backpay oor Nederlands


Employee wages from a previous pay period(s).

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achterstallig loon

Employee wages from a previous pay period(s).
Loon dat al eerder had moeten worden uitbetaald.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
That I am entitled to nothing—no backpay, no pension?
Veel plezierLiterature Literature
Backpay for a cleaner in the department who had not been paid in April was claimed at the end of June.
Het EESC juicht dit voorstel van harte toeLiterature Literature
The German Government has recently requested of freelance teachers that they backpay 19,5 % of their income for the past four years into the state pension fund.
Raak een van m' n agenten aan en je bent de klosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“Yes, my employers will doubtless be astonished at how much backpay they owe me.”
De douaneautoriteiten kunnen de schuldenaar andere betalingsfaciliteiten dan uitstel van betaling toestaanLiterature Literature
The Minister has also announced that he would activate the salary guarantee fund, so that the 430 Brax workers could receive their backpay, and thus not lose their contractual link with the firm, should a new investor be found for the factory.
De steun wordt verleend voor de aankoop van grond en gebouwen voor landbouwdoeleindenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(i) annul the explicit decision of 13 August 1993 rejecting the applicant' s complaint against the Commission' s decision to make deductions from the applicant' s backpay for 1991 because of the strikes in June and October 1991;
Dat heb ik niet gedaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
11 When backpay due for 1992 was paid at the end of December 1992, the authorities at the same time made deductions in respect of the absences due to the strike, calculated by means of the staff replies to the abovementioned form of 25 October 1991.
Kind, wat is er?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A lot of the con gái hightailed it back to their villages without even asking for their backpay.
Stirling, ben je daar nog?Literature Literature
Backpay claim form (pdf, 566 kB)
Afdeling #.-Weigering van de erkenning en intrekking van de erkenning of van de voorlopige erkenningParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Leaflet: the Backpay scheme (pdf, 631 kB)
De subsidie geldt uitsluitend voor de administratieve uitgaven voor het opstellen en bijhouden van stamboeken en fokgegevensParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It received the support of the entire chamber to review the implementation of the backpay scheme first.
De gegevensverstrekkende DIS-partner stelt de andere partners in kennis van elke uitgevoerde verbetering of verwijderingParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
12 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.