algebraic number theory oor Nederlands

algebraic number theory

(mathematics) The subfield of number theory where algebraic numbers are studied using algebra.

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algebraïsche getaltheorie

major branch of number theory

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Weber's main work was in algebra, number theory, and analysis.
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Both algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory build on commutative algebra.
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Wirtinger also contributed papers on complex analysis, geometry, algebra, number theory, and Lie groups.
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He worked in algebraic number theory, contributing largely to class field theory and a new construction of L-functions.
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The Disquisitiones covers both elementary number theory and parts of the area of mathematics now called algebraic number theory.
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Aside from his work in algebraic number theory he wrote a great number of Japanese textbooks on mathematics and geometry.
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She is famous for her more than 300 research papers in algebraic number theory, integral matrices, and matrices in algebra and analysis.
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He received his doctorate in 1921 with a thesis in algebraic number theory at the University of Hamburg under the supervision of Erich Hecke.
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Based on his research of the structure of the unit group of quadratic fields, he proved the Dirichlet unit theorem, a fundamental result in algebraic number theory.
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Grothendieck's construction of new cohomology theories, which use algebraic techniques to study topological objects, has influenced the development of algebraic number theory, algebraic topology, and representation theory.
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John Torrence Tate Jr. (born March 13, 1925) is an American mathematician, distinguished for many fundamental contributions in algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry and related areas in algebraic geometry.
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Its influence has gradually expanded and presently includes commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, representation theory, mathematical physics, operator algebras, complex analysis, and the theory of partial differential equations.
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He was awarded the 2012 Infosys Prize in mathematics for his "extraordinarily original work in algebraic number theory, which has revolutionized the way in which number fields and elliptic curves are counted".
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Compared with other methods in number theory, sieve theory is comparatively elementary, in the sense that it does not necessarily require sophisticated concepts from either algebraic number theory or analytic number theory.
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This problem was solved fourteen years later by Alan Baker and has since had numerous applications not only to transcendence theory but in algebraic number theory and the study of Diophantine equations as well.
Voor wat betreft de financiële gegevens, dit zijn de gegevens die zullen voorkomen op het overschrijvingsformulier, geldt echter dat zij dienen bewaard te worden conform artikel # van de witwaswetWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name grew out of the central considerations, such as the Lasker–Noether theorem in algebraic geometry, and the ideal class group in algebraic number theory, of the commutative algebra of the first quarter of the twentieth century.
Ik heb al op 31 augustus een prioritaire vraag gesteld aan de Commissie.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry, complex analysis and algebraic number theory, an abelian variety is a projective algebraic variety that is also an algebraic group, i.e., has a group law that can be defined by regular functions.
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Prime ideals, which generalize prime elements in the sense that the principal ideal generated by a prime element is a prime ideal, are an important tool and object of study in commutative algebra, algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry.
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The cyclotomic fields played a crucial role in the development of modern algebra and number theory because of their relation with Fermat's last theorem.
Daarom kunnen totaaloplossingen in verband met direct mail, zoals gedefinieerd in de Finse kennisgeving, niet als één categorie worden beschouwd in een besluit uit hoofde van artikel # van Richtlijn #/#/EGWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The same objects can be studied using methods from algebraic geometry, module theory, analytic number theory, differential geometry, operator theory, algebraic combinatorics and topology.
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Weil made substantial contributions in a number of areas, the most important being his discovery of profound connections between algebraic geometry and number theory.
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In the 1960s the method of Alan Baker on linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers reanimated transcendence theory, with applications to numerous classical problems and diophantine equations.
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Almost all Noetherian rings that occur naturally in algebraic geometry or number theory are G-rings, and it is quite hard to construct examples of Noetherian rings that are not G-rings.
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He worked mainly in abstract algebra, but made important contributions to number theory.
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Number theory, field theory, algebraic geometry, algebra, group theory
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