voter oor Maltees


/ˈvəʊtə/ naamwoord
One who votes.

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However, in order to exercise this right every voter must have sufficient information on the practical arrangements.
Madankollu, sabiex jeżerċita dan id-dritt kull votant jeħtieġ biżżejjed informazzjoni dwar l-arranġamenti prattiċi.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The proposed initiative entitled ‘Voters Without Borders, Full Political Rights for EU Citizens’ should therefore be registered,
L-Artikolu # (b) tar-Regolament (KEE) Nru # li jirrigwardja l-importazzjoni tal-laħam taċ-ċanga intiż għall-manifattura taEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Stresses that serious concerns remain with regard to fundamental rights of freedom of assembly and expression, and access by voters to a plurality of views necessary to make an informed choice; regrets that political parties played a minor role and that restrictions imposed by the state authorities did not allow a vibrant and genuinely competitive campaign;
F’każ li diversi proposti li joħroġu minn proġetti mwettqa fl-istess Stat Membru huma konformi mal-kriterji tal-eliġibbiltà stabbiliti fl-Artikolu # u l-kriterji tal-għażla stabbiliti fl-Artikolu #, il-Kummissjoni għandha tagħżel għall-għajnuna EEPR, abbażi tal-kriterji tal-għoti fl-Artikolu #, mhux iktar minn proposta waħda għal kull Stat Membru fost dawk il-propostinot-set not-set
whereas discrimination faced by women across the EU is an obstacle to equality; whereas women remain under-represented as voters as well as in leading positions, whether in elected office, the civil service, academia, the media or the private sector; whereas the widespread multiple discrimination faced by women and the disproportionate number of women facing poverty and social exclusion are obstacles to the full exercise of their citizenship rights;
jirrimarka l-livell għoli ta' approprijazzjonijiet li ċ-Ċentrukkanċella fl-#; jinsisti li ċ-Ċentru jtejjeb l-estimi tiegħu sabiex il-baġit kif implimentat ikun jixbaħ iżjed lill-baġit adottat mill-Awtorità BaġitarjaEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Encourages states to establish a constitutionally independent electoral body which is not subject to direction and control by any authority, to be responsible for: organising, conducting and supervising elections; demarcation of constituencies; compiling, maintaining, revising and updating the electoral register; hearing and determining election complaints arising before and during polling and formulating and conducting voter education programmes relating to elections, among other functions
L-iskema ta' għajnuna hija konformi ma' l-Artikolu # tar-Regolament (KE) Nru #/# rigward għajnuniet għal gruppi ta' produtturi, ma' l-Artikolu # rigward għajnuniet għat-trawwim tal-produzzjoni ta' prodotti agrikoli ta' kwalità, u l-Artikolu # rigward appoġġ tekniku lis-settur agrikoluoj4 oj4
Regrets the low number of Union citizens resident in Member States other than their own who take advantage of the right to vote or stand in either European or local elections in their place of residence; notes the practical obstacles that too often confront potential voters in the exercise of their rights; urges the Commission, Member States and local authorities, in view of the imminent 2009 European elections, to launch pan-European, effective information campaigns about the electoral rights of Union citizens and give practical advice on how to exercise them at local level;
Kompożizzjoni tal-Bord tat-Tmexxijanot-set not-set
Finally, the Commission observes, in the first place, that contrary to the apparent view of the referring court, the provisions on which Mr Delvigne’s exclusion from the electoral roll is based do not involve a difference in treatment between nationals of different Member States but rather between different types of voter.
Tħaddim mhux fuq gerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas preparatory phases of the elections revealed failings in terms of basic fairness for the opposition, transparency, voter registration and respect for the rule of law, with President Olusegun Obasanjo attempting to exclude candidates,
F'każ li din l-informazzjoni tkun għadha mhix disponibbli jew tkun għadha ma tikkonformax ma' dan ir-Regolament u l-miżuri ta' implimentazzjoni tiegħu f'dak il-waqt, il-manifattur għandu jipprovdiha fi żmien sitt xhur mid-data ta' l-approvazzjoni tat-tipEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In relation to the 29 July 2018 elections, Cambodia stresses that the registration of 20 political parties and the participation of 6.956.900 voters is a clear evidence that the amendments to the LPP and the consequent redistribution of seats did not deprive Cambodians of their right to take part in the conduct of political affairs.
li jiżgura l-implimentazzjoni soda, l-applikazzjoni korretta u konkreta u l-evalwazzjoni ta' strumenti Komunitarji fil-qasam tal-koperazzjoniġudizzjarja f'materji ċivili u kummerċjaliEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The recommendation aims to promote the right to vote, enshrined in Article 39 of the Charter, by informing voters about the issues at stake in these elections, encouraging a Europe-wide debate, and ultimately improving voter turnout.
kwalunkwe opinjoni jew rapport provdut mis-sorveljatur tal-irkant dwar il-funzjonament tal-pjattaformi tal-irkant maħtura skont l-Artikolu # jewEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Electronic voting, with reliable systems and clear instructions for voters, would strengthen democracy and create more comfortable conditions for voting both for disabled people and for citizens who travel constantly.
Dan ir-Regolament jidħol fis-seħħ fl-għoxrin jum wara dak tal-pubblikazzjoni tiegħu f’Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropeanot-set not-set
On 26 June 2015, Gaye and a small entourage disrupted the opening of a voter registration drive in Bangui's PK5 neighbourhood, causing the registration drive to close.
Il-parti l-kbira ta' dawn l-attivitajiet jitwettqu fi skeda ta' żmien itwal mis-sena kalendarjaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The objectives of the proposed citizens’ initiative entitled Voters Without Borders, Full Political Rights for EU Citizens’ refer to the following:
Li l-qies massimu ta’ wiċċ ta’ qatgħa tagħhom jaqbeż in-#,# mmEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
whereas the ‘get out the vote’ invitation, which the courts considered as amounting to pressure and undue influence on voters, has been a common practice in previous elections in Moldova and had never led to their cancellation;
As speaker of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Konstantinov played a relevant role in the decisions taken by the ‘Supreme Council’ concerning the ‘referendum’ against territorial integrity of Ukraine and called on voters to cast their votes in favour of Crimean independence in the ‘referendum’ of 16 March 2014.
L-effetti sekondarji komuni ħafna (irrappurtati f’ mill-inqas # minn kull # pazjenti) huma: • Telf ta ’ xagħar • Tnaqqis anormali fin-numru ta ’ newtrofili fid-demm • Tnaqqis fin-numru ta ’ ċelluli bojod tad-demm • Defiċjenza ta ’ ċelluli ħomor tad-demm • Tnaqqis fin-numru ta ’ limfoċiti fid-demm • Effett fuq nervituri periferali (uġigħ, u tmewwit) • Uġigħ f’ xi ġog jew ġogi • Uġigħ fil-muskoli • Dardir, dijarea • Rimettar • Dgħjufija u għejaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The Austrian Federal Constitution states that citizens' initiatives must receive the support of 100 000 voters or one sixth of the voters in at least three Länder, which represents one third of the 9 Austrian Länder.
Il-finanzjament Komunitarju jista' jieħu wieħed minn dawn il-forom legali li ġejjin, inter alia, ftehim ta' finanzjament, kuntratti ta' għoti ta' fondi, kuntratti ta' akkwist u kuntratti ta' impjiegEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the international community, including the European Union and the US Department of State, has criticised the decision, underlining that the will of the voters needs to be respected;
Huwa jista’ jistieden lill-Kmandant ta’ l-Operazzjoni ta’ l-UE u/jew lill-Kmandant tal-Forza ta’ l-UE għal-laqgħat tiegħu kif meħtieġEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Although democratic regimes have been built up through free electoral processes, low voter turn-out, discredited public institutions and political parties, prevailing corruption and impunity, the low incidence of citizenship and civil society in the political and social life of most of the countries, the tendency to social and territorial fragmentation that can be observed in some countries, and the persistence of discrimination and exclusion for ethnic and other reasons do not make it possible to come to an optimistic conclusion.
Motivi u argumenti prinċipalinot-set not-set
In order to have his name entered on the electoral roll, a voter within the scope of Article 3 shall produce the same documents as a voter who is a national.
Dawn għandhom jinkludu messaġġi relatati mal-kooperazzjoni konsulari (l-Artikolu # tar-Regolament VIS), messaġġi relatati mat-trażmissjoni ta’ talbiet lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti tal-viża biex jgħaddu kopji ta’ dokumenti ta’ vjaġġ u dokumenti oħra li jakkumpanjaw l-applikazzjoni u mat-trażmissjoni ta’ kopji elettroniċi ta’ dawk id-dokumenti (l-Artikolu # tar-Regolament VIS), messaġġi li d-dejta pproċessati fil-VIS mhumiex eżatti jew messaġġi li d-dejta li kienu pproċessati fil-VIS, bil-kontra tad-dispożizzjonijiet tar-Regolament VIS (l-Artikolu # tar-Regolament VIS) u messaġġi li applikant ikun kiseb iċ-ċittadinanza ta’ Stat Membru (l-Artikolu # tar-Regolament VISEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Fourth plea in law, alleging breach of the principle of free and democratic elections, in so far as the publication during the ballot by the polling station of the agreement on shared representativeness was such as to lead voters to believe that the OSPs which presented list No 3 were represented on it by a number of candidates corresponding to the share indicated for each of them, whereas this was not the case, or at any rate that R&D had benefited from a share of the representativeness of Solidarité européenne, whereas it was USF-L, FFPE and U4U which had ceded a share of their representativeness to R&D.
li jitwaħħal is-simbolu ma’ l-merkanzija jew ma’ l-imballaġġ ta’ danEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The low turnout of young voters in European elections, noted in the Commission’s report on the 2014 European Parliament elections(1) demands responses both from the EU and the Member States, including willingness to reach out and listen to young people(2)(3).
Jinnota bi tħassib il-fatt li l-Qorti hija kritika ħafna dwar il-korrezzjonijiet finanzjarji applikati mill-Kummissjoni, li ma tiżgurax il-prevenzjoni u l-identifikazzjoni bikrija ta' l-iżbalji, ma jqisux b'mod xieraq in-nuqqasijiet li jinstabu fl-operazzjonijiet ta' bażi, jiġifieri fil-livell tal-benefiċjarju aħħari, u ma jħajrux lill-Istati Membri sabiex jieħħdu azzjonijiet għall-prevenzjoni ta' irregolaritajiet jew għat-titjib tas-sistemi tagħhom ta' tmexxija u ta' kontroll (paragrafi #.# u #.# tar-rapport annwali tal-Qorti ta' l-Awditurinot-set not-set
(9) The exchange of information should accordingly be abolished but the obligation for the voter or candidate to produce a declaration undertaking to exercise his right to vote or to stand as a candidate only in the Member State of residence should be maintained.
Dawn il-minuti għandu jkun hemm qbil dwarhom mill-Ko-Presidenti nominati tal-Kumitat Direttivnot-set not-set
As speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea, Konstantinov played a relevant role in the decisions taken by the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea concerning the ‘referendum’ against the territorial integrity of Ukraine and called on voters to cast votes in favour of Crimean Independence.
il-ħsara, anki jekk ikollhom l-istess sintomi bħal tiegħekEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The campaign was animated but hostile and intimidating campaign rhetoric limited space for substantive debate and diminished voters’ ability to make an informed choice.
Il-punti li jridu jiġu kkunsidratiEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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