gurnard oor Nederlands


/ˈgɜːnəd/ naamwoord
Any of various marine fish of the family Triglidae, that have a large armored head and fingerlike pectoral fins used for crawling along the sea bottom.

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soort zeevis van de familie ''Triglidae'' uit de onderorde schorpioenvisachtigen
Gray gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus) (7)
Grauwe poon (Eutrigla gurnardus) (7)



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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands

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Soortgelyke frases

piper gurnard
Trigla lyra
Piper gurnard
Trigla lyra
flying gurnard
Vliegende poon
Tub Gurnard
Rode poon
Flying gurnard
Vliegende poon
red gurnard
Chelidonichthys cuculus
Grey gurnard
Grauwe poon
tub gurnard
Rode poon
oriental flying gurnard


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Commandingly, he held out his hand to Clarissa, his gaze, coldly challenging, fixed on Gurnard’s face.
Autoritair stak hij zijn hand naar Clarissa uit, zijn koele blik uitdagend op Gurnard gericht.Literature Literature
Gray gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus) (7)
Grauwe poon (Eutrigla gurnardus) (7)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
But maybe Jack was elsewhere, ignorant of Gurnard's threat?
Maar wie weet was Jack heel ergens anders, en wist hij niets van Gurnards plan af.Literature Literature
Red gurnard | GUR (*) | Aspitrigla (= Trigla) cuculus |
Engelse poon | GUR (*) | Aspitrigla (= Trigla) cuculus | Red gurnard |EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- Gurnard (Trigla spp.)
- Poon (Trigla spp.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
gurnard or gurnet (Trigla, Eutrigla, Aspitrigla, Lepidotrigla and Trigloporus spp.)
poon of knorhaan (Trigia spp., Eutrigia spp., Aspitrigia spp., Lepidotrigia spp. en Trigioporus spp.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Piper gurnard
LierpoonEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“Well, I’m quite sure Sophie can handle Captain Gurnard.
‘Wel, ik weet zeker dat Sophie Kapitein Gurnard aan kan.Literature Literature
Gray gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus) (1)
Grauwe poon (Eutrigla gurnardus) (1)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Gurnards (Triglidae)
Poon (Triglidae)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I live on the second floor, named after the Flying Gurnard.
Ik woon op de tweede etage, in de Vliegende Zeehaan.Literature Literature
Gurnards | GUY | Trigla spp.
Ponen | GUY | Trigla spp.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
gurnard or gurnet (Trigla, Eutrigla, Aspitrigla, Lepidotrigla and Trigloporus spp.)
poon of knorhaan (Trigla spp., Eutrigla spp., Aspitrigla spp., Lepidotrigla spp. en Trigloporus spp.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Yugoslavia, Italy, || Bottom trawlers || European hake, anglerfishes, mackerel, Mediterranean poor cod, blue whiting, horse mackerel, John Dory, Tub gurnard
Joegoslavië, Italië || Bodemtrawl || Europese heek, zeeduivel, makreel, Mediterrane dwergbolk, blauwe wijting, horsmakreel, zonnevis, rode poonEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The smile on Captain Gurnard's face grew.
De glimlach op kapitein Gurnards gezicht werd breder.Literature Literature
Ten minutes later, they are standing on the top of Gurnard’s Head.
Tien minuten later staan ze op de top van Gurnard’s Head.Literature Literature
“Y’know, Gurnard, I’ve been thinking.”
‘Weet je, Gurnard, ik heb eens nagedacht.’Literature Literature
Gurnard (Trigla spp.)
Poon (Trigla spp.)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Several other species of supplementary commercial value in the fisheries are not subject to TACs, e.g. squid, cuttlefish, witch, lemon sole, dab, red mullet, pout, sea bass, brill, turbot, gurnards.
Voor tal van andere vissoorten met toegevoegde handelswaarde gelden geen TAC’s, bijv. pijlinktvis, gewone zeekat, witje, tongschar, schar, zeebarbeel, steenbolk, zeebaars, griet, tarbot en poon.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This was the third night Toby had spent with Gurnard, and the third hell they had visited.
Het was de derde avond dat Toby met Gurnard doorbracht, en ook het derde gokhol dat ze bezochten.Literature Literature
Red gurnard
Engelse poonEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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