World Poetry Day oor Nederlands

World Poetry Day

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Poetry International


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Two days before the World Poetry Festival, I found Sophia sitting outside Venezia.
u > Ik denk dat u even de TV aan moet zettenLiterature Literature
Today, March 21st, is World Poetry Day.
Sweden Hässle Läkemedel AB S-# Mölndal ZwedenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On 21 March, World Poetry Day, Radna Fabias was awarded the Herman de Coninckprijs for her debut collection Habitus.
Ook de parlementaire voorbereiding van de bepaling die artikel #, #, van de wet is geworden, levert geen gegevens op welke een aldus beperkte interpretatie kunnen wettigenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
UNESCO created World Poetry Day in 1999 to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression, and to give more people an opportunity to hear languages threatened with extinction.
Maar geen wijn of koude drankenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yentl van Stokkum’s contribution will be printed on a postcard that Utrecht’s booksellers will hand out to customers when they purchase a book on World Poetry Day.
Hierop drukken.Neutronenveld activeren. Groen betekent ' veilig opgeborgen 'ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The poem ‘Fury’, which today can also be read in the Leeuwarder Courant, the Friesch Dagblad and at Omrop Fryslân, was written in response to the attack on Utrecht and the result of the elections, a black day on which yesterday spring at World Poetry Day started.
Uit de afstand van een vordering zoals bedoeld in het vierde lid, volgt automatisch dat deze afstand eveneens geldt ten aanzien van alle personen die hetzij krachtens artikel # van het Burgerlijk Wetboek, hetzij krachtens een bijzondere wet aansprakelijk zijn voor de schade veroorzaakt door de dader of daders ten voordele van wie het slachtoffer de afstand doet. »ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The poem ‘Woede’, which today can also be read in the Leeuwarder Courant, the Friesch Dagblad and at Omrop Fryslân, was written in response to the attack on Utrecht and the result of the elections, a black day on which yesterday spring at World Poetry Day started.
Tenslotte is de Commissie bereid af te zien van de vervroegde uitvoering van deze maatregelen vanwege de enorme complexiteit van de gestelde taken. Desalniettemin acht ik het onontbeerlijk dat elke lidstaat een nationaal plan ontwikkelt voor de implementatie van de regelgeving die in deze verordening wordt vastgesteld.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is World Poetry Day and today at 3:00 pm the Poet of Fryslân opens the new online culture stage of Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2028 with, among other things, the recitation of his latest poem ‘Down with a cold’, which he wrote in response to the Corona crisis.
Wat is er gebeurd?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
POETIC PRACTICES allows us to delve into the extraordinary world of fascinating poetry practices for four whole days.
Je kent mijn curveParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But if books of poetry have become rarer in the literary world these days, the Internet has seen an explosion of 'cine-poems' of all kinds.
Hoogmoed komt voor de valParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
These days, this form of poetry is practiced in many countries and languages around the world.
De voorzitterParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Join poets from Belgium, the Netherlands and the rest of the world for a two-day festival of contemporary poetry in all its forms: from readings to interactive and digital poems, from poetry films to performances by top poets from Finland, Spain, Britain and Canada.
Wat voor kleur haar heeft ze?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In 2012, his fourth collection in the Dutch language, Overwoekerd (‘Run to weeds’) was nominated for the Ida Gerhardt Prize for Poetry, and in 2015, his fifth collection Binnenwereld buitenwijk natuurlijke omstandigheden (‘Inner world suburbia natural causes’) saw the light of day.
Of heb ik m' n mensen dat verkeerd uitgelegd?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Serbian epic poetry undoubtedly deserves the attention of the English literary world, and I venture to express the hope that some day another English poet will be attracted as was Sir John Bowring by the charm of our ballads, and like him will endeavour to communicate to readers of English the alluring rhythmic qualities of the originals.
U moet niet doen alsofParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
No-one will be lost for words: from a multilingual 'speak-dating' session in Prague, to a world café in Sofia, a rap challenge in Åarhus, European languages cocktail bar in Budapest, foreign language poetry evening in Cardiff and a 'linguistic bath' at 30 libraries in Berlin – these are just a few of the highlights of the European Day of Languages, taking place at venues throughout Europe tomorrow, 26 September (see list of events).
steun voor opbouw van capaciteit voor parlementaire instellingen en leden, in het bijzonder voor de ontwikkeling van wetgevende, begrotings- en controlebevoegdheden van het pan-Afrikaanse parlement, de nieuwgekozen parlementen van Indonesië, Afghanistan, Irak en andere nieuwe democratieën, onder andere door middel van uitwisselingsprogramma’s met het Europees ParlementParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
No-one will be lost for words: from a multilingual 'speak-dating' session in Prague, to a world caft' in Sofia, a rap challenge in Ňarhus, European languages cocktail bar in Budapest, foreign language poetry evening in Cardiff and a 'linguistic bath' at 30 libraries in Berlin - these are just a few of the highlights of the European Day of Languages, taking place at venues throughout Europe tomorrow, 26 September (see list of events).
En als ie niet wil?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
16 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.