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Notting Hill

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Notting Hill

Notting Hill (film)
Notting Hill (film)
I was in Notting Hill six years ago when the riots happened.
Ik was in Notting Hill zes jaar geleden, toen de rellen er waren.
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“In the spring, I’ll return to London and take over her bakery in Notting Hill.”
‘Ik ga in het voorjaar terug naar Londen om de leiding over haar zaak in Notting Hill over te nemen.’Literature Literature
I already missed the house we’d left behind in Notting Hill.
Ik miste het huis dat we in Notting Hill hadden achtergelaten nu al.Literature Literature
Next up was the house in Notting Hill.
Daarna kwam het huis in Notting Hill.Literature Literature
"""Notting Hill isn't miles from anywhere,"" said the Saint."
Notting Hill is allerminst mijlen overal vandaan,’ zei de Saint.Literature Literature
But why did you actually see the altered code in only one: the Notting Hill ride?
Maar waarom heb je maar één keer de veranderde code gezien, alleen maar die van Notting Hill?Literature Literature
For there, Dolly had written: A Friend, 24 Rillington Place, Notting Hill.
Want daar had Dolly geschreven: een vriendin, Rillington Place 24, Notting Hill.Literature Literature
Talking Pages told me that Coins was in Talbot Road, Notting Hill.
Inlichtingen wist me te vertellen dat Coins aan Talbot Road zat, Notting Hill.Literature Literature
There was nothing to see but the rooftops of Notting Hill, glistening with rain.
Er was niets te zien behalve de daken van Notting Hill, die glommen van de regen.Literature Literature
The way they dressed and wore their hair, they might have been living in Notting Hill.
Met hun kleding en hun kapsels konden ze zo uit Notting Hill komen.Literature Literature
Is William taking her to his home in Notting Hill?
Neemt William haar mee naar zijn huis in Notting Hill?Literature Literature
I haven’t been to Notting Hill for years.
Ik ben in geen jaren in Notting Hill geweest...Literature Literature
Miss Dame lived at Notting Hill Gate, and her company could hardly be refused.
Juffrouw Dame woonde in Notting Hill Gate en ze kon dus moeilijk haar gezelschap weigeren.Literature Literature
Here in Notting Hill, the sounds are fainter and more cryptic.
Hier in Notting Hill zijn de geluiden vager en raadselachtiger.Literature Literature
‘Most of them don’t bother any more,’ said her auntie from Notting Hill—well, great-auntie really.
‘De meesten nemen niet meer de moeite,’ zei haar tante uit Notting Hill, nou ja, eigenlijk oudtante.Literature Literature
‘That’s why we’re going to concentrate on Notting Hill,’ said Jake.
'Daarom gaan we ons op Notting Hill concentreren,' legde Jake uit.Literature Literature
The way they dressed and wore their hair they might have been living in Notting Hill.
Met hun kleding en hun kapsels konden ze zo uit Notting Hill komen.Literature Literature
No mention was made of Notting Hill.
Notting Hill werd niet genoemd.Literature Literature
After I had sent the cable I drove out to Notting Hill Gate.
Nadat ik het telegram verzonden had reed ik naar Notting Hill Gate.Literature Literature
Getting to Notting Hill Gate from her hotel was easy.
Om van haar hotel naar Notting Hill Gate te komen was gemakkelijk.Literature Literature
Notting Hill on a Saturday will be a mad house,” Philip threw in, but we both ignored him.
Notting Hill op een zaterdag is de hel,’ ging Philip tegen haar in, maar we negeerden hem.Literature Literature
Apparently you were due in Notting Hill twenty minutes ago.’
Je had twintig minuten geleden in Notting Hill moeten zijn.’Literature Literature
Fortunately, since we're home, I have access to the wizarding library over in Notting Hill.
Gelukkig heb ik, sinds we thuis zijn, toegang tot de tovenaar bibliotheek in Nouwen Heuvel.Literature Literature
Life outside Notting Hill was only going to get more complicated.
Het leven buiten Notting Hill zou alleen maar ingewikkelder worden.Literature Literature
It was somewhere between Notting Hill and Westbourne Park.
Het was ergens tussen Notting Hill en Westbourne Park.Literature Literature
Later he helped her buy her flat in Notting Hill.’
Later hielp hij haar toen ze een flat kocht in Notting Hill.’Literature Literature
4254 sinne gevind in 92 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.