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Written observations were submitted by the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate (jointly), Italy, Austria, Poland and the Commission.
De gemeenten Cagno en Solbiate (tezamen), Italië, Oostenrijk, Polen en de Commissie hebben schriftelijke opmerkingen ingediend.
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However, ECONORD SpA submitted two extraordinary petitions to the Head of State, seeking the annulment of those resolutions of the municipal councils of Cagno (Case C‐182/11) and Solbiate (Case C‐183/11), claiming, inter alia, breach of the principle of similar control, since the shareholdings of those municipal councils in ASPEM are very small.
vast te stellen dat het Koninkrijk België, door niet de wettelijke en bestuursrechtelijke bepalingen vast te stellen die nodig zijn om te voldoen aan richtlijn #/#/EG van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van # mei # tot voorziening in inspraak van het publiek in de opstelling van bepaalde plannen en programma's betreffende het milieu en, met betrekking tot inspraak van het publiek en toegang tot de rechter, tot wijziging van de richtlijnen #/#/EEG en #/#/EG van de Raad, althans door deze bepalingen niet aan de Commissie mee te delen, de krachtens deze richtlijn op hem rustende verplichtingen niet is nagekomenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
13 In that context, the Comune di Cagno and the Comune di Solbiate took the view that the conditions for an in-house award of the public service in question had been met, given that Aspem was jointly controlled by local authorities.
De volgende bepalingen van het Aussenwirtschaftsgesetz (hierna het AWG) en de Außenwirtschaftsverordnung (hierna de AWV), die op # december # zijn vastgesteld, zijn relevantEurLex-2 EurLex-2
19 The Comune di Cagno and the Comune di Solbiate submit that, after the events which gave rise to the present references for a preliminary ruling, they initiated open tendering procedures, at the end of which the contract at issue was definitively awarded to Aspem.
Gelet op de wet van # maart # betreffende het statuut van de beroepsofficieren en van de reserveofficieren van de krijgsmacht, inzonderheid op artikel #, § #, vierde lid, gewijzigd bij de wet van # maartEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In summary, it should be clear by now that the essential difficulty is not the fact that the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate so obviously hold minority shareholdings in ASPEM but the fact that, even when exercised jointly, the additional powers of control which have been granted to them are clearly not sufficient to suggest that they have an influence which could be described as decisive in relation to the adoption of decisions and the setting of the company’s objectives, or, in short, that the company lacks independence from them.
Zat het virusprogramma op een van de geconfisqueerde diskettes?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
12 In parallel with the acquisition of that shareholding, the Comune di Cagno and the Comune di Solbiate signed, along with other interested municipal councils, a shareholders’ agreement that established their right to be consulted, to appoint a member of the supervisory council and to nominate, in agreement with the other municipal councils participating in the shareholders’ agreement, a member of the management board.
Misschien voelt u zich beter als u niet meer aan Lake Lachrymose woontEurLex-2 EurLex-2
2 The references have been made in the course of proceedings between, on the one hand, Econord SpA (‘Econord’) and, on the other, the Comune di Varese, the Comune di Cagno and the Comune di Solbiate (municipal councils of Varese, Cagno and Solbiate respectively) regarding the lawfulness of the direct award, by the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate, of a services contract to Aspem SpA (‘Aspem’) without organising a procedure for the award of that contract in accordance with the rules of EU law.
Cornflakes, soepEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In 2005, by a number of decisions adopted by their local assemblies, the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate resolved to select, as the preferred system for managing the urban hygiene service, the system managed in coordination with other municipalities in accordance with Articles 30 and 113(5)(c) of Legislative Decree No 267/2000, and they also approved for that purpose the agreement concluded with Varese Municipal Council for the management of the urban hygiene service by ASPEM.
Advies uitgebracht op # juni # (nog niet verschenen in het PublicatiebladEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Firstly, as regards the question of the participation of the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate on the management bodies of ASPEM, the reference for a preliminary ruling states that, in accordance with an agreement between the company and the municipal councils which have a minority shareholding in it, the latter have, in any event, the right to be consulted, to appoint a member of the supervisory council and to appoint a member of the management board, in agreement with all the other municipal councils participating in the shareholders’ agreement.
Dat is geen statische schokEurLex-2 EurLex-2
32 Consequently, in the cases before the referring court, it is for that court to verify whether the signing, by the Comune di Cagno and the Comune di Solbiate, of a shareholders’ agreement conferring on them the right to be consulted, to appoint a member of the supervisory council and to nominate a member of the management board, in agreement with the other authorities concerned by that shareholders’ agreement, can enable those municipal councils to contribute effectively to the control of Aspem.
Bouwkalk-DeelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate took the view that, with all those precautions, the award of the service to ASPEM satisfied the conditions of the in-house exception.
Goedenavond dames en heren... en ik gebruik deze term vrijelijkEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Written observations were submitted by the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate (jointly), Italy, Austria, Poland and the Commission.
En een vleugel voor het weeshuisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
17 The Consiglio di Stato observes that, in the case before it, the Comune di Varese exercises full control over Aspem, but that cannot be said of the Comune di Cagno and the Comune di Solbiate.
PteranodonsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In conclusion, I believe that there are many indications suggesting that the participation of the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate in ASPEM is not sufficient to enable a finding that the condition of similar control is satisfied.
Je veegt snotneuzen af als werkEurLex-2 EurLex-2
10 By decisions adopted in 2005, the Comune di Cagno and the Comune di Solbiate took a number of steps: (i) they selected, as the preferred system for managing the urban hygiene service and, in particular, the solid urban waste disposal service, the system coordinated with other municipalities in accordance with Articles 30 and 113(5)(c) of Legislative Decree No 267/2000; (ii) they approved the conclusion of an agreement with the Comune di Varese for the award to Aspem, in return for payment, of their urban hygiene service; and (iii) they subscribed to Aspem as public sector shareholders, acquiring a holding in Aspem’s share capital by purchasing one share each.
de personeelsleden van een dienst voor logistieke hulp en aanvullende thuiszorg die de schoonmaakhulp, klusjeshulp en oppashulp uitvoerenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
First of all, I believe that the pleas of inadmissibility raised by the municipal councils of Cagno and Solbiate and by the Italian Government must be rejected.
De Caluwe, wetenschappelijk medewerker aan de Rijksuniversiteit GentEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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