assertiveness oor Nederlands


The quality of being self-assured and assertive.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands


The competence is based on an attitude of collaboration, assertiveness and integrity.
Deze competentie is gebaseerd op attitudes van samenwerking, assertiviteit en integriteit.


The quality of being emphatic.
De eigenschap van emphatish te zijn.


The quality of being emphatic.
De eigenschap van emphatish te zijn.

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

beslistheid · stelligheid · vastbeslotenheid · Assertiviteit

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

aanmatiging · geldingsdrang
assertie · betuiging · bevestiging · bewering · handhaving · stelling · stellingname · verklaring
aanmatigend · assertief · beslist · besluitvaardig · gedecideerd · mondig · resoluut · stellig · vastbesloten · zelfbewust · zelfverzekerd
to assert
beweren · verklaren · verzekeren
assertion failure
assert oneself
zich doen gelden


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Rather, they wanted to assert the site’s supremacy by finishing off Iceman.
Dame, heeft u kinderen?Literature Literature
However, the applicants establish convincingly that, contrary to Nedri’s unsubstantiated assertion, Austria Draht’s representative cannot have been present in Düsseldorf in order to attend that meeting, since he was in Salzburg (Austria) on that date (Annex A.7 to the application, p. 46 and pp. 815 and 816).
In de zin van dit artikel en van artikel #ter dient te worden verstaan onderEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Welcomes the new level of organisation and assertiveness of developing countries, which offers the prospect of the emergence of a new and fairer world order and, through the creation of a small number of negotiating blocs, potentially facilitates the task of reaching agreement among the WTO's # members
Harde capsulesoj4 oj4
The applicant essentially bases this assertion on the following three arguments.
De vloeistof gaat zwaarder in en uit dan luchtEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The appellant’s criticism of paragraph 244 of the judgment under appeal is ineffective: if the Court of First Instance had drawn from its statement that the Commission’s assertion in recital 164 to the decision ‘goes too far’ the conclusion that that recital should be annulled, that would have had no effect at all on Article 2 of the decision.
Maar als Mr Brent de leiding krijgt, willen m' n mensen hier niet werkenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Contrary to CMV’s assertions, it does not follow from the possibility of entering into a legitimate commercial transaction that the one carried out by CMV actually constituted such a transaction.
Prikkeldraad, van ijzer of van staalEurLex-2 EurLex-2
That damage arises from the lack of respect shown for her social rights, from the feeling of having been misled in relation to her career prospects and from the fact that she had to bring proceedings twice in order to assert her rights.
Tijdens gebruik: niet in de koelkast bewarenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, the applicant has neither explained its assertion that an infringement such as that at issue in the present case is hardly conceivable without one or more leaders, nor put forward specific evidence to support it.
Pablo dit en Pablo dat, maar na twee dagen vroeg hij al om hier te komen wonen, zomaarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It asserts, thirdly, that it is not in a dominant position on the markets in aseptic products and disputes in any event that Article 86 is applicable on the markets in non-aseptic products, which neighbour the markets allegedly dominated (C).
Meester Yip gaat naar de grond!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court also found that in the public version of the contested decision the recitals to which the applicant referred in order to substantiate its assertions concerning the information in question contained an indication that certain information had been suppressed on the ground that it was confidential.
Voor de toepassing van deze verordening wordt onder leden van het cabinepersoneel verstaan alle bemanningsleden, behalve cockpitpersoneel, die in het belang van de veiligheid van de passagiers taken in de cabine van het vliegtuig uitvoeren die hun door de exploitant of de gezagvoerder zijn opgedragenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘My father at least looks after the people on his land,’ the young man asserted defensively.
Hiertoe behoren ook de lasten van de gespreide afschrijving van het disagio op de activa die boven het op de vervaldag te betalen bedrag zijn verkregen en op de verplichtingen die beneden dit bedrag zijn aangegaanLiterature Literature
If the Court were to hold that Monsanto may, within EU territory, rely on rights relating to soy meal originating in Argentina, there would be nothing to prevent Monsanto, subsequently, from asserting analogous rights in relation to soy meal from other countries.
Deze in de bijlage genoemde instanties worden vertegenwoordigd door de persoon die aan het hoofd ervan staat, of, in uitzonderlijke omstandigheden, door een andere persoonEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the contrary, in the contested decision it calls its assertion into question by pointing out that ‘the consumer does not consider the cost of after-sales servicing as a criterion when choosing a watch’.
Is dat niet een beetje wreed?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the one hand, the applicant’s assertion that the Commission penalised it for an obvious clerical mistake, namely the reference to 11 official languages of the European Union, is factually incorrect.
De drummer, de bassist en de roadie van The Feminists zijn aan het vergaderenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(27) This request was rejected because, contrary to the assertion by one user, this product is produced and sold in significant quantities by several Union producers and has the same essential physical and technical characteristics and end uses as other types of OCS.
Ze zeiden dat ik alleen moest komenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
168 First, it asserts that the Commission disregarded the objectives of Article 15(2) of Regulation No 17 and thus infringed the principles of proportionality and appropriateness.
Hij studeerde onder de Zohar Rabbi in KrakauEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this respect, the Icelandic authorities have asserted that the amendments introduced to the Scheme by the Supplementary Regulation relate only to one special investment agreement: an agreement made with Becromal prior to the conclusion of the Becromal Investment Agreement on 30 December 2010.
Ze is vermoord door haar moeder.Voor dood achtergelaten in een waterputEurLex-2 EurLex-2
22 Moreover, the Commission does not accept the assertion of the French Government that, in any event, the measures taken by it satisfy the obligation as to the measures to be taken contained in Article 4(2) of the Directive.
Dit besluit treedt in werking op dag dat het in het het Belgisch Staatsblad wordt bekendgemaaktEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(q) ‘mark of conformity’ means the assertion of conformity to a particular set of standards or other normative documents in the form of a mark;
Gaan we hem over de Maker vertellen?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
They also assert that, contrary to the Commission's submission, those two judgments are relevant in the present case because the creation of TPS also took place in conditions and on a market that are wholly peculiar.
Oké, maar ik wil beschermEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If a citizen wishes, as an individual member of the community, to assert rights arising out of that act, he must show that he has himself been personally affected by the objective breach of the law".
De audit van de beheers- en controlesystemen omvat vóór # tenminste één keer elk van de volgende procedures: programmering, delegatie van taken, selectie en gunning, toezicht op de projecten, betaling, certificering van uitgaven, verslaglegging aan de Commissie, detectie en behandeling van mogelijke onregelmatigheden en evaluatie van de programma'sEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Siegfried vehemently asserted that the terms should have been accepted; I agreed.
Is er een reden dat je je neus in mijn zaken steekt?Literature Literature
Another commonly used phrase in Argentina (and some other Latin American countries) which asserts that Veinte años no es nada (Twenty years is nothing), comes from his song Volver (1934).
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63 The French Government asserts that the Court does not have jurisdiction to answer that question because neither primary nor secondary EU legislation defines those detailed rules.
Ik heb hem getraindeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
If you get assertive, I can claim seniority.
Je hebt de boot gemist, ZonneschijnLiterature Literature
215 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.