overwork oor Nederlands


werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To make someone work too hard.

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The souls of thousands of underpaid, overworked Chinese laborers.
De zielen van duizenden onderbetaalde, overwerkt Chinese arbeiders.
Glosbe Research


They all told him he was overworking it.
Ze vertelde hem allemaal dat hij het land uitputte.
Glosbe Research

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to overwork
overwerken · te hard werken · verslijten


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Many mothers today say that juggling the stresses of work with the responsibilities of home leaves them overworked, overstrained, and underpaid.
u > Ik denk dat u even de TV aan moet zettenjw2019 jw2019
Permanently overworked?
slaperigheidWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
HP agreed, as he tried to squeeze this latest information into his already overworked brain.
Met iedere dag dat seriemoordenaar Dick Reed vrij rondloopt, verminderen de kansen zienderogen voor onze huidige burgemeester op een herverkiezing.Literature Literature
His breathing was deep, loud, and sighing, like an overworked locomotive.
Kan de Commissie alternatieven voorstellen?Literature Literature
VeldhospitaalOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then he told me, “... It was not until I was an old man that I could finally see a poor country doctor—overworked, underpaid, run ragged from patient to patient, with little medicine, no hospital, few instruments, struggling to save lives, and succeeding for the most part.
Sigaren, per stuk # EURLDS LDS
14 In LTM, (23) the Court was asked about the tariff classification of two products, one of which contained certain vitamins in amounts several times higher than the levels of the Reference Intake for a Population and which was stated to be recommended for the prevention or correction of vitamin deficiencies linked to an inadequate or unbalanced diet, the other of which was a combination of amino acids, mineral salts and trace elements and was stated to be recommended in cases of debility, convalescence, overwork, poor appetite, weight loss and ageing.
' Hallo, Harry, dit is HugoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“Yeah, because you’re overworked and sleep-deprived.”
Ik vergeet steedsdat u meer bent dan een knap gezichtjeLiterature Literature
Along with sickness, overwork—security became a problem.
Ook in het Europees Parlement waren de meningen verdeeld of wij überhaupt nog een eigen bank zouden moeten hebben.Literature Literature
I’m going to be extra nice to the overworked nurses and doctors.
En die van Mulder?Literature Literature
But during the first year he overworked himself dreadfully.
Normale waardeLiterature Literature
Would you feel better being with the icy, kick-ass cop, or the bored, overworked CPS drone?”
Ik denk dat veel jonge mensen in de Gemeenschap deze gelegenheid zeer zouden verwelkomen.Literature Literature
Said he’d been overworking, but I fancy I know what’s really the matter with him.”
"One baby, less than a metre high, could only be described by the overworked adjective ""cute."""
Gelet op het voorstel van het Beheerscomité van de Rijksdienst voor Kinderbijslag voor Werknemers van # juniLiterature Literature
Your system is a bit overworked.
Het oorspronkelijke idee was dat beide ondernemingen een gezamenlijk bod zouden uitbrengenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I had an attack brought on by overwork, stress and anxiety.
Ja, dat is zeer goed.Oh, het is niet mijn taak om over zulke dingen te sprekenLiterature Literature
Part of it was because he was “overworked.”
in staat zijn om een ploeg te leidenLiterature Literature
Or, if the excess be absorbed the blood is overwhelmed, and the excretory organs are overworked.
Ik denk dat u op die manier uw rol van katalysator moet spelen.jw2019 jw2019
It's possible to overwork that famous perception of yours.
Goedenavond, meneer BarlettaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was overworked and frustrated, and she barely earned enough to live on her own.
Je bent gewoon... weggelopen,DesmondLiterature Literature
Okay, overworked hair.
Blijf hard bijten, schatOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The wagon, the gravel, being overworked, spending entire days in the rain—all that was over.
Dat waren de verhalen die je bij blevenLiterature Literature
Yet, no craft was ever lost, despite being overworked and underserviced.
Ja, ik ben er zeker van dat het zeer nuttig isLiterature Literature
Odrade heard the click-ticking of their overworked still-suits.
De geplande steunmaatregelen zouden niet cumuleerbaar zijn met andere steunmaatregelen met hetzelfde doelLiterature Literature
Court's reliable prescription for overwork?”
Hij studeerde onder de Zohar Rabbi in KrakauLiterature Literature
206 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.