Process Arrows oor Nederlands

Process Arrows

A SmartArt graphic layout used to show information illustrating a process or workflow. Level 1 text appears in the circular shapes and Level 2 text appears in the arrow shapes. Works best for minimal text and to emphasize movement or direction.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands


A SmartArt graphic layout used to show information illustrating a process or workflow. Level 1 text appears in the circular shapes and Level 2 text appears in the arrow shapes. Works best for minimal text and to emphasize movement or direction.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Continuous Arrow Process
Continue pijlproces


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The limousine turned into a drive shaded by a long procession of splendid arrow-shaped cypresses.
totaal geoogst areaal aan groenten, meloenen en aardbeien (tabelLiterature Literature
He could manage without it, but the process of fletching an arrow was much more time-consuming without it.
Op # januari # heeft de Raad Besluit #/#/EG aangenomen houdende benoeming van de leden en plaatsvervangers van het Comité van de Regio's voor de periode van # januari # tot en met # januariLiterature Literature
I took a bullet and an arrow in the process.
De waarde van de voordelen van alle aard wordt voor het vaststellen van de bedrijfsvoorheffingOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Repeating the entire process, he shot the second arrow dead center again.
Die comités zijn samengesteld uit vertegenwoordigers van de betrokken federale besturenLiterature Literature
The bison killed almost every one of them, and I didn’t have to waste any arrows - or friends - in the process.’
Besluit nr. # van de Associatieraad EG-Turkije van # februari # betreffende de handelsregeling voor landbouwproductenLiterature Literature
The bison killed almost every one of them, and I didnt have to waste any arrows - or friends - in the process.
Luitenant, we moeten er zeker van zijn dat we alles hebben!Literature Literature
To set up Google service provider SAML with 3rd party IdPs, step through the process by following the blue links or the arrows above:
Artikel # van het besluit "thuishulp" wordt aangevuld door het volgende
Producing your product more efficiently with our knowledge of plastic processing. arrow-right-wide
Het is jouw leven niet meerParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
That MA applied to citalopram produced in accordance with the Cipla I and Matrix I processes, irrespective of the fact that the tablets that Arrow had in stock were produced only in accordance with the Cipla I process.
Als dat is wat je wilt, dan zweer ik datEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Each time he released an arrow, they would dodge out of the way, hardly slowing in the process.
Paolo Costa leidt de verslagen in (A#-#/# en ALiterature Literature
As he watched the slow-moving procession snake through the ravine, the air sprang alive with the whoosh of arrows.
Dit Verdrag staat open voor ondertekening door alle StatenLiterature Literature
256 As regards the possibility for Arrow to switch API producer and use the Matrix API, produced in accordance with the Matrix I process, which Tiefenbacher could have provided to it, it must be observed that, according to the email accompanying the notes on the meeting of 14 December 2001 (see paragraph 248 above), Arrow believed that the process used by Matrix to produce that API probably did not infringe the crystallisation patent.
Hij weet niks meerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
613 Consequently, ‘the said Citalopram’ must be understood to mean any generic citalopram produced by Tiefenbacher using the processes used by Cipla or Matrix that Arrow had already purchased on the date of signature of the Arrow UK agreement or that it could have purchased subsequently, which was covered by the Tiefenbacher MA.
De Raad neemt hierover met een overeenkomstig artikel # bepaalde gekwalificeerde meerderheid van stemmen een besluitEurLex-2 EurLex-2
250 Fifthly, in recital 387 of the contested decision, the Commission emphasised the fact that, in an email sent to Arrow on 15 January 2002, Cipla stated that it was ready to support Arrow in any litigation with Lundbeck, although it wished to provide the necessary information concerning its process directly to the competent authorities, and not first to Arrow or to Tiefenbacher.
Serumkalium:In een groot placebogecontroleerd klinisch onderzoek wogen bij vele patiënten de tegengestelde effecten van aliskiren (# mg of # mg) en hydrochloorthiazide (# mg of # mg) op de kaliumspiegel in serum ongeveer tegen elkaar opEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It took quite a bit of effort to pull his arrows out of the tree trunk, and he broke two of them in the process.
Ik ben ingenomen met de verwijzing die in de conclusies van het Parlement wordt gemaakt naar de deelname van het Parlement aan de IGC.Literature Literature
In addition, the email accompanying those notes mentions the fact that an Arrow employee had examined the Cipla I and Matrix I processes and had concluded that they did not seem to infringe the crystallisation patent.
Ik heb je nooit pijn willen doenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
– Lundbeck could not have obtained those limitations through enforcement of its new patents, since the obligations on Arrow under those agreements went beyond the rights granted to holders of process patents;
De truc is de pijn te verdragenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Have you ever wondered about the Bushmen of Botswana and whether any of those hunters with bow and arrow, whose click language is only now in the process of being put in writing, would become part of the New Order society?
De Minister van Kinderwelzijn, belast met het Basisonderwijs, de Opvang en de opdrachten toegewezen aan de « O.N.E. »jw2019 jw2019
615 It must be recalled that, inter alia, in recitals 917 and 922 to 924 of the contested decision, the Commission considered that the expression in question allowed Lundbeck to veto the importation or sale by Arrow of citalopram produced using any process, in so far as Lundbeck needed only to declare that it believed that a given process infringed its intellectual property rights.
Onderbroken stoornissenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thus, Arrow and Alpharma could have sought to sell citalopram produced using that process, as Neolab did, without Lundbeck being able effectively to oppose them, as the Commission indicated in footnote No 1671 of the contested decision.
Ik kan een vriendenprijs bedingen, maar dan kost het je nogEurLex-2 EurLex-2
199 As regards the Matrix II process, which was used to produce the generic citalopram to which Arrow and Alpharma could also have had access through Tiefenbacher, it follows from recitals 154, 155, 421 and 674 as well as footnote No 1828 of the contested decision that that process had already been developed in May 2002, in order to subsequently reduce the risk that the Matrix citalopram infringed the crystallisation patent.
Ik werk hier nou # jaarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
All payments are securely processed by PayPal. arrow
Niet een huisarts, een doctor in de filosofieParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
269 Thirdly, while it is true that, when the Arrow Danish agreement was concluded, Arrow knew that the Cipla I process was probably infringing, it is nevertheless the case that it could have sought to have the crystallisation patent declared invalid and, moreover, that it could have sought to obtain first the Matrix citalopram, produced in accordance with the Matrix I process, and then the citalopram produced in accordance with the Cipla II or Matrix II processes or even that of Ranbaxy (see paragraphs 198 to 201 and 256 above).
Er werd partij gekozenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Click on the arrow to process the payroll run.
Jongens, hij loopt naar haar toeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
122 sinne gevind in 24 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.