heteronomy oor Nederlands


The political subjection of a community to the rule of another power or to an external law.

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Hence obedience to God is not, as some would believe, a heteronomy, as if the moral life were subject to the will of something all-powerful, absolute, ex- traneous to man and intolerant of his freedom.
Ik voel me gekwetstvatican.va vatican.va
The heteronomy of law and the autonomy of man are reconciled only by this theonomy.
Dat ga ik ook doenLiterature Literature
For example, workers in Korea have indicated that they are no longer prepared to stand for heteronomy.
Hier ben ik, precies voorje!Europarl8 Europarl8
Such a heteronomy would be nothing but a form of alienation, contrary to divine wisdom and to the dignity of the human person.
Hoe wordt Rasilez ingenomenvatican.va vatican.va
If in fact a heteronomy of morality were to mean a denial of man's self-determination or the imposition of norms unrelated to his good, this would be in contradiction to the Revelation of the Covenant and of the redemptive Incarnation.
Je hoeft niet te komen, als je niet wiltvatican.va vatican.va
Meese’s double affirmation of the autonomy and heteronomy of art could for instance be seen as a variation on Rancière’s formula of the politics of art.
Richtlijn #/#/EEG bevat al alle technische en administratieve voorschriften voor de typegoedkeuring van andere voertuigen dan die van categorie MParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Thus, the youth movement which developed during the present crisis, implicitly or explicitly, questioned the individualistic values of competition and greed, as well as those of selfishness and consumerism ―in short, the values of heteronomy, which are either founded on the political, economic and, in general, social institutions, or on spiritual heteronomy resulting from religious irrationalism.
De bedragen die overeenkomstig Verordening (EG) nr. #/# van de Commissie uit hoofde van het voorlopige antidumpingrecht als zekerheid zijn gesteld bij de invoer van handpallettrucks en essentiële onderdelen daarvan, ingedeeld onder GN-codes ex# en ex# (Taric-codes # en #), uit de Volksrepubliek China, worden definitief geïnd op de hierna aangegeven wijzeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Systematic misuse of the allowance for the exclusion and heteronomy leads to the social segregation of the Affected and the Afflicted!
Wanneer geen stemcommunicatiefaciliteiten beschikbaar zijn en stemcommunicatie niet mogelijk is of van slechte kwaliteit is, moet communicatie op basis van alternatieve systemen beschikbaar zijnParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The avant-garde ideal of the fusion of art and everyday life or the Dadaistic incorporation of everyday objects in the artistic sphere is based on a similar logic of heteronomy.
waarde van het indexcijfer van de consumptieprijzen in augustus van jaar n-# dat aan de toepassing van de tariefverhoging voorafgaatParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And the issue of whether Christ’s death on the cross should be seen as a unique and single sacrifice or that, as its consequence, a sacrificial attitude is expected and required from the believer, divides Roman Catholics and Protestants. Is sacrifice either an achievement and a means to influence the deity, or does it actually imply ultimate submission to the source of life? (cf Ivan Strensky, Theology and the First Meaning of Sacrifice, 2003) On the other side, we intend to bring together various present-day approaches to sacr ifice: philosophical perspectives (from the work of, among others, Agamben, Girard, Kristeva, levinas, Nancy, and Zizek); multidisciplinary debates on autonomy and heteronomy; gender-related questions (to what extent is the willingness to make sacrifices traditionally attributed to women, while only men are qualified to the sacrifice’s ritual execution?
Gelet opVerordening (EG) nr. #/# van de Raad van # juli # over versterking van het toezicht op begrotingssituaties en het toezicht op en de coördinatie van het economisch beleid, en met name op artikel #, lidParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The critic Hans den Hartog Jager then tried to suppress the heteronomy of Wallinger’s work by reducing the parallel between art and life to powerlessness.
Breedtegraad N/SParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Literally, implementing democracy does not make sense for pre-modern societies, since the general notion of and emphasis on heteronomy, equality, and individuality is simply not given and has no anchor in the societies’ constitution (as the implementation of pre-modern regulatory means would not hold under modern conditions).
Procestaal: DuitsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In this issue, the opposition of design and use, of autonomy and heteronomy, is not addressed as a matter to be resolved, but rather as a productive force field for architectural production, as a dialectic to be spatially articulated and from which architecture and the city may derive meaning.
Ik ben niet terugParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If now our consciousness no longer autonomously sets its own meaning, but rather has received everything, has been set or placed in everything, as objective meaning, and if now the law of heteronomy can rule unhindered in all that exists, even in the consciousness that gives meaning, the question then arises as to the lawgiver, the one who orders, the Creator].
Andere steden participeren in het projectParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
According to Rancière, the tension resulting from the negotiation of autonomy and heteronomy conditions the force of critical art.
Daar is de trap!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And the same holds for political art defined in terms of a tension between autonomy and heteronomy, the latter too is expressly not outside every discussion or outside history.
Het was een ongeluk, RoseParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Even when we evaluate Hirschhorn’s ‘making art political’ using criteria such as those presented by Rancière, namely in terms of a tension-filled negotiation between autonomy and heteronomy, does his ‘method’ ultimately not come up short?
Dit zijn mijn modellenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Oliver Marchart discusses the interaction between artistic research, autonomy, and heteronomy, and its meaning for how the current art practice points to a society dominated by knowledge production in, for example, the form of ‘action research’.
Proficiat, U bent de tweede die vanavond deze kluis kraaktParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To maintain the tension between art and politics, between autonomy and heteronomy, could then be seen as a defence mechanism, to prevent its political enthusiasm leading to another catastrophe.
Gelet op de raadpleging van de erkende revisoren vertegenwoordigd door hun beroepsvereniging, BesluitParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If now our consciousness no longer autonomously sets its own meaning, but rather has received everything, has been set or placed in everything, as objective meaning, and if now the law of heteronomy can rule unhindered in all that exists, even in the consciousness that gives meaning, the question then arises as to the lawgiver, the one who orders, the Creator].
De voorspelling?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The basic ingredients for such a vision can be found in the work of Jacques Rancière, who states that the aesthetic regime of art departs from the inherent entanglement of autonomy and heteronomy.
God zegene jullieParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If now our consciousness no longer autonomously sets its own meaning, but rather has received everything, has been set or placed in everything, as objective meaning, and if now the law of heteronomy can rule unhindered in all that exists, even in the consciousness that gives meaning, the question then arises as to the lawgiver, the one who orders, the Creator].
Een oud Mexicaans verhaal gaat over hoe Sinterklaas het zo druk had met de zoete kindjes dat hij hulp nodig had voor de stoute kindjesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
28 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.