smoother oor Nederlands


naamwoord, adjektief
A device used to smooth something

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I bet the next one would go even smoother if you did it.
Ik wed dat de volgende nog vlotter zou gaan moest jij het doen.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Structural reforms cannot only contribute to a durable rebalancing process, but also attenuate the negative impact of households' deleveraging: stronger real wage adjustment leads to a smoother reaction of employment and, consequently, of real output, while a faster adjustment in prices allows for an also faster adjustment in the real interest rate towards the equilibrium level.
Thaels, Jan, te BeaumontEurLex-2 EurLex-2
" At times, we found a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary.
Doe me de lap danceOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was very quickly decided to impose an ageing period in the tank after fermentation to enable the production of wine with complex aromas but in particular so that the tannins could become rounder and smoother.
Heb jij ' n verhouding?EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
It was a lot smoother than she would have imagined.
Op de voordracht van Onze Minister van Ambtenarenzaken en Modernisering van de openbare besturen en op het advies van Onze in Raad vergaderde Ministers, Hebben Wij besloten en besluiten WijLiterature Literature
This is an important step towards smoother mobility between the people of Georgia and the European Union.
Hoe komt het dat ik op jou lig?Europarl8 Europarl8
One of the key levers to improve the implementation performance of Italy, and more generally ensure smoother policy action, lies in enhanced coordination and a more efficient allocation of competences among the various levels of government.
overwegende dat de Rekenkamer verklaart redelijke zekerheid verkregen te hebben van alle agentschappen, maar voor het begrotingsjaar # expliciet voorbehoud maakt ten aanzien van het Europees Bureau voor wederopbouw, het Europees Centrum voor de ontwikkeling van de beroepsopleiding, de Europese Stichting voor opleiding, het Europees Waarnemingscentrum voor racisme en vreemdelingenhaat en de Europese Autoriteit voor voedselveiligheidEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission considers that the proposal should be based on Article 114 TFUE, since it amends Directive 2001/18/EC, which is itself based on Article 114 TFUE, and because it aims at ensuring a smoother functioning of the internal market while guaranteeing protection of the environment, in line with Art. 114(2) TFUE.
Wat zou ' n mens ervan ondervinden?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
That got them laughing, but didn’t make things any smoother.
Besluit van de Commissie van # april # tot oprichting van een deskundigengroep voor financiële educatieLiterature Literature
Taking into account the experience gained with its application, those procedures need to be simplified in order to ensure a more flexible and smoother adaptation to the actual conditions relating to the supply arrangements and the local agricultural conditions.
Misschien is ze gaan w... wandelenEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(d) he SCR is designed to achieve standardised tendering and contracting procedures and, through economies of scale, to facilitate smoother implementation of programmes.
Jij zei dat je Fever Dog goed vindtEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For one thing, it usually results in a speedier and smoother delivery of the baby, although it should not be expected that all deliveries will be quick and trouble free.
En dat zal de derde zijnjw2019 jw2019
" Everything runs smoother with a little lubrication. "
Fondaparinux verminderde ook significant de incidentie van de vastgestelde fatale PE sOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He had taken several spoonfuls of the egg and already his eyes seemed less hollow and his skin smoother.
Denk je dat je gewonnen hebt?Literature Literature
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1901/89 (3) derogated as regards sizing, for the 1989/90 marketing year, from the quality standards fixed for table apples by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 920/89 (4); whereas in order to allow for a smoother transition between the previous standards and those derogated for the 1989/90 marketing year, because of existing contracts, the entry into force of Regulation (EEC) No 1901/89 should be postponed;
Gelet op het ministerieel besluit van # augustus # houdende de erkenning van stagemeesters in de huisartsgeneeskundeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Now she looked more closely at him, she could see his eyes were brighter, his skin smoother, he looked trimmer.
Documenten vergelijkbaar met die waarin recht van lidstaat van ontvangst voorzietLiterature Literature
As is the case for non preferential imports, a method of administering the tariff quota should be adopted so as to favour international trade and smoother trade flows.
Je hebt het bedrijf een slechte naam bezorgdEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the possible administrative, organisational and/or structural obstacles to the smoother, more effective and efficient implementation of the Programme (scope for simplification).
Ja, ik vind die gebreide mooinot-set not-set
Whereas in order to ensure that the meat sold is exported to the destination laid down, a security as specified in Article 5 (2) (a) of Regulation (EEC) No 2539/84 should be required; whereas, in order to ensure a smoother functioning of the export operations, provision should be made for derogations from certain provisions relating to the release of the security;
De vertegenwoordigers van de inrichtende macht en van de personeelsleden zijn stemgerechtigdEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The new ‘Mantecados de Estepa’ were born: high quality, soft and crumbly, delicious, as the flour was refined and toasted and this made smoother Mantecados than the original recipe.
nummer in het repertorium van de akten van de rechterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Better use by Member States of the flexibilities provided for under the present Schengen acquis could contribute to smoother arrangements.
Mag ik ' m houden?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
At some point, he realized that they must have turned onto a paved road because the ride grew smoother.
Ik moet morgenochtend werkenLiterature Literature
Establishment and improvement of reusable generic tools | Availability of a set of tools meeting needs of sectors and MSs Professional delivery of a coherent tools portfolio Smoother implementation of PEGSs | Benchmark of the quality of generic tools Number of known users of generic tools Surveys (MSs and sectors): Completeness Relevance Usage Adequacy Project specific indicators (to be determined) |
« Het document voorzien bij artikel # van dit besluit moet minstens de volgende inlichtingen bevattenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I have been trying to have one diplomat in one Embassy in Tehran, to ensure a smoother coordination of joint projects.
Ik vraag je alleen of je me daarin wilt bijstaanEuroparl8 Europarl8
Cosmetics for hair care, namely shampoos, hair conditioners, creams and lotions for the hair, brilliantines and products for stimulating the scalp, preparations for the bath and shower, namely toilet soaps, body shampoos, exfoliating preparations for the body, body smoothers, bath salts, bath gels and shower gels, bath and shower oils, essential oils
Precies, daar gaat het overtmClass tmClass
Ministers took stock of the 2017 'European Semester' policy monitoring process with a view to making the exercise smoother and more effective.
Gelet op de wet van # juli # betreffende de tijdelijke arbeid, de uitzendarbeid en het ter beschikking stellen van werknemers ten behoeve van gebruikers, inzonderheid op artikel #, § #, eerste en tweede lid, ingevoegd bij de wet van # decemberConsilium EU Consilium EU
218 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.