Ashurbanipal oor Nederlands


king of Assyria who built a magnificent palace and library at Nineveh (668-627 BC)

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Ashurbanipal brought about the greatest expansion of the empire.
Onder Assurbanipal beleefde het rijk zijn grootste expansie.

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As might be expected, the above sources also give varied dates for the reign of Ashurbanipal’s probable successor, Ashur-etillu-ilani.
Op voorstel van de Minister-Voorzitter belast met het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Besluitjw2019 jw2019
The Assyrian conquest of Egypt by Esar-haddon and Ashurbanipal proved the ‘foolishness’ of the counselors from Zoan.
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Ashurbanipal renewed the assault and sacked the city of Thebes (Biblical No-amon) in Upper Egypt, where Egypt’s greatest temple treasures were located.
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Assyrian King Ashurbanipal refers to it in his annals.
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Ashurbanipal’s palace containing this amazing library was unearthed in 1853.
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Ashurbanipal brought about the greatest expansion of the empire.
Bij gedecentraliseerd beheer stelt overeenkomstig artikel # de nationale IPA-coördinator een sectoraal comité van toezicht voor de afdeling omschakeling en institutionele opbouw in (hierna het TAIB-comitégenoemdjw2019 jw2019
She became specially renowned during the reigns of Sargon, Sennacherib, Esar-haddon, and Ashurbanipal, in the closing period of the Assyrian Empire.
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In his annals, Assyrian monarch Ashurbanipal stated: “By the command of Asshur, Sin, Shamash, Ramman, Bel, Nabu, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ninib, Nergal, and Nusku, I entered the land of Mannai and marched through it victoriously.”
Van den Wijngaert, Wilfrieda, bestuurschef bij het Departementjw2019 jw2019
George Smith, after citing an instance where the same tribute list of Esar-haddon is credited to his son Ashurbanipal 13 years later, says that this later list is “most probably a literal copy of the earlier document, without any attempt to ascertain if these kings were still reigning, and if they really paid tribute.” —The Assyrian Eponym Canon, London, 1875, p.
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In the 1800’s it was again identified, and the famous library of Ashurbanipal II was unearthed.
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“I’ve come to propose a revolution against my brother Ashurbanipal’s harsh reign.
Ik wil desondanks benadrukken dat het de lidstaten zijn die uiteindelijk een besluit moeten nemen.Literature Literature
(Ge 18:4; 27:19; Jg 19:6; Lu 9:14) A relief from the palace of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal depicts him as reclining on a couch and his queen as seated on an elevated chair while feasting.
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History shows Ashurbanipal to be the only Assyrian king in position to carry out such action as regards the inhabitants of Elam.
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It may be noted, however, that Esar-haddon’s son Ashurbanipal also makes reference to Manasseh as tributary during his reign.
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An inscription shows the great interest King Ashurbanipal took in his library: “I read the beautiful clay tablets from Sumer and the obscure Akkadian writing which is hard to master.
De volgorde van de behandeling van de punten kan worden gewijzigd indien de meerderheid van de aanwezige stemgerechtigde leden dit wenselijk achtjw2019 jw2019
Letters by Sin-balassu-iqbi, governor of Ur show how he tried to ingratiate himself with Ashurbanipal.
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The only writings regarding a flood found in the ruins of Ashurbanipal’s palace were those of the Babylonian flood account, containing much mythology.
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Our knowledge of this is based mainly on a cuneiform text that came from the library of Ashurbanipal, who reigned 668-627 B.C.E., in ancient Nineveh.
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Well, with the help of eponym and king lists and other source material, they manage to set up a chronology that reaches as far as 668 B.C.E., the year they assign for the start of Ashurbanipal’s reign.
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Thus, upon Esar-haddon’s death, Ashurbanipal became Assyria’s next monarch.
[naam van de onderneming] instemt met onaangekondigde inspecties op zijn terreinen en in zijn gebouwen, die door de bevoegde autoriteit van de lidstaat waarin de onderneming is gevestigd, worden uitgevoerd om na te gaan of [naam van de onderneming] deze instructies naleeftjw2019 jw2019
Today material from the library of Ashurbanipal is viewed as the principal source of information for the history of the Assyrian Empire and its kings.
Ja, ik weet hetjw2019 jw2019
Centuries after Ashurbanipal, the symbolic value of funding a library has not much changed.
Om het uit balans te brengenLiterature Literature
For example, Professor Olmstead makes reference to the “cool taking by [Ashurbanipal] of bit after bit of the last two Egyptian campaigns of his father until in the final edition there is nothing that he has not claimed for himself.”—Assyrian Historiography, pages 7, 8.
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A tablet unearthed in 1854 by Austen Henry Layard in Nineveh reveals Ashurbanipal as an "avenger", seeking retribution for the humiliations the Elamites had inflicted on the Mesopotamians over the centuries.
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He is also Emperor Ashurbanipal’s brother.
Ik hoorde iemand roepenLiterature Literature
113 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.