competently oor Nederlands


In a competent manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands


adjective verb
He had two or three rather competent assistants.
Hij had twee of drie bekwame assistenten.
Glosbe Research


I think they are a competent person.
Ik denk dat dat een competent persoon is.


Where I had felt shy and somewhat vulnerable, I now felt capable and competent to face life on my own.
Terwijl ik aanvankelijk verlegen was geweest en me enigszins kwetsbaar had gevoeld, voelde ik me nu vaardig en opgewassen tegen een zelfstandig leven.
Glosbe Research

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

competent court
bevoegde rechtbank
to compete
concurreren · meedingen · strijden
legislative competence
wetgevende bevoegdheid
begaafd · bekwaam · bevoegd · capabel · competent · conpetent · deskundig · gerechtigd · getalenteerd · in staat · kunnen · meesterlijk · toereikend · vaardig · vakkundig · volleerd · volmaakt · zaakkundig
competence of the Member States
bevoegdheid van de lidstaten
bekende · bekendheid · bekwaamheid · besef · bevoegdheid · bewustzijn · bezinning · competentie · kennen · kennis · kenvermogen · kunde · medeweten · rechtsbevoegdheid · relatie · vakbewaamheid · verstand · weten · wetenschap
adres · bedrevenheid · bekende · bekendheid · bekwaamheid · besef · bevoegdheid · bewustzijn · bezinning · competentie · deskundigheid · expertise · handigheid · kennen · kennis · kenvermogen · kunde · kundigheid · medeweten · rechtsbevoegdheid · relatie · slag · vaardigheid · vakbewaamheid · verstand · vlugheid · weten · wetenschap
executive competence
bevoegdheid van de uitvoerende macht


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
This inspection took place from # November to # December #; the purpose of the inspection was to evaluate whether the competent authority for civil aviation of Bulgaria was prepared to implement the common rules in the field of aviation safety that shall enter into force in Bulgaria as of # January #, and to evaluate the progress made in the implementation of the corrective actions submitted by that authority after the first visit of EASA to address safety shortcomings established during that visit
Operationele centra inoj4 oj4
Point (a) of Article 8(3) of Regulation 1286/2014 only requires that information about the competent authority of the PRIIP manufacturer be included in the KID, namely, information about the competent authority of the Member State where the PRIIP manufacturer is established, irrespective of whether that PRIIP manufacturer carries out activities across borders.
Omdat ik niet kan zijn wat hij wileurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
To fulfil its mission, Interpol receives, stores, and circulates data to assist competent law enforcement authorities to prevent and combat international crime.
mediane letale doses waren ongeveer # mg/kg (muizen) en # mg/kg (rattenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Additionally, where the applicant wishes to give flight instruction on TMGs, he/she shall have completed 30 hours of flight time as PIC on TMGs and an additional assessment of competence on a TMG in accordance with FCL.935 with an FI qualified in accordance with FCL.905.
post- en e-mailadresEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If circumstances so require and, in particular, in order to take account of the specific requirements of the legal system of each participating country, the competent authorities of the participating countries may restrict that authorisation.
Welke maatregelen wenst de Commissie dat de buurlanden van Nederland nemen om de kwalijke gevolgen van het drugs- en verslavingsbeleid van dat land in te dijken?not-set not-set
62 The Court has jurisdiction, in the context of annulment proceedings, to adjudicate in actions for lack of competence, infringement of essential procedural requirements, infringement of the treaties or of any rule of law relating to their application, or misuse of powers.
Daarom zou het onlosmakelijk deel moeten uitmaken van de trilaterale dialoog over een duurzaam beheer van het milieu en natuurlijke rijkdommen en over de steunverlening voor infrastructuurprojecten in AfrikaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The harmonisation of rules remains particularly difficult in the area of large cross-border intragroup exposures as the Single Supervisory Mechanism has no single competence in this area.
Ik dacht eraan om... dat het tijd werd om een organisatiebedrijf binnen te brengennot-set not-set
In so doing, the competent authorities shall act to the extent permitted by the powers vested in them in their Member State.
Hij zou dokter of advocaat kunnen wordenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to fulfil their duties under this Regulation, the competent authorities shall have all the supervisory and investigatory powers that are necessary for the exercise of their functions.
Gevaarlijk voor het milieu:R# (zeer vergiftig voor in het water levende organismenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
EU importers apply for the necessary import authorisation to the an EU competent authority.
Dezelfde situatie als hier?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition to the efficient gathering of the pertinent information among all the appropriate operators, the competent authority should be allowed to have access to the relevant databases of the customs authorities.
Goed zo. letsje naar linksEurLex-2 EurLex-2
84 According to the applicants in the main proceedings, such an interpretation offends against the principle of proportionality because the economic and financial constraints imposed upon them, which stem directly from the designation of the vulnerable zone by the competent United Kingdom authorities, are neither appropriate nor necessary in order to achieve the objective pursued by the Directive.
Dat maakt het alleen maar ergerEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(2) The Annex summarises Eurojust’s competences and activities. It is presented for information purposes.
Hij lijkt dichtbijEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The agreement incorporates a bilateral safeguard clause that provides for the possibility of re-imposing the most-favoured-nation (MFN) rate when, as a result of trade liberalisation, imports increase to such an extent and take place under such conditions as to cause, or threaten to cause, serious injury to the EU industry producing a similar or directly competing product.
Ik zal er persoonlijk nauwlettend op toezien dat u zich de komende jaren inspant om het relatieve aandeel enigszins te verhogen.Europarl8 Europarl8
Methodological reports, transitional arrangements, data availability, data reliability and other relevant issues connected with the application of this Regulation shall be examined once a year within the competent Working Group of the Agricultural Statistics Committee.
Dit krediet dient ter dekking van dienstverlening door derden, met inbegrip van alle archiefhandelingen, inclusief sorteren, classificatie en herclassificatie in de gegevensbanken, de kosten van diensten in verband met de archieven en aankoop en exploitatie van archiefbestanden op vervangende informatiedragers (microfilm, schijven, cassettes, enz.), alsmede aankoop, huur en onderhoud van speciaal materieel (elektronische, elektrische en computerapparatuur) en de kosten van publicaties op alle soorten dragers (brochures, cd-roms, enzEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The sentinel pigs shall be placed, in accordance with the requirements of the competent authority, throughout the infected holding and be sampled 40 days after having been placed on the holding, and tested for the presence of antibodies, in accordance with the diagnostic manual.
Het is lang geleden dat me dat is gevraagdEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The competent institution of that State shall, if necessary, pay him throughout the period of his residence in its territory a supplement equal to the difference between the total of the benefits payable under this Chapter and the amount of the minimum benefit.
enige vaccingerelateerde systemische bijwerkingen die met een significant hoger percentage werden gemeld bij de kinderen die de vroegere formulering van ProQuad ontvingen in vergelijking met individuen die het door Merck & Co vervaardigde vaccin voor mazelen, bof en rubella en het levend varicellavaccin (Oka/Merck) ontvingen, waren koorts (#°C oraal equivalent of koortsig) en op mazelen lijkende uitslagEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Seconded members of the joint investigation team may, in accordance with the law of the Member State where the team operates, be entrusted by the leader of the team with the task of taking certain investigative measures where this has been approved by the competent authorities of the Member State of operation and the seconding Member State.
Hij hoeft alleen maar iets harder te trillenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Feed business operators shall cooperate with the competent authorities, in accordance with the relevant Community legislation and national law compatible therewith.
Zelfs de Meester... is zwak zonder zijn zwaardEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Furthermore, on many aspects of renewable energy policy, the Community has shared competences with Member States.
Er is iemand binnengedrongen in KamelotEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These should include messages related to consular cooperation (Article # of the VIS Regulation), messages related to the transmission of requests to the competent visa authority to forward copies of travel documents and other documents supporting the application and to the transmission of electronic copies of those documents (Article # of the VIS Regulation), messages that data processed in the VIS are inaccurate or that data were processed in the VIS contrary to the provisions of the VIS Regulation (Article # of the VIS Regulation) and messages that an applicant has acquired the nationality of a Member State (Article # of the VIS Regulation
Ja weet ik, je baan is belangrijk.- Ja, we zijn overbelastoj4 oj4
In a situation in which the third-country national makes no effort to submit his or her application in the proper form and where that application is manifestly incomplete, nothing, in my view, prevents the competent national authority from being able to reject it outright on the basis of Article 5(2) of Directive 2003/86.
Uiterlijk op # maart na het jaar waarop ze betrekking hebben, worden deze rekeningen door de betrokken Minister van Onderwijs aan de Minister van Financiën gezonden, die ze vóór # april van hetzelfde jaar aan het Rekenhof overlegtEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
not affect the Community provisions governing the communication between the competent services of the Commission of the European Communities and the customs authorities of the Member States of any information obtained in the domains covered by this Protocol which could be of interest to the Community.
Mijnheer de Voorzitter, waarde collega's die als laatsten nog wakker zijn, ik wil de rapporteurs Jarzembowski en Swoboda bedanken voor hun heldere verslagen waarmee eindelijk wordt geprobeerd de spoorwegen nieuw leven in te blazen door ze voor concurrentie open te stellen.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
references to competent installers and service personnel;
En wat ga je dragen? iets sexyachtigs?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Before being appointed, the applicant selected by the Management Board will be asked to make a declaration before the competent committee(s) of the European Parliament and answer questions from its/their members.
Als je vroeger zo' n bui had, gingen we altijd ijs etenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
207 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.