Norwegian International Ship Register oor Nederlands

Norwegian International Ship Register

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Norwegian International Ship Register


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Skipsregistrene | Norwegian International Ship Register |
Wel, misschien moet je je concentratiepunt... verleggen van de deurknop naar dat vensterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As it was mentioned in the previous report, ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) do not have access to the cabotage.
Het facultatieve karakter van het in het geding zijnde stelsel houdt niet in dat de wetgever de vrijheid zou hebben om het te organiseren in strijd met het gelijkheidsbeginsel of het van kracht te houden terwijl het discriminerend is geworden als gevolg van een evolutie van de maatschappij waarmee hij trouwens sedert verschillende jaren rekening heeft gehouden bij de organisatie van andere socialezekerheidsstelselsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Alterations to three tax refund schemes to shipowners for seafarers employed aboard vessels in the Norwegian Ordinary Shipping Register (NOR) and the Norwegian International Shipping Register (NIS).
Ik ben erachter gekomen waar je mee bezig bentEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Community notes the Norwegian Government's statement that it does not have the intention of amending its domestic Law concerning the Norwegian International Ship Register before 1 January 1997.
Ten derde staat er in het standpunt van de Raad in eerste lezing een herzieningsclausule (artikel #, lid #) voor specifieke stookinstallaties, en mogen de bestaande grensemissiewaarden bedoeld in Richtlijn #/#/EG nog worden toegepast zolang er geen nieuwe normen zijn vastgesteld via de gewone wetgevingsprocedureEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In an EEA context it may be pointed out that the fleet under the Norwegian flag declined substantially in the years up to 1987, whereafter registered tonnage in the Norwegian International Shipping Register has grown considerably.
Andere partij in de procedure voor de kamer van beroep: Lehning Entreprise SARL (Sainte Barbe, FrankrijkEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) vessels do not have access to EU cabotage under Regulation 3577/92 and, as a consequence, these vessels will not be able to carry out cabotage in the EU on the basis of the Regulation.
De Christelijke gemeenschap is nooit... eerder betrokken geweest bij omstreden politieke zakenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
EFTA Surveillance Authority decision No #/#/COL of # October # not to raise objections to the proposed amendments to the Norwegian tax refund schemes to ship owners for seafarers aboard vessels in the Norwegian Ordinary Shipping Register (NOR) and the Norwegian International Shipping Register (NIS
Dat maakt je godverdomme geen held!oj4 oj4
EFTA Surveillance Authority decision No #/#/COL of # October # not to raise objections to the proposed amendments to the Norwegian tax refund schemes to ship owners for seafarers aboard vessels in the Norwegian Ordinary Shipping Register (NOR) and the Norwegian International Shipping Register (NIS)- Summary information
Negen ondernemingen verzochten om een behandeling als nieuwe producent/exporteuroj4 oj4
EFTA Surveillance Authority decision No 280/06/COL of 4 October 2006 not to raise objections to the proposed amendments to the Norwegian tax refund schemes to ship owners for seafarers aboard vessels in the Norwegian Ordinary Shipping Register (NOR) and the Norwegian International Shipping Register (NIS)
Sedatie (met inbegrip van: hypersomnie, lethargie,slaperigheidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
They reserve the right to re-examine this position and to invoke the appropriate procedures laid down in the EEA Agreement if the Norwegian position, as expressed in the declaration, were to change in respect of access of vessels registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register to cabotage".
Ik laat die van mij niet ontsnappenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The current notification amends the scope of application of the scheme entitled Tax refund scheme for seafarers employed aboard vessels in the Norwegian Ordinary Shipping Register (NOR) and the Norwegian International Shipping Register (NIS) as originally authorised by the Authority in Decision No #/#/COL and amended by Decision No #/#/COL
Nee, ik ontnuchterdeoj4 oj4
(6) EFTA Surveillance Authority Decision No 280/06/COL of 4 October 2006 on the alterations to the tax refund schemes to shipowners for seafarers aboard vessels in the Norwegian Ordinary Shipping Register (NOR) and the Norwegian International Shipping Register (NIS), published in OJ C 143, 28.6.2007, p. 5, and EEA Supplement No 30, 28.6.2007, p.
Ze heeft een dure smaakEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The current notification amends the scope of application of the scheme entitled ‘Tax refund scheme for seafarers employed aboard vessels in the Norwegian Ordinary Shipping Register (NOR) and the Norwegian International Shipping Register (NIS)’ (8) as originally authorised by the Authority in Decision No 280/06/COL and amended by Decision No 412/06/COL (9).
U moet niet doen alsofEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On that occasion, Norway made a statement by which it declares that it does not have the intention of amending its law concerning the Norwegian International Ship (NIS) Register in respect of access of NIS registered vessels to the Norwegian cabotage.
Ik hoop jij ookEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to take into account Member States' concerns with respect to the extension, the following statement by the government of Norway was entered into the minutes of the above mentioned EEA Joint Committee decision: "Norway does not have the intention of amending its law concerning the Norwegian International Ship (NIS) Register in respect of access of NIS registered ships to the Norwegian cabotage".
Je bent meer dan datEurLex-2 EurLex-2
15 sinne gevind in 39 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.