conceptualisation oor Nederlands


the act of conceptualising, or something conceptualised

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands


The second phase would aim at testing the diverse alternatives and conceptualising the system.
De tweede fase zou gericht zijn op het uittesten van de verschillende alternatieven en de conceptualisering van het systeem.

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to conceptualise


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
·Phase 1 – Conceptualisation: in this phase the Commission has to study how the ICG system is going to work, and determine the detailed rules regarding the submission, processing and storage of the information between the authorities of the Member States.
Mevrouw, Mijnheer de Gouverneur, Sedert de laatste verkiezingen wordt het begrip veiligheidsschepen in een aantal Colleges van Burgemeester en Schepenen gehanteerdEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Insists on the need to revitalise the General Assembly by implementing a better conceptualisation and shortening of its agenda in order to speedily and efficiently address the major substantive issues affecting the world today, by reducing the number of members of its committees and by focusing their activities in order to improve the resolutions and the credibility of the body as a whole; calls for the establishment of mechanisms within the General Assembly in order to systematically engage with civil society
Mijn moeder is zijn vriendinoj4 oj4
Abandon all conceptualisation and stay silent and attentive.
Hij leeft nog, maar niet lang meerLiterature Literature
60 In conceptual terms, the placing of the adjective ‘Turkish’ before the noun ‘power’ follows naturally from the rules of English grammar so that, contrary to the claim made by OHIM, the element ‘Turkish’ will not necessarily be conceptualised first by the relevant public, whose language contains the same rule.
Ze hadden dat niet kunnen doen als ze niet geïnspireerd waren geweest door de diepe, menselijke gevoelens van hun volken.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
32. Insists on the need to revitalise the General Assembly by implementing a better conceptualisation and shortening of its agenda in order to speedily and efficiently address the major substantive issues affecting the world today, by reducing the number of members of its committees and by focusing their activities in order to improve the resolutions and the credibility of the body as a whole; calls for the establishment of mechanisms within the General Assembly in order to systematically engage with civil society;
Al geluk met jagen?- NeeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The EU approach to climate mainstreaming into the EU ’ s instruments and the budget is conceptualised at four levels: — The political decisions made by the EU institutions ( in the context of the adoption of the MFF 2014-2020 ) to mainstream climate action5 and to announce an objective of making at least 20% of EU spending climate relevant. — Enshrining climate objectives in the legal / guidance framework ( legal basis for the new set of spending programmes, guidelines ). — The implementation of the climate related rules and guidelines ( quality of implementation ). — As part of the approach, a common method to track climate-related expenditures in all EU instruments.
Ik had trouwens wat hulp om de Pearl terug te krijgenelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Provide CERT Services: conceptualisation, analysis and technical and administrative supervision in the area of ICT security, support and infrastructure.
As an example, half of the respondents would not even have conceptualised their project without Culture 2000.
Daar hou ik niet vanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The function of Principal Adviser is to ensure overall strategic advice to the Director-General of OLAF on the conceptualisation, design, implementation and quality assurance of OLAF’s activities and investigative policies, within the framework set by the Directorate-General’s mission statement and annual work programme.
Betere helft? mijn vrouw, die is in SpanjeEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
While it will ultimately be for the referring court to apply those considerations, I note that several factual matters which are apparent from the order for reference point to the conclusion that, for the purposes of analysing its potentially functional aspects, the mark at issue is better conceptualised as a mark consisting of the shape of the goods and seeking to protect a certain colour in relation to that shape.
En dan maak jij indruk op de resteurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
It is within the domain of Member State judicial autonomy to determine how national law on administrative proceedings conceptualises challenges against an individual contract award procedure. For example, whether judicial challenges relating to the later steps of the contract award procedure are conceived as developing on the original application challenging the decision on selection of the participants, or whether they are to be considered as new pleas with additional grounds.
Niets... alleenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
There is an extensive body of literature that recognises and conceptualises the socio-occupational dimension of workers, beyond just viewing them as a material factor of production.
Kunnen ze meenemen naar de rechtszaalEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
One process was to lump all the previous gods together . . . [to] produce a conceptualised god.”
Ik vind het overigens laf dat de lidstaten van de EU geweigerd hebben een visum te verstrekken aan president Chen Shui-bian voor een bezoek aan Europa. Het is een besluit dat ingegeven is door eigenbelang en dat contraproductief zal werken.jw2019 jw2019
The Committee of the Regions considers that the European Commission could do more to build on the Committee of the Regions 1999 Study "Evaluating the Quality of life in European Regions and Cities - theoretical conceptualisation, classical and innovative indicators", which pointed out a number of emerging issues that indicators alone cannot capture.
Is Avigdor er?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I praise this report which represnents a useful framework of field-related conceptualisation for the new Member States of the European Union.
In het algemeen dient u, om een hypoglykemie te voorkomen, meer voedsel te eten en uw bloedsuikerspiegel in de gaten te houdenEuroparl8 Europarl8
Insists on the need to revitalise the General Assembly by implementing a better conceptualisation and shortening of its agenda in order to speedily and efficiently address the major substantive issues affecting the world today, by reducing the number of members of its committees and by focusing their activities in order to improve the resolutions and the credibility of the body as a whole; calls for the establishment of mechanisms within the General Assembly in order to systematically engage with civil society;
Ja.Ik ben namelijk aardig gemotiveerd geraaktnot-set not-set
Ergonomic and anthropometric consultancy and support with regard to the designing of offices, office workstations, rooms, industrial halls, assembly workstations, with regard to the conceptualisation, design and optimisation of machines, components, vehicles, industrial installations and assembly processes, and with regard to the presentation and layout of industrial design and fashion design
Ja, dat is hem daartmClass tmClass
The two bitterly disputed as to who had been the first to conceptualise the condition.
Als hij nu ' s gelijk heeft?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Phase I Conceptualisation and Blueprint making III.# – VI
Gelet op Verordening (EG) nr. #/# van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van # juli # inzake een herzien communautair systeem voor de toekenning van milieukeuren, en met name op artikel #, lid #, tweede alineaoj4 oj4
Although the scale is enormous, we often exclude this kind of cybercrime from our conceptualisation of evil.
Naast de Europa 2020-strategie zou dit ook volledig in overeenstemming met het Europees semester zijn.Literature Literature
Calls on the Commission to apply a more place-based integrated territorial approach when conceptualising new policy initiatives aimed at urban areas, in order to ensure consistency and to empower towns, cities, and functional urban areas to deliver the Europe 2020 objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, by, inter alia, implementing an integrated EU approach to support smart and sustainable projects in European cities, helping to promote social and economic development;
Bij aanhoudend braken of wanneer onverwachte symptomen optreden, dient u onmiddellijk contact op te nemen met uw arts of apothekereurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
whereas, arts and culture are a means towards achieving greater expression and self-awareness in personal and social development and allow individuals and communities to deal with their heritage and memory, and to conceptualise their individual and collective futures
De rest nog bevroren?oj4 oj4
That brings us into a whole new way to conceptualise not only our relationship with nature, but how we use it.”
Ik ben zo weg, dacht ikjw2019 jw2019
Simply because the foster parents carry out their tasks under ‘an employment contract’, it does not follow that the contractual relationship between the foster parents and the competent authority should be conceptualised as one of employment for the purposes of Directive 2003/88.
Ik heb ' n meisje leren kennenEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Conceptualisation, analysis and technical and administrative supervision in the area of Data analytics, Data estimation and validation, Data treatment and validation, Data quality and disclosure control.
Al kreeg ik geld toeEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
208 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.