Startup oor Nederlands


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands


Startup, Washington
Startup State doesn't have an address.
Startup State heeft geen adres.
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


the act or process of starting a process or machine

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands


I got some buddies in Seattle that need help with a startup.
Ik heb wat maten in Seattle die hulp nodig hebben met opstarten.


I got some buddies in Seattle that need help with a startup.
Ik heb wat maten in Seattle die hulp nodig hebben met opstarten.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

startup company
startup key
startup business
startende onderneming
startup environment
Startup Repair
startup latency
wachttijd bij het starten
startup (computer)
startup repair


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
On the Hyundai/Hynix Super-16 computer, pressing Ctrl+SysRq will hard boot the system (it will reboot when Ctrl+Alt+Del is unresponsive, and it will invoke startup memory tests that are bypassed on soft-boot).
In toepassing van artikel #bis, § #bis van de arbeidswet van # maart # en overeenkomstig de bepalingen van het koninklijk besluit van # september # tot vaststelling van de onderhandelingsprocedure tot verhoging van het quotum overuren waarvoor de werknemer kan afzien van de inhaalrust in toepassing van artikel #bis, § #bis van de arbeidswet van # maart #, wordt, voor de werknemers bedoeld in artikel #, het aantal overuren waarvoor kan worden afgezien van inhaalrust verhoogd tot # urenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pre-KDE startup
Ga de winkel uit verdomme!KDE40.1 KDE40.1
This is an opportunity, in particular for startups and SMEs, to create new and better products and services at a lower cost and with fewer resources, and EU policies are being shaped to help businesses make the most of this.
het vergemakkelijken van de onderlinge verbinding van energietransportvoorzieningeneurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
It was a little startup we bought.
Wat bedoel je?ted2019 ted2019
· If needed, how could the Commission stimulate industry and entrepreneurs involvement in mHealth, e.g. through initiatives such as "Startup Europe" or the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing?
Margarita... wat is uw vadersnaam eigenlijk?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
·the vehicle has not yet physically covered the distance with its current AT (e.g. after vehicle startup or right after AT change when driving); or
Hier komt de eeuwig befaamde JetfireEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
whereas according to 2014 Eurostat data, more women (42,3 %) than men (33,6 %) go on to higher education, yet women are present in greater numbers in the humanities than in scientific fields; whereas only 9,6 % of women students in tertiary education study ICT-related degrees, compared to 30,6 % of men; whereas women remain largely underrepresented in initiatives such as the EU Code Week, ICT for Better Education, the Startup Europe Leaders Club and the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, which are aimed at further fostering e-education and e-skills;
De secretaris van het College van de beroepen notuleert de hoorzittingen en maakt daarvan een afschrift over aan de ledenEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
·the vehicle has not yet physically covered the distance with its current AT. (e.g. after vehicle startup or right after AT change when driving); or
Ik verklaar jullie man en vrouwEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
You have used both " user-mode " and " design-mode " startup options
Begin of stop niet met het gebruik van andere geneesmiddelen zonder toestemming van uw arts of apothekerKDE40.1 KDE40.1
STARTUP RATE The speed, in decades per minute, that reactor power level is changing.
Wie mag dat wel zijn?Literature Literature
A simple tweak in Apple’s software practices could make or break an entire startup business plan.
Zij verwijzen ook naar de nadelen en zeer grote risico's van de operatie, alsmede naar de hoge volatiliteit van de Braziliaanse munt en het feit dat dit de eerste investering van de onderneming in Brazilië wasLiterature Literature
Commissioner, let me say quite clearly that I expect the White Paper at last to give a clearly formulated reply in economic terms to the question whether startup financing with EC resources really can encourage the market introduction of renewable energies - yes or no.
Maar het was wel leuk om even te overwegen, niet?Europarl8 Europarl8
Captures the window under the mouse on startup (instead of the desktop
. – Mijnheer de Voorzitter, het oordeel van mijn fractie over de Commissie-Barroso in haar oorspronkelijke versie was fundamenteel kritisch.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
The acquisition was done "primarily so that Mr. Marlinspike could help the then-startup improve its security".
Overigens weet u dat in het reeds in werking getreden Verdrag van Nice voorzien is in de medebeslissingsprocedure bij bepaalde vraagstukken. De Raad zal zich strikt houden aan de nieuwe regels.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Graves was ecstatic; he finally had his chance to prove he could make it at a startup.
Wat ik niet allemaal had hunnen doen als ik die techniek had gehad?Literature Literature
What PROTECT IP will do is cripple new startups because it also lets companies sue any site they feel isn't doing their filtering well enough.
Luister goed naar meQED QED
Even startups that make some initial headway struggle to scale up in the B2B sector.
Vervolgens draaiden de bankiers de kraan van het bankpapier dicht, die ze gebruikt hadden, om de zeepbel op te blazenProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
In PowerPC-based Macintoshes, the boot process starts with the activation of BootROM, the basic Macintosh ROM, which performs a Power On Self Test to test hardware essential to startup.
Mijn excuses, ik wilde u niet beledigenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So, when you bought this place, it was home to a failed Internet startup company.
Je kunt niet zomaar komenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Electronic control systems for renewable and fuel-based energy generation sources comprising hardware and software that control the voltage and current provided from a renewable or nonrenewable energy generation source to other connected devices, the power output of an energy generation source, and the startup and shutdown operations of an energy generation source
Ik wil weten wat de engelen je vertellentmClass tmClass
Preload an instance after KDE startup
Dan vergeten we dit incidentKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Support also joint programmes for mentoring, coaching, technical assistance and other services that are delivered close to innovators, by networks such as Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), clusters, pan-European platforms such as Startup Europe, regional and local innovation actors, public but also private, in particular incubators and innovation hubs that could moreover be interconnected to favour partnering between innovators.
Ik veronderstelde dat je goed was in liegenEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Startup in'03, made the SV150 index in'07... double-digit growth ever since.
Dat zijn kikkererwten voor je hele levenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
CD-ROM access error (or error in startup of audio system). Please make sure you have access permissions to cdrom device: device '%#'(%#), audio system '%# '
Het antwoord van de EU op staatsinvesteringsfondsen (stemmingKDE40.1 KDE40.1
You will need to change the Bonjour service properties so that it's startup type is set to 'disabled' and then reboot the machine.
Het is het mooiste dat je ooit geschreven hebt,
214 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.