undoubtedly oor Maltees


/ʌn'daʊt.ɨdˌli/ bywoord
Without doubt.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Maltees



bla dubju

To accept a lower standard of living is undoubtedly a challenge, but it is necessary.
Li taċċetta livell t’għajxien iktar baxx hu bla dubju taʼ sfida, imma huwa neċessarju.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
JESUS CHRIST undoubtedly included his younger followers when he said: “Come to me, . . . and I will refresh you.”
Meta mhuwiex esssenzjali li jitneħħew id-determinanti tal-virjulenza kollha minn patoġen, attenzjoni partikulari trid tingħata lil kull ġijn tossika, determinanti plażmidi jew phageborne u aġenti avventizji tajw2019 jw2019
Believes that a greater commitment of all mayor players including the EU, the US and the emerging economies would be necessary to promote collective progress; calls on all WTO members, especially developed and advanced developing countries, to engage constructively in real negotiations with a view to reaching a successful conclusion; especially appeals to the European Union to put its weight during the undoubtedly complex and difficult negotiations in the coming months behind the achievement of freer and fairer trade relations worldwide;
Konsegwentement, il-programm ta' konverġenza Bulgaru stima żbilanċ ġenerali tal-gvern għal # % tal-PDG flnot-set not-set
You undoubtedly have experienced much greater feelings of dread after learning about a personal health challenge, discovering a family member in difficulty or danger, or observing disturbing world events.
in-numru ta' ġranet prezenti fiz-zona waqt sajd bi xbiek tat-tkarkir tal-qiegħ, tartarun jew tagħmir li jinġibed simili b'malji ta' qies iżgħar minn # mmLDS LDS
If this method is used, measures must be taken to ensure that the samples taken for examination can be undoubtedly related to the individual animals from which the milk derived.
Il-Kummissjoni għandha tipprovdi l-(ko)finanzjament tal-proġetti relatati ma’ dan li ġej, sakemm il-fondi ta’ dan it-tip ikun speċifikament immirati lejn il-promozzjoni tad-disponibilità tal-mikrokreditu għall-persuni kollha u għall-intrapriżi kollha li m’għandhomx aċċess dirett għall-kreditu, li s-soltu jkun definiti mill-Istati Membri, fi ħdan il-ġurisdizzjoni tagħhom, bħala gruppi speċifiċi żvantaġġati (bħarRoma, l-immigranti, dawk li jgħixu fl-inħawi rurali żvantaġġati, nies f’sitwazzjonijiet tax-xogħol prekarji, u n-nisaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
calls on the Commission to focus extensively on powered two wheelers in the measures provided for by the Action Plan on Urban Mobility, as powered two-wheelers can undoubtedly contribute to more sustainable mobility.
Il-Bank Ewropew taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The decision taken by the French Republic in order to reconcile investment in laboratories by purely investor shareholders with protection of the independence of the biologist-shareholders is undoubtedly of itself an important factor to be assessed positively for the purposes of an overall ruling on the proportionality of the measure adopted.
Jekk iż-żjieda fl-emoglobina tkun ta ’ aktar minn # g/dl (#. # mmol/l) f’ erba ’ ġimgħat, id-doża trid titnaqqas b ' bejn wieħed u ieħor # %, skond ir-rata taż-żjiedaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The global economic downturn undoubtedly had negative consequences on the economic situation of many companies worldwide and it is natural that many companies try and obtain any kind of relief in those circumstances.
It-tagħmir biex jiġu skoperti dokumenti ffalsifikati, li f’dak iż-żmien ta’ l-implimentazzzjoni ma kinux għadhom użati għal kollox, kien fornut skond il-proġett ta’ qabel PhareEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ireland contends in its statement in defence, without being contradicted on the point by the Commission, that the Habitats Regulations are not a statute but are, in their entirety and undoubtedly, of full force and effect unless and until they are successfully challenged before a court of competent jurisdiction.
Karatteristiċi ġenerali tas-sustanzi attiviEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘(1) Is a tax authority entitled to refuse to allow an intra-Community supply, which undoubtedly occurred, to be exempt from tax solely on the ground that the taxable person did not produce the prescribed accounting evidence in good time?
Bl-għan li tiġi żgurata ġestjoni tajba, li ma tinħoloqx spekulazzjoni u li jiġu provduti kontrolli effettivi, għandhom jiġu stabbiliti regoli dettaljati għall-preżentazzjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet għal-liċenzji għall-esportazzjoni ta’ zokkor u isoglukożju barra mill-kwotaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the fact that the EU guarantee provided to the EIB, for the period 2007-2013, against losses under loans and loan guarantees for projects outside the EU, undoubtedly falls under the scrutiny of the European Court of Auditors (8);
Fitting AIS to all fishing vessels exceeding 15 metres length overall would undoubtedly saturate the system and cause its efficacy in the field of maritime safety to be undermined.
Id-dożata ’ Enbrel tal-# mg dejjem kellha anqas effett fuq il-ħsara strutturali mid-doża ta ’ # mgEurLex-2 EurLex-2
By seeking to facilitate the reintegration into the labour market of older workers who need to find new work after losing their job through no fault of their own and thereby to make their move to new employment socially bearable, the Danish legislature undoubtedly pursues a legitimate social policy aim in the context of employment policy and the labour market.
Kwalunkwe modifika tal-vettura li tkun aktar ‘ilquddiem minn pilastri-A jew mis-sistema ta’ protezzjoni ta’ quddiem li taffetwa l-istruttura, id-dimensjonijiet ewlenin, il-materjali ta’ l-uċuħ ta’ barra tal-vettura, il-metodu ta’ iffissar jew l-arranġament estern jew intern tal-komponenti, u li tista’ tinfluwenza b’mod sinifikanti r-riżultati tat-testijiet, għandha titqies bħala emenda skont l-Artikolu # tad-Direttiva #/#/KE u għalhekk teħtieġ applikazzjoni ġdida għall-approvazzjoni tat-tipEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The additional training conveys skills which are largely transferable to other companies or industries, on general subjects such as Project Management Skills, HR, Purchasing, Finance, Six Sigma (a methodology for reducing error in repeated processes that is applied in many industries), and individualised training for role models, which undoubtedly benefits the company as well, in so far is it improves the working environment by helping to flatten hierarchies, but primarily benefits the trainees themselves and increases their attractiveness on the job market
Il-Kummerċ u s-sigurtà alimentarioj4 oj4
In turn, this change will also mean, with each annual adjustment, considerable fish mortality reductions, which will undoubtedly require reductions in fleets and fishing efforts and therefore considerable sacrifice on the part of Community fishing enterprises
30 In addition, since the approach adopted by the Court in paragraph 18 of the judgment in TWD Textilwerke Deggendorf (EU:C:1994:90) is based on the risk that the definitive nature of an EU measure might be circumvented, it applies only as regards a party which invokes the unlawfulness of an EU measure before a national court, whereas it could undoubtedly have brought an action under Article 263 TFEU for the annulment of that measure, but failed to do so within the prescribed period.
huma li hemm il-ħtieġa għal miżuri speċifiċi biex ikunu limitati r-riskjiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
[xxx] The countries that may be targeted will undoubtedly change over time, as some countries experience a change of regime, moving onward with democratization, and as others - previously more free - may revert to greater repression and restrictions on human rights and freedoms or descend into public disorder.
Fejn it-trasportatur ħalla t-twettiq ta' Trasport, fis-sħiħ jew f'parti, f'idejn trasportatur sostitut, kemm jekk skond id-dritt taħt il-kuntratt ta' Trasport li jagħmal dan, jew le, it-trasportatur għandu madankollu jibqa' responsabbli fir-rigward tat-Trasport sħiħEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whilst it is impossible to predict the outcome of such an action it is likely that the net effect of such action would undoubtedly lead to decreased availability of milk products and decreased consumption in schools.
Il-Kummissjoni stabbiliet il-karattru ta’ għajnuna tal-miżura FSA fid-deċiżjoni tagħha tat-# ta’ Marzu # (Annessi # sa #) u tikkunsidra li l-osservazzjonijiet tal-Istati Membri kkonċernati mhumiex ta’ natura li jpoġġu fid-dubju l-konklużjonijiet tagħhaelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Simitzi concerned specifically a charge on imports and exports levied when goods imported from or exported to another Member State crossed the border of the Dodecanese; the Court did not therefore apply Article 28 EC but, in any event, the applicant in the main proceedings, a Greek national, undoubtedly imported goods from other Member States.
inkella, fil-każ ta' professjoni regolata, ta' taħriġ bi struttura speċjali, inkluż fl-Anness II, ekwivalenti għal-livell ta' taħriġ provdut taħt (i), li jipprovdi standard professjonali komparabbli u li jipprepara t-trainee għal livell komparabbli ta' responsabbiltajiet u funzjonijietEurLex-2 EurLex-2
That unequal treatment undoubtedly works to the disadvantage of cross-border transfers, a disadvantage which, financially seen, may even assume existential dimensions.
L-isem tal-varjetà, espressjoni karatteristika jew dettalji dwar il-metodi taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
29 Furthermore, in accordance with the case-law, encouragement of recruitment undoubtedly constitutes a legitimate aim of Member States’ social or employment policy, in particular when the promotion of access of young people to a profession is involved (Joined Cases C-250/09 and C-268/09 Georgiev [2010] ECR I-11869, paragraph 45, and Fuchs and Köhler, paragraph 49).
Din l-Istqarrija taEurLex-2 EurLex-2
26 In the case in the main proceedings, it is therefore appropriate to examine, in the light of the considerations set out in paragraphs 14 to 19 of the present judgment, whether the applicants in the main proceedings undoubtedly had standing to bring an action for annulment of the contested decision before the General Court, on the basis of Article 263 TFEU (see, to that effect, judgment of 14 March 2017, A and Others, C‐158/14, EU:C:2017:202, paragraphs 66 and 67, and the case-law cited), irrespective of whether the applicants brought their action before the national courts before the expiry of the period prescribed for bringing an action before the General Court.
Qabel ma jitwettaq il-kejl tal-kwalità tal-punt tal-waqfien u l-proċedura tal-immirar strumentali, tenħtieġ mira viżwali minn qabel skont l-Artikoli #.#.#.# u #.#.#.# ta’ dan ir-RegolamentEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Although that assessment should undoubtedly be confined prima facie to an analysis of the shape as applied for, the relationship between that shape (groove) and the function of the goods (tyre) necessitates the consideration of additional information.
u billi l-implimentazzjoni taEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Lastly, Parliament can undoubtedly agree with the Commission that the simplification process promoted at European level cannot be jeopardised by national decisions which go in the opposite direction, but must always be accompanied by national simplification measures.
Fil-każ ta' ġestjoni konġunta, kompiti ta' implimentazzjoni jinqasmu bejn il-Kummissjoni u organizzazzjonijiet internazzjonalinot-set not-set
Those parameters are: On that basis, the EU will continue to work with all its partners in the Quartet, which undoubtedly has an instrumental role to play in the resolution of the conflict, and will look forward to an early meeting of the Quartet Principals to take the process forward.
Meta l-Iskola Reġjonali għall-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika tibda topera mija fil-mija, huwa ta’ importanza kruċjali li r-rappreżentanti lokali u reġjonali jieħdu sehem fil-programmi tat-taħriġnot-set not-set
(34) Undoubtedly, that circumstance should be taken into account in interpreting Article 220(6) of UNCLOS: it is of relevance in determining whether the spill causes a threat of major damage in the circumstances of the case at hand.
int bdilt iż-żona tal-ġilda fejn tinjetta l-insulina (per eżempju mill-koxxa għall-parti ta fuq tad-driegħeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
203 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.