in the know oor Nederlands

in the know

Informed, aware.

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informed, aware

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He had been so helpful, you know, always seemed to be in the know.''
Bivalirudine inhibeert al deze effecten van trombineLiterature Literature
‘Know this now, and rejoice in the knowing.
Je hebt gelijk.Ik zal ze maar uittrekkenLiterature Literature
It’s only a question of those in the know getting on to him, if they ever do.
Jij hebt iets?Literature Literature
Counsel to be sought from a few men in the know.
Paccy Moore said that the chances of being kidnapped by anyone in the know were slim.
Je veegt snotneuzen af als werkLiterature Literature
And those that were in the know collected handsomely.
Dan zijn we allebei van onze nachtmerries afOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Why did I seem to be the only one not in the know?
Door mensen als testobjecten te gebruiken?Literature Literature
Well, I figure now that you're practically the devil, you'd be in the know.
Je ging toch weg vanwege een duel?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Anyway, it’s not really a secret anymore, there are lots of people who are already in the know.”
De aanvaller %Literature Literature
Now, people in the know tell me the Whiteley Brothers are way out of their depth.
Vast geen paardOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But before we do any of that, we gotta find a mother fucker in the know.
Ik denk het welOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
RWW — the Revolutionary Warfare Wing, or the Increment to anyone in the know.
Afdeling #.-AandelenLiterature Literature
Junior staffers try to impress reporters by showing they're in the know.
Geen spelletjesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But it’s always good to be in the know first.”
Technische voorschriften inzake risicobeheer (stemmingLiterature Literature
I know you trust them, but the fewer in the know, the safer for all of us.
Doe niet zo dramatischLiterature Literature
Only Dino was in the know about the trip.
Is hij weer mensen aan het vermoorden?Literature Literature
Shouldn’t I be kept in the know?
Wat een domme vraagLiterature Literature
A car that does only one thing, very well, for those in the know.
Hij start nietLiterature Literature
The caller had to be someone who wasn’t in the know.
Uw privé- jet staat klaar op HeathrowLiterature Literature
It was, as all in the know could see, a highly risky strategy.
SEPTEMBER #.-Koninklijk besluit waarbij algemeen verbindend wordt verklaard de collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst van # april #, gesloten in het Paritair Comité voor de voedingsnijverheid, betreffende de loon-en arbeidsvoorwaarden in de ondernemingen van bijproducten van de rijst-en maïsstijfselfabrieken, maïsmeel-, glucose-en aardappelmeelfabriekenLiterature Literature
'Anyone not in the know,' said Chief Inspector Wexford, 'would think you were talking about rats.'
Begroting voor #: #,# miljard HUF (ongeveer #,# miljoen EUR) verstrekt door de overheid, aangevuld met eenzelfde bijdrage van de producentenLiterature Literature
You have to, if you want to keep yourself in the know.
Ja, hij heeft zichzelf opgeslotenLiterature Literature
‘On the contrary, Emma and I were the only ones not in the know.
Ja, maar hij is bewusteloosLiterature Literature
Ten people in the know, not counting me.
Ik wil u namelijk gelukwensen met het feit dat de European Voice u gisteren tot europarlementariër van het jaar 2006 heeft uitgeroepen. Van harte gefeliciteerd daarmee!Literature Literature
The number of people who were in the know could be counted on the fingers of two hands.
En vrij jong ookLiterature Literature
202912 sinne gevind in 786 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.