Mustafa oor Noorse Bokmål


A male given name used by Muslims.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Noorse Bokmål


I'd look into this problem for you, but I can't since I'm representing Mustafa.
Jeg kunne ha hjulpet deg, men det går ikke da jeg representerer Mustafa.
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

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Mustafa Barzani
Mustafa Barzani
Mustafa III
Mustafa III
Mustafa Can
Mustafa Can
Mustafa I
Mustafa I
Kara Mustafa Pasha
Kara Mustafa
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Kemal Atatürk
Mustafa II
Mustafa II
Mustafa IV
Mustafa IV
Nawshirwan Mustafa
Nawshirwan Mustafa


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It's back home for you, Mustafa.
Da skal vi hjem, Mustafa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since the letter was signed with full name and address, the newspaper were able to contact Mohammad Mustafa to investigate the matter.
Siden brevet var undertegnet med fullt navn og adresse, kunne avisa kontakte den virkelige Mohammad Mustafa for å undersøke saken.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mustafa was just talking away because he was afraid the soldiers on the bank would notice the boat and start firing.
Mustafa surret, som i transe, for han fryktet at båten skulle bli oppdaget av soldatene på bredden og bli beskutt.Literature Literature
A witness saw you and probably Mustafa that night.
Et vitne så deg og Mustafa Akkad den fredagsnatten klokken halv to.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mustafa felt himself to be a slave of the system, trapped and under surveillance.
Mustafa følte seg som en slave av systemet, fanget, overvåket.Literature Literature
Either the man didn’t know who Abdullah Mustafa was, or he didn’t want to say.
Enten visste ikke mannen hvem Abdulla Mustafa var, eller så ville han ikke fortelle det.Literature Literature
Bayan tightly held the hand of Mustafa, who was sitting beside her.
Bayan grep hånden til Mustafa som satt ved siden av henne.Literature Literature
Mustafa’s first ploy was to make sure the girl got to know his sister.
Først sørget Mustafa for at kvinnen med krøllene ble kjent med hans søster.Literature Literature
Now and again someone had to stay behind after the lesson because Mustafa had been unhappy with a recital.
Iblant måtte noen sitte igjen etter timen fordi Mustafa ikke hadde vært fornøyd med resiteringen.Literature Literature
Little Ali was in a suit, as was Mustafa, and Bayan had put on a simple dress.
Lillebroren Ali sto i dress, det gjorde også Mustafa, mens Bayan var kledd i en enkel kjole.Literature Literature
Mustafa had bought all the parts for the shower cabinet before he took Ali to the football championship in Sweden.
Mustafa hadde funnet alle delene til dusjkabinettet allerede før han dro til Sverige.Literature Literature
Sometimes Mustafa’s rules for living were based on the Koran and sharia, other times on traditional belief.
Noen ganger var Mustafas leveregler basert på Koranen og sharia, andre ganger på tradisjonell tro.Literature Literature
‘You choose then,’ smiled Mustafa.
«Så bestem, du,» smilte Mustafa.Literature Literature
‘It’s going to be fine,’ said Mustafa.
«Det kommer til å gå bra,» sa Mustafa.Literature Literature
The process was aimed to unite independent movements around the country to build a common voice and is attributed to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, as he was the primary spokesperson, public figure, and military leader of the movement.
Prosessen var rettet mot å forene uavhengige bevegelser rundt om i landet for å bygge en felles stemme og tilskrives Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, som han var den primære talsmannen, den offentlige figuren og militær leder av bevegelsen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was also noted during the cross-examination of Nuri Bey during the 9th session of the trials at Trabzon on April 10, 1919 that Agent Mustafa, the commander of the seaport of Trabzon, "had taken a box belonging to Vartivar Muradian" and had received "five hundred pounds gold and jewels" from Cemal Azmi in exchange.
Under korsforhør av Nuri Bey ender 9. sesjon av rettsforhandlingene i Trabzon ble det den 10. april 1919 fortalt at agent Mustafa, kommandør av havnen i Trabzon «hadde utlevert en boks tilhørende Vartivar Muradian» og i bytte mottatt av Cemal Azmi «fem hundre pund gull og dessuten juveler».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Abdullah Mustafa claimed he didn’t know what had happened to it, so I left that detail out.’
Abdullah Mustafa påsto at han ikke ante hva som var skjedd med den, så jeg utelot den opplysningenLiterature Literature
Mustafa Kemal is gathering a Nationalist army there.
Mustafa Kemal samler den Nasjonalistiske hæren der.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Valter stopped a man selling knitted children’s clothes with garish patterns, and asked for Abdullah Mustafa.
Valter stanset ved en mann som solgte strikkede barneklær i prangende pastellmønstre, og spurte etter Abdullah Mustafa.Literature Literature
The more his sisters got caught up in Mustafa’s outlook on life, the more repelled he became.
Jo mer innvevd søstrene ble i Mustafas livssyn, desto mer frastøtt ble broren.Literature Literature
Mustafa got her a decent pair of shoes; he bought a rucksack and a water bottle.
Mustafa fikk med stor møye tak i et par gode sko til henne, han kjøpte skoleveske og vannflaske.Literature Literature
In his history of the Order of St. John, the 18th-century historian Abbe Vertot (whose history is largely based on - but often confuses - the earlier one of Giacomo Bosio) indicates that Valette was indeed the same age as both Suleiman I and Kızılahmedli Mustafa Pasha (the commander of the Ottoman land forces), which would mean that he was actually 70 years old at the time of the siege.
I sin historie om johanitterordenen sier 1700-tallshistorikeren René-Aubert Vertot at Valette faktisk var av samme alder som både Suleiman I og Lala Mustafa Pasha (kommandanten av de osmanske landstyrkene), noe som ville bety at han faktisk var 70 år ved tiden av beleiringen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When she was out in the car with Mustafa to practise, they always ended up quarrelling.
Når hun øvelseskjørte med Mustafa, endte det stort sett med at de begynte å krangle.Literature Literature
Mustafa Hashmi, logistics commander, Logar district.
Mustafa Hashmi. Leder for logistikk, Lowgar-provinsen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And Mustafa, he had palm trees shipped in from Borneo.
Og Mustafa, han fikk palmetrær tilsendt fra Borneo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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