inability oor Nederlands


lack of the ability to do something; incapability

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lack of the ability to do something; incapability
Their inability to satisfy the desires of the populace led to their electoral defeat.
Hun onvermogen om de wensen van de bevolking te bevredigen, leidde tot hun verkiezingsnederlaag.


That's a forensic hallmark indicating an inability to wield the knife.
Een forensisch kenmerk dat de onbekwaamheid aanduidt om het mes te hanteren.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Whereas, for each yarn concerned, the Commission was satisfied by information supplied by the Community producers that the yarns concerned were currently being produced by, had been produced by or could be produced by a Community producer; whereas, furthermore, the Community producers concerned alleged that where production of a particular yarn for which there was demand had stopped this was due to the inability of the Community producers to compete with the low prices of the dumped imports from the United States of America;
Eén maaltijd voor bedtijdEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Does it urge us to put our hope and confidence in human efforts to bring peace, in the face of all the evidence showing man’s inability to achieve it?
Twaalf jaar is niet altijdjw2019 jw2019
My main problem, it emerged, was a lack of patience, my inability to accept tedium.
Ik heb er geen bezwaar tegen...... maar ik begrijp het nietLiterature Literature
“An inability to communicate with women in any other way.”
HOOFDSTUK III.-Werking van het AdviescomitéLiterature Literature
'We are very concerned that trading with your company is becoming more and more difficult due to your inability to supply our requirements for ADALAT RETARD.
Hij gaat naar huisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Which is why the department’s inability to develop a single lead in three months is problematic.”
Ik ga even een drankje halenLiterature Literature
Inability to provide ATM services or to execute ATM functions:
Dat zou ik ook kunnen zeggen, jaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Realizing their own insignificance and inability to reach him without help, they have invented numerous “aids” to prayer.
Hoe noem je een champignon die in een bar een rondje weggeeft?jw2019 jw2019
Beyond serious doubt was their inability to empathise with their victims or their families.
BEKLEMTOONT dat, voordat er mandaten worden verleend voor onderhandelingen over verdere alomvattende overeenkomsten met derde landen, de meerwaarde van iedere daaruit voortvloeiende overeenkomst op communautair niveau in elk afzonderlijk geval duidelijk dient te worden aangetoond, met name wat betreft de vooruitzichten tot het verkrijgen van aanzienlijke nieuwe mogelijkheden voor exploitanten en consumenten in de Europese Unie en het bereiken van een grotere mate van convergentie van de regelgeving met het oog op het waarborgen van een gelijk speelveld met concurrentiemogelijkhedenLiterature Literature
It was his inability to protect you that came across as disapproval.”
Ik dacht dat we van ' m af warenLiterature Literature
- Inability of existing instruments to achieve the objective.
Mijn naam is Wayne CampbellEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Case C-131/19 P: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 25 June 2020 — European Commission v CX (Appeal — Civil Service — Disciplinary proceedings — Rights of the defence — Right to be heard — Annex IX to the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union — Article 4 — Opportunity for the official who cannot be heard to comment in writing or to be represented — Article 22 — Hearing of the official by the Appointing Authority prior to the adoption of the disciplinary penalty — Alleged inability of the official to be heard and to make written submissions or to be represented — Assessment of medical evidence — Failure of the General Court of the European Union to reply to arguments raised at first instance)
Er zijn wat dingen die u moet tekenen voor uw gesprekEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
(a) the results of inspections and other monitoring activities conducted by the Agency in accordance with Article 85 indicate a serious and persisting inability of a Member State to effectively perform certain or all of its certification, oversight and enforcement tasks under this Regulation;
de bepaling dat de Belgische NGO jaarlijks de lokale partner op de hoogte zal brengen van de omvang van de financiering van de actie en het aandeel van de toegekende subsidie hierinnot-set not-set
Someone sniggered but as far as Corazón was concerned, their inability to understand was their loss.
Jullie kunnen hetLiterature Literature
These comments merely focused on the continued need for imports of the product concerned into the Community because of the inability of the Community industry to fully satisfy demand.
CapsaïcineEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points out that the high level of carry-overs and cancellations is often indicative of the inability of an agency to manage a large increase in its budget; inquires whether it would not be more responsible for budgetary authorities, in future, to take greater care in deciding on increases in an agency’s budget in the light of the time needed to carry out the new activities;
Een even belangrijk gegeven in de informatie van de heer Mantovani is dat de sociale stelsels, vooral wat ouderenzorg betreft, stilaan onbetaalbaar worden. Daarom moet er op Europees niveau worden samengewerkt.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It had begun as a sleeplessness, an inability to get any rest.
Hartfalen werd ook vaker waargenomen bij patiënten met hartfalen in de anamnese en met oedeem.oudere patiënten en bij patiënten met een milde of matige vorm van nierfalen. Vanwege beperkte informatie over deze patiëntengroep, dient met voorzichtigheidLiterature Literature
In this respect, the inability to alter capacity can be seen as contributing to the material injury experienced by the Community industry at a time of decreasing consumption.
Het is groot nieuwsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the light of these factors, I consider that Britannia’s inability to know in advance and with ‘absolute certainty’ the reference year relevant for calculating the applicable ceiling, and hence the maximum fine that could be imposed on it, does not constitute an infringement of the principle of legal certainty.
Doe je ogen dicht, en geef me je handEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In my view, the inability of individuals to enforce by legal action the initiation of Treaty infringement proceedings and the resulting uncertainty as to whether and, if so, at what date such a step will be taken preclude the linking of suspension or interruption of the limitation period to the Commission’s commencement of Treaty infringement proceedings, since the purpose of suspending the limitation period on the prosecution of claims is precisely to prevent the rightholder – notwithstanding his commencement of proceedings asserting the claim – from losing it as a result of time elapsing.
Waar is je moeder?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
ensure evaluation of all known, relevant information relating to errors, the inability to follow procedures, near misses, and hazards, and a method to circulate the information as necessary.
Generaal Gan!Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The proposed reforms give a dangerous signal to market forces about inability to control the situation even in the long term.
lk had haar weg moeten sturen, maar... misschien kan ze in uw machine pratenEuroparl8 Europarl8
The lack of available assets, outlined in the Capacity Gaps Report (4), and the inability of the European Emergency Response Capacity (‘EERC’ or ‘voluntary pool’) to respond in good time to all 17 requests for forest fire assistance, proved that the voluntary nature of Member States' contributions is insufficient during large-scale emergencies affecting several Member States at the same time.
Flavius, bereid een boodschap voor die ouwe voorEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
McNamara, President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, paints a world picture of malnutrition that should awaken one to the inability of human rulership to bring mankind the essentials for happiness.
Deze plek zuigtjw2019 jw2019
The chief reason for this is the inability of the recipients' administrations to cope with the influx of aid and to channel it within their country.
Nee, nee, lieve schat.Dat hoort niet, dat weet jeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
219 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.