Volsci oor Nederlands


An ancient Italic people and culture from the first century of the Roman republic.

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During that time, the Volsci and Aequi invaded the Roman territory, some Latin nations revolted, and the Etruscans besieged Satricum, which was a Roman ally.
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Immediately after the sack there were attacks by the Volsci and the Etruscan city-states in southern Etruria.
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Still in 382 BC, Rome declared war on Praeneste, which joined the Volsci.
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Camillus had been a noteworthy soldier in the wars with the Aequi and Volsci.
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In 389 BC, the Volsci took up arms and encamped near the Latin city of Lanuvium.
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In the last decades of the fifth century, military activity by the Aequi and the Volsci tailed off.
NatuurlijkLiterature Literature
The Romans defeated the Aurunci in a single battle, made a surprise attack on the Volsci, and seized the town of Sora.
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The Volsci were among the most dangerous enemies of ancient Rome, and frequently allied with the Aequi, whereas their neighbors the Hernici from 486 BCE onwards were the allies of Rome.
Daarom lijkt het nodig dat Portugal met een medefinanciering van de Unie wordt bijgestaan om de nodige acties te ondernemen om het dennenaaltje binnen het bestaande afgebakende gebied op zijn grondgebied te houden, alsook om het grondgebied van de andere lidstaten tegen het dennenaaltje te vrijwaren en de handelsbelangen van de Unie tegenover derde landen te beschermenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name of the Hernici, like that of the Volsci, is missing from the list of Italian peoples whom Polybius describes as able to furnish troops in 225 BC; by that date, therefore, their territory cannot have been distinguished from Latium generally, and it seems probable that they had then received the full Roman citizenship.
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Camillus defeated them and laid "waste all the Volscian countryside, which forced the Volsci to surrender."
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Rome spent the next 32 years fighting the Volsci, the Etruscans and the rebel Latin cities.
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However, the Volsci subsequently continued to fight.
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The Gauls scattered among the Volsci, and some of them went to Etruria and others to Apulia.
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The alliance helped repel attacks from such peoples as the Aequi and the Volsci, tribes of the Apennine Mountains, who were prevented from invading Latium by the blending of armies.
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Then came the Sabines, the Aequi, the Hernici, and the irrepressible Volsci.
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The Romans defeat the Aequi and the Volsci at the battle on the Mount Algidus.
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Although this city had been a bitter enemy of the Romans in the 490s BC, after both the Volsci and Aequi later began to wage war against Rome, Tusculum joined Rome, unlike most Latin cities.
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He took advantage of the fact that the consuls were away on a campaign against the Volsci to pressure the Roman Senate, controlled by patricians, for the code.
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Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus was a Roman general who defected to the Volsci.
Het strooisel wordt ten minste maandelijks, en in perioden van intense strooiselval tweewekelijks, ingezameldLiterature Literature
Subsequently, Camillus's army moved south-eastward to defeat the Volsci in the Battle of Maecium, not far from Lanuvium (389 BC).
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In 346, the Volsci of the city of Antium sent envoys to the cities of the Latins to try to stir up a war.
Aequi, Volsci, and Capena proposed peace treaties.
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However, the Romans lost Satricum and Camillus failed to capture Antium, the capital of the Volsci.
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The Romans attacked Satricum, which the Volsci had rebuilt two years earlier.
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Both replied that it was because of "their constant fear of the Volsci."
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45 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.