments of the criminal courts (or decisions which could have been court judgments in the case of “administrative/criminal” offences) which, in all the Member States, can be regarded as convictions.
id-distillat taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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