The Hawthorns oor Noorse Bokmål

The Hawthorns

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The Hawthorns

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I feel strongly that Heavenly Father helped me return the photographs to the Hawthorn family.
Jeg føler sterkt at min himmelske Fader hjalp meg å returnere fotografiene til familien Hawthorn.LDS LDS
All units in the vicinity of the Hawthorne Airport:
Alle biler, Hawthorne flyplass:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Isn't that why you underlined the Hawthorne passage?
Var det ikke derfor du understreket Hawthorne-avsnittet?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But what about the Hawthorne Wipes jingle?
Men jinglen for våtserviettene da?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The HRB evolved into the Town of Hawthorn and the City of Hawthorn.
Hawthorn Roads Board utviklet seg da til Town of Hawthorn og City of Hawthorn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Hawthorns doubted that they were related to the person who had discarded the pictures, and they had no idea why the photographs had ended up at the landfill.
Ekteparet Hawthorns tvilte på at de var i slekt med den som hadde kastet bildene, og de ante ikke hvorfor fotografiene hadde endt opp på den søppelfyllingen.LDS LDS
They also placed hawthorn in the corpse's sock or drove a hawthorn stake through the legs.
De plasserte hagtorn i likets sokker eller presset hagtornpåle gjennom beina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lambert started the 2013–14 Premier League season with another goal, a last-minute penalty in a 1–0 win over West Bromwich Albion at the Hawthorns on 17 August 2013.
Lambert startet 2013–14-sesongen med nok et mål, en straffeskåring i kampens siste minutter, som sikret en 1-0 seier over West Bromwich Albion borte på The Hawthorns den 17. august 2013.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the skyline, hawthorn and blackthorn trees, bent and twisted like old men, were huddled together with their backs to the wind.
I horisonten stod det en klynge hagtorn og slåpetorn som så ut som gamle menn som stod krumbøyd med ryggen mot vinden.jw2019 jw2019
Johnson then suffered an injury against West Bromwich Albion at The Hawthorns, but recovered before the end of the season to play in the final four matches of the season, including a 5–2 win over Fulham at Craven Cottage.
Han fikk så en skade i en kamp mot West Bromwich Albion på The Hawthorns, men ble kvitt denne før slutten av sesongen, slik at han kunne spille de fire siste kampene, inklusive en 5–2 seier over Fulham på Craven Cottage.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When I opened the box, Brother Hawthorn said, “Well, there he is,” pointing to the picture on top.
Da jeg åpnet esken, sa bror Hawthorn: “Se, der er han” og pekte på det øverste bildet.LDS LDS
The research helped make Mayo more widely known in the U.S. Mayo helped to lay the foundation for the human relations movement, and was known for his industrial research including the Hawthorne Studies and his book The Human Problems of an Industrialized Civilization (1933).
Mayo er kjent som grunnlegger av Human Relations Movement, og for sin forskning, inklusiv Hawthorne-studiene, og sin bok The Social Problems of an Industrialised Civilization (1933).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ha ha! Our original school song by the venerable Pierce Hawthorne.
Vår originale skolesang, fremført av Pierce Hawthorne.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wrote the jingle for Hawthorne Wipes towelettes.
Jeg skrev jinglen for Hawthornes våtservietter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Summer makes it very easy for us by providing us with a wide variety of blooming shrubs, such as the laburnum, the hawthorn, and the jasmine, while the cut stalks of asters, red barberry, the fire thorn, and the orange sea buckthorn, to name just a few, are in the autumn season especially suitable for creating a rare bit of floral decoration.
Om sommeren kan vi velge og vrake mellom en stor mengde blomstrende busker, for eksempel gullregn, hagtorn og sjasmin, og om høsten kan vi pynte opp med slike vekster som asters, georginer, rød berberiss, ildtorn og den oransjefargede tindved.jw2019 jw2019
This extra world championship point plus the second place points contributed to Hawthorn winning the championship with a season total just one more than that of Moss.
Dette ekstra poenget pluss poengene for andreplassen bidro til at Hawthorn vant mesterskapet med bare et poengs margin til Moss.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The next day, Floyd and Beth Hawthorn, both Latter-day Saints, came to see the pictures.
Neste dag kom Floyd og Beth Hawthorn, som begge var siste-dagers-hellige, for å se bildene.LDS LDS
We built the air base at Hawthorn Hill.
Vi bygde flybasen på Hawthorne Hill.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hawthorn won the 1958 Formula One Championship despite achieving only one win, against four by Moss.
Hawthorn vant verdensmesterskapet for førere i Formel 1 for 1958 selv om han bare hadde en seier mot fire for Stirling Moss.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He wants you to bring the money to 643 Hawthorne Street.
Han vil at du tar med pengene til 643 Hawthorne Street.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1837, the young Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) collected some of his stories as Twice-Told Tales, a volume rich in symbolism and occult incidents.
I 1837 samlet den unge Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) en del av sine fortellinger som Twice-Told Tales, en bok rik på symbolisme og okkulte hendelser.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Macklin, on reading Hawthorn's 1958 autobiography, Challenge Me the Race, was embittered when he found that Hawthorn now disclaimed all responsibility for the crash without identifying who had caused it.
Macklin hadde ansett Hawthorn som en venn, men da han leste Hawthorns selvbiografi Challenge Me The Race i 1958 ble han forbitret over at Hawthorn fraskrev seg alt ansvar for ulykken uten å påpeke hvem som hadde forårsaket den.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The French press carried photographs of Hawthorn and Ivor Bueb celebrating their win with the customary champagne but treated them with scorn.
Franske aviser trykte fotografier av Hawthorn og Bueb som feiret seieren med den vanlige champagnen, men omtalte dem med forakt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fangio's drive at the Nürburgring, where he overtook Collins and Hawthorn on the penultimate lap after a pit stop had put him nearly a minute behind, is regarded as a particularly notable drive.
Fangios kjøring på Nürburgring, hvor han tok igjen Collins og Hawthorn på nest sidte runde etter at han tidligere ble liggende over et minutt bak dem etter et pitstop, var en klassiker.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The decision to switch proved to be a masterstroke, with Ferrari's line-up of Peter Collins, Eugenio Castellotti and the returning Mike Hawthorn failing to win a race.
Beslutningen om å bytte viste seg å være helt riktig, ettersom Ferraris førere; Peter Collins, Eugenio Castellotti og Mike Hawthorn, ikke vant et eneste løp.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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