internal law of religions oor Nederlands

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Is the Vice-President/High Representative willing also to remind Uzbekistan of its obligations under international law regarding freedom of religion or belief, as enshrined, for example, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights?
Ze konden hun doden opwekkennot-set not-set
Is the Vice-President/High Representative also willing to remind Saudi Arabia of its obligations under international law regarding freedom of religion and belief, as enshrined, for example, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Nasi, Er is een spoedvergadering!Owja Hamdi doet ook meenot-set not-set
I also appeal to the Chinese Government to guarantee that it will respect international law, international human rights standards and freedom of religion.
De directeur moet de beëindiging van een tijdelijke aanstelling van doorlopende duur steeds schriftelijk motiveren en meedelen aan het personeelslidEuroparl8 Europarl8
Does the VP/HR consider that the two above-mentioned laws respect international human rights standards of freedom of religion or belief?
Het EESC stelt zich op het standpunt dat het vertrouwen van de burgers van de Europese Unie in de instellingen van de Europese Unie dient te worden versterktnot-set not-set
Stresses the importance for the Member States to sign and ratify the European Convention of Nationality, which clearly states that no discrimination shall exist in a state’s internal nationality law on the grounds of sex, religion, national or ethnic origin;
Hoe durf je na alles wat ik voor je gedaan heb?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Expresses concerns at the consideration by the National Assembly of a Law on Associations and a Law on Belief and Religion which are incompatible with international norms of freedom of association and freedom of religion or belief;
Steek ' r maar eentje op, kameraad Ritaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Our rapporteur rejected amendments to introduce the concept of freedom of thought, freedom of faith and freedom of religion, even though it exists in international law.
Elke intercommunale sluit zich aan bij een bemiddelingsdienstEuroparl8 Europarl8
They fear that if passed, the law will restrict religious activities in violation of India's constitution and her obligations under international law, and will contribute to the subjugation of Dalits by obstructing their freedom to adopt a religion according to their free choice.
Voorzichtig, ik ben zwangernot-set not-set
Condemns all forms of violations by the State of the right to religious freedom, which is the case under totalitarian regimes which suppress and try to control religious belief and simple worship, and also when discriminatory legislation or policies are used towards minorities and non-approved religions, and in the case the state neglects the problem of discrimination against, or persecution of, minorities or non-approved religions; urges those governments to respect international human rights law and guarantee freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
Wel verrassendnot-set not-set
Condemns all forms of violations by the State of the right to religious freedom, which is manifest under totalitarian regimes that suppress and attempt to control religious belief and simple worship, as well as when discriminatory legislation or policies are used against minorities and non-approved religions, and in the case of the state neglecting the problem of discrimination against, or persecution of, minorities or non-approved religions; urges those governments to respect international human rights law and guarantee freedom of thought, conscience and religion
We hebben meer soldaten nodigoj4 oj4
Stresses that international human rights law recognises freedom of religion or belief regardless of registration status, so registration should not be a mandatory precondition for practising one’s religion; points out with concern, furthermore, that in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam religious groups need to register with the government and operate under government-controlled management boards, which interfere with their religious autonomy and restrict their activity;
Ik moet je iets vertellenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls on the Chinese authorities to grant Protestant house churches and underground Catholic churches, as well as those of other religions, official recognition; recalls, in this connection, that international human rights law recognises freedom of religion or belief regardless of registration status, meaning that registration should not be a mandatory precondition for practising one’s religion; strongly condemns all attempts by the authorities to deprive these non-registered churches of their fundamental right to freedom of religion by imposing the requirement to operate under government-controlled management boards, confiscating their property and even using detention and imprisonment in an effort to silence them, thereby interfering with their religious autonomy and seriously restricting their activity;
Gelet op de beslissing van het Beheerscomité van de Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid in zitting van # maart #, BesluitEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this context, I would like to recall the EU Council conclusion of 16 November 2009 on the relationship between international human rights law, which protects individuals and groups of individuals, and the concept of defamation of religion.
Ik heb geen man nodig om te kunnen doen wat ik wilEuroparl8 Europarl8
The second approach is that taken by the United Nations, through a resolution tabled by 12 countries and by all the EU states, concerning the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion, beliefs, and freedom of thought and conscience because, in international law - and this is very valuable - they are linked. An individual's rights to belief, to religion, to thought and to conscience are interdependent.
Ik hoop jij ookEuroparl8 Europarl8
All of these believers are protected under international human rights law, as well as the right not to profess any religion or belief.
Het is ' n belangrijke zaakEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Guidelines are supported by international law and by treaties recognised by the international community and ratified by Member States. e) Collective dimension of freedom of religion or belief An indispensable part of the freedom of religion or belief is the right to manifest that freedom in community with others.
We liggen # minuten voor op schemanot-set not-set
Deeply regrets the 2002 Religion Law, which contravenes international principles of religious freedom and human rights, including those laid out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and recognises that as result of this legislation, the activities of many religious communities have been restricted and their leaders are being subjected to constant harassment, prosecution, fines, and imprisonment;
Het werkzame bestanddeel is humane insuline die wordt gemaakt met behulp van recombinante biotechnologienot-set not-set
Agreements with third countries or international organisations should be negotiated taking full account of the importance of ensuring respect for democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as freedom of expression and information, human dignity, the principles of equality and solidarity, and respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law.
Toepassingsgebied van de premieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Draws attention to the need for China to abstain from regulating religion and expressions thereof; affirms the need, particularly in the light of the discussions among Chinese officials about the definition of 'religion'” – especially 'legal religion' –, for a comprehensive law on religion meeting international standards and guaranteeing genuine religious freedom;
Toen ik # was sliep ik met een kerel omdat hij zijn sigaretten zelf roldenot-set not-set
As the status of ministers of religion is closely linked to the status and internal organisation of churches and religious communities, the question as to whether or not ministers of religion have the status of employees under national employment law is therefore also a matter to be decided at the national level.
Knapen, M., als plaatsvervangend lidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas there are still serious problems with Myanmar’s legislation, with several key laws being in violation of international human rights conventions, including the Penal Code, the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Processions Law, the Telecommunications Law, the News Media Law and the four bills on the protection of race and religion;
° de regels voor de opmaak van de agendaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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