Rage Against the Machine oor Nederlands

Rage Against the Machine

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Rage Against The Machine

Rage Against the Machine (album)
Rage Against The Machine (album)
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Rage Against the Machine

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I got Rage Against the Machine tickets.
Ik heb kaartjes voor Rage Against the Machine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We were The Clash and Rage Against the Machine and Nirvana combined.
We waren een combinatie van The Clash, Rage Against The Machine en Nirvana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Rage Against the Machine, man.
Rage Against the Machine, joh.Literature Literature
" rage, rage against the machine and no matter what, stay away from the light. "
" vechten, vechten tegen de machine en wat er ook gebeurd, wegblijven van het licht. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One of those bands, called Indian Style, included future Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave drummer Brad Wilk.
Vedder maakte deel uit van diverse bands, waaronder Indian Style waarin ook de toekomstige Rage Against the Machine- en Audioslave-drummer Brad Wilk zat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This guy doesn't even have any rage against the machine.
Hij heeft geeneens Rage against the Machine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"Renegades Of Funk - Rage Against The Machine".
"Renegades of Funk" (radioversie) "Renegades of Funk" (albumversie)WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They're so angry, raging against the machine.
Ze zijn zo woedend.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Something intense...something from Rage Against the Machine.
Iets heftigs... iets van Rage Against the Machine.Literature Literature
Maybe if Betsey had been available, but she was tied up, raging against the machine at Police Plaza.
Misschien als Betsey er was geweest, maar die had haar handen vol aan het apparaat in Police Plaza.Literature Literature
“It’s an old band called Rage Against the Machine.
‘Een oude band, Rage Against the Machine.Literature Literature
It was one of Rose’s and it said Rage Against the Machine on it.
Het was er een van Rose en er stond RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE op.Literature Literature
Matt Gresham grew up listening mainly to guitar based music such as Rage Against the Machine, and downtempo electronic music.
Matt Gresham groeide voornamelijk op met gitaarmuziek zoals Rage Against the Machine en downtempo elektronische muziek.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Mujer Ángel" was used by the politically charged metal group Rage Against The Machine for their single "Vietnow" in 1997.
Het beeld van 'Mujer Ángel' werd gebruikt door de politiek geladen metal groep Rage Against The Machine voor hun single" Vietnow" in 1997.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the performances of acts like Limp Bizkit, Korn, and Rage Against the Machine, the mosh pit was a scary sight.
Tijdens de optredens van Limp Bizkit, KoRn en Rage Against the Machine was de moshpit een doodeng gezicht.Literature Literature
Some have compared them to dance acts like Daft Punk, Justice, and Digitalism, as well as others like Rage Against the Machine.
Does It Offend You, Yeah? wordt vergeleken met dance-acts zoals Daft Punk, Justice en Digitalism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name "Raised Fist" came refers to the Rage Against the Machine song "Know Your Enemy", which include the lyrics: "Born with an insight and a raised fist..."
De naam van de band is afgeleid van het lied "Know Your Enemy" van Rage Against The Machine waarin een zin gerapt wordt: "Born with an insight and a raised fist, a witness to..."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As with Rage Against the Machine, the band prided themselves on the fact that all sounds on their albums were produced using only guitar, bass, drums, and vocals.
Evenals bij Rage Against the Machine gingen de bandleden er prat op dat alle geluiden op hun albums enkel geproduceerd werden door gitaar, drums, bas of zang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Critics initially described Audioslave as an amalgamation of Rage Against the Machine and Soundgarden, but by the band's second album, Out of Exile, noted that they had established a separate identity.
Critici zagen de band aanvankelijk als een samensmelting van Rage Against the Machine en Soundgarden, maar met hun tweede album Out of Exile stelde de band haar eigen identiteit vast.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The track also contains samples from "Funky Man" by Kool & the Gang, "In Memory Of" by Randy Weston, "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine and "House of Rising Funk" by Afrique.
Het nummer bevat ook een sample van Funky Man van Kool & the Gang, In Memory Of van Randy Weston, Bulls on Parade van Rage Against the Machine en House of Rising Funk van Afrique.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2000, Beastie Boys had planned to co-headline the "Rhyme and Reason Tour" with Rage Against the Machine and Busta Rhymes, but the tour was canceled when drummer Mike D suffered a serious injury due to a bicycle accident.
De band organiseerde in 2000 samen met Beastie Boys en Busta Rhymes de Rhyme and Reason Tour, die werd afgelast nadat drummer Mike D gewond raakte tijdens een fiets-incident.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This battle has been won, but the war against the machines rages on.
Deze strijd is gewonnen, maar de oorlog tegen de machines gaat verder.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A time of hardship and pain.This battle has been won, but the war against the machines rages on
Dit gevecht hebben we gewonnen, maar de oorlog tegen de machines duurt voortopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
This battle has been won, but the war against the machines rages on
Dit gevecht hebben we gewonnen, maar de oorlog tegen de machines duurt voortopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
This battle has been won, but the war against the machines rages on.
We hebben deze strijd gewonnen, maar de oorlog is niet voorbij.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
79 sinne gevind in 76 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.