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Every finite field is an example of a finite ring, and the additive part of every finite ring is an example of an abelian finite group, but the concept of finite rings in their own right has a more recent history.
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In mathematics, the Artin–Zorn theorem, named after Emil Artin and Max Zorn, states that any finite alternative division ring is necessarily a finite field.
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As a direct corollary, the Artin–Wedderburn theorem implies that every simple ring that is finite-dimensional over a division ring (a simple algebra) is a matrix ring.
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Jean-Pierre Serre defined a regular ring as a commutative noetherian ring of finite global homological dimension.
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Hilbert's Nullstellensatz of algebraic geometry is a special case of the statement that the polynomial ring in finitely many variables over a field is a Hilbert ring.
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The Krull dimension need not be finite even for a Noetherian ring.
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In particular, the only simple rings that are a finite-dimensional vector space over the real numbers are rings of matrices over either the real numbers, the complex numbers, or the quaternions.
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The ring of integers OK is a finitely-generated Z-module.
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More generally, the Chevalley–Shephard–Todd theorem characterizes finite groups whose algebra of invariants is a polynomial ring.
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A ring is called universally catenary if any finitely generated algebra over it is catenary.
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His most famous result is that the ring of invariants of binary forms of fixed degree is finitely generated.
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Examples of infinite periodic groups include the additive group of the ring of polynomials over a finite field, and the quotient group of the rationals by the integers, as well as their direct summands, the Prüfer groups.
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Noether proved that in a ring which satisfies the ascending chain condition on ideals, every ideal is finitely generated.
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In mathematics, more specifically abstract algebra, a finite ring is a ring (not necessarily with a multiplicative identity) that has a finite number of elements.
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In fact, this characterizes all finite-dimensional simple algebras up to isomorphism, i.e. any finite-dimensional simple algebra is isomorphic to a matrix algebra over some division ring.
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debt instruments that are backed by a pool of ring fenced financial assets (fixed or revolving), that convert into cash within a finite time period.
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They are also called Artin rings and are named after Emil Artin, who first discovered that the descending chain condition for ideals simultaneously generalizes finite rings and rings that are finite-dimensional vector spaces over fields.
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Every finite field is an example of a finite ring, and the additive part of every finite ring is an example of an abelian finite group, but the concept of finite rings in their own right has a more recent history.
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(3) ‘asset-backed securities’ (ABSs) means debt instruments that are backed by a pool of ring fenced financial assets (fixed or revolving), that convert into cash within a finite time period.
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However, if I is infinite and the rings Ri are non-zero, then the converse is false: the set of elements with all but finitely many nonzero coordinates forms an ideal which is not a direct product of ideals of the Ri.
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In ring theory and related areas of mathematics a central simple algebra (CSA) over a field K is a finite-dimensional associative algebra A, which is simple, and for which the center is exactly K. As an example, note that any simple algebra is a central simple algebra over its center.
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Every finite-dimensional central simple algebra over a finite field must be a matrix ring over that field.
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