inefficiency oor Nederlands


Lack of efficiency or effectiveness.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Nederlands


degree or measure of someone or something's lack of efficiency or effectiveness
The heterogeneous application of those requirements can lead to inefficiencies and can create obstacles to the internal market.
De heterogene toepassing van deze eisen kan tot inefficiëntie leiden en belemmeringen creëren voor de interne markt.


The growth has resulted in increased congestion, inefficiency and lower safety performance.
Deze toename heeft steeds meer congestie, ondoeltreffendheid en onveiligheid tot gevolg.

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ineffectief · inefficiënt · onbekwaam · onbruikbaar · ondoeltreffend · ongeschikt


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Thus, the non-delivery of the agreed set of functionalities resulted in administrative inefficiencies ( 6 ).
Bovendien is niet voorzien in een systeem of procedure aan de hand waarvan kan worden vastgesteld welke inputs bij de vervaardiging van het uitgevoerde product zijn verbruikt, dan wel of te veel binnenlandse indirecte belastingen in de zin van bijlage I, punt h), en bijlage # bij de basisverordening of te veel invoerheffingen in de zin van bijlage I, punt i), en de bijlagen # en # van de basisverordening werden terugbetaaldelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
However, the governance and the organisational structure of Latvian public research funding remain inefficient, with funding functions scattered between many institutions.
De inhibitie van de totale CA-activiteit in de rode bloedcellen bedroeg bij steady-state ongeveer #%eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Urges Member States to review inefficient social models in the light of their financial sustainability, changing global dynamics and demographic patterns so that these become more sustainable
Goed, tegen niemandoj4 oj4
28] (23) In order to avoid repeated customer identification procedures, leading to delays and inefficiency in business, it is appropriate, subject to suitable safeguards, to allow customers whose identification has been carried out elsewhere to be introduced to the obliged entities.
de deel:de beste manier...doeltreffender procedure te zorgennot-set not-set
Public administration is still burdened by inefficiency.
De volgende bepalingen van het Intern Akkoord met betrekking tot het Tiende Europees Ontwikkelingsfonds (EOF) worden vanaf de datum van goedkeuring van dit besluit op voorlopige basis toegepastEurLex-2 EurLex-2
4.13 The EESC regrets that, in the flagship initiative, the Commission makes only a brief, passing reference to the absolutely pivotal issue, namely that the current social prosperity model of the western world is too heavily based on the use of cheap energy and on a rising, often inefficient, input and turnover of materials.
Ik weet alleen dat het link is om met jou samen te werkenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Does the Commission still think the idea of an ‘unpleasant mixture of arrogance and inefficiency’ is exaggerated and unfair, especially in the light of the belated answering of the 40 parliamentary questions mentioned in the answer to my Question E‐1326/07?
Kan je het op de lijst zetten?not-set not-set
Points out that water is a transnational issue and that we must cooperate on identifying clearly the factors – and their extent - which are regularly put forward as causes of the exceptional floods, including environmental factors (inefficient maintenance of river systems, new agricultural practices, deforestation, etc.) and aspects of urbanisation (expansion of built-up areas, water runoff, increase in impervious surfaces (roads), etc.), with a view to establishing responsibility, assessing the cost and preventing the repeated floods from which the authorities at present seem unable to learn any lessons;
Zij zijn verantwoordelijk, want zij hebben de macht.not-set not-set
The report reveals the alarming slowness and inefficiency with which EU funds are allocated to projects by some regional authorities.
Wij mogen deze verwachtingen niet beschamen.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition, the combination of these problems also contributes to increasing inefficiencies: (iv) higher than necessary cost and response burden of data collection.
Het strooisel wordt ten minste maandelijks, en in perioden van intense strooiselval tweewekelijks, ingezameldEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Incomplete oxidation occurs due to inefficiencies in the combustion process that leave some of the carbon unburned or partly oxidised as soot or ash.
Wacht op me in de autoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Unnecessary administrative burdens are also a cause of extra costs and time inefficiency for entrepreneurs.
De eindconcentratie van interferon in # % natriumchloride oplossing mag niet minder dan # x # IE/ml bedrageneurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Low levels of saving combine with inefficient intermediary mechanisms to make it difficult to provide broader, improved access to funding for economic players, especially SMEs (approximately 80 % of LAC companies are SMEs or micro-enterprises), the self-employed, cooperatives, etc.
Ik zal je vertrouwen nooit beschamenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Inefficiency with regard to this magnetic conductivity is called ‘core loss’, which is the prime indicator of the quality of the product.
Oh, geheugen is iets verschikkelijks om te verliezen!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Some market mechanism measures have proved cost-inefficient to the extent that they have encouraged structural surpluses without requiring improvements in the relevant competitive structures.
Het is alleszins geschift.Dat zekernot-set not-set
By modern standards, they had been completely inefficient, economically.
Ik ben van oordeel dat de rechten van de partijen om te worden gehoord in deze zaak zijn gerespecteerdLiterature Literature
The plant's inefficiency, low world metals prices and a huge debt (USD 120 million) kept investors away.
Nu gaan we het horenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We use ground-imaging technology and radar, but our equipment is slow, inefficient.
Ik heb hier genoeg vanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It shall be sufficiently low in order to ensure that the types of transactions in question are an impractical and inefficient method for laundering money or for terrorist financing, and shall not exceed EUR 1 000.
Kijken of je de waarheid verteltnot-set not-set
I have found waste and inefficiency in this military government operation appalling.
Van der Steen, Yves, ondervoorzitter in de rechtbank van eerste aanleg te BrusselLiterature Literature
Imprest accounts may be set up for the payment of expenditure where, owing to the limited amounts involved, it is materially impossible or inefficient to carry out payment operations by budgetary procedures.
beslist een serie bewustmakingscampagnes te starten om het publiek binnen en buiten Europa te informeren over de historische gevolgen van de hervorming van de VN en de invloed van die hervorming op het Europese institutionele systeemEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
What is the European Commission's view of the fact that switching to summer time and back is an old-fashioned and inefficient way of saving energy?
U Investeringsaftrek..... # EURnot-set not-set
Montenegro presents restructuring programmes that are linked to a global rationalisation which includes the closing of inefficient capacity
Het leidt er ook toe dat gemakkelijker publiek-private partnerschappen kunnen worden gesloten, zowel in operationeel als financieel opzichtoj4 oj4
In some of the projects the NGOs failed in their task of monitoring needs, which led, in some cases, to inefficient use of resources.
De termijnen bedoeld in de artikelen # en # worden opgeschort van # juli tot # augustusEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The unsustainable trends in waste generation and the policy issues are causes for concern because the generation of waste can be a symptom of environmentally inefficient use of resources.
Is dat raketbrandstof of niet?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
208 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.