to exculpate oor Nederlands

to exculpate

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Thus, Dalmine cannot rely on the market structure or the conduct of its competitors to exculpate it in the present case.
Dalmine kan zich in casu dus niet vrijpleiten door te verwijzen naar de structuur van de markt of de handelwijze van haar concurrenten.


He convinced his girlfriend to commit a copycat murder to exculpate him.
Z'n vriendin moest hem imiteren, zodat hij vrijgesproken zou worden.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I am here neither to exculpate myself nor to blame others.""
Kennen we zijn tweede vrouw? ' n Prostitué, Christelle KolarovLiterature Literature
We have an absolute right to exculpate our client.
Niet alleen jijOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He convinced his girlfriend to commit a copycat murder to exculpate him.
° een maritieme zone bestaande uitOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like anyone indicted on serious crimes, these men were determined to exculpate themselves.
Ik hoopte dat hij in de basis zou zijnLiterature Literature
His sole purpose had been to exculpate himself.
° in de hoedanigheid van vertegenwoordigers van de Regering van de Franse GemeenschapLiterature Literature
He had expected the pope to allow him to exculpate himself; he now feels betrayed.
Het ontwerp van de vitale rij-, tractie-, rem-en besturingsuitrusting moet het mogelijk maken dat de trein in een nader omschreven situatie van verslechterde werking de reis voortzet zonder nadelige gevolgen voor de uitrusting die nog in dienst isLiterature Literature
But to answer the Mage—and to exculpate him to himself—I attempted an explanation.
Ik wou vragen...... wat jou persoonlijk zo aantrekt in de woestijn?Literature Literature
He insisted that he did not “manipulate his sources to his own political and ideological desire to exculpate Mr Hitler.”
Hoe is het met haar?Literature Literature
Thus, Dalmine cannot rely on the market structure or the conduct of its competitors to exculpate it in the present case.
Behaalde bedragenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The relevant items were six documents from ICI, which the applicant claimed were of such a nature as to exculpate it.
Dat is wat ik nou bedoelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Lastly, it should be pointed out that one assertion made by Stora in order to exculpate itself may also be interpreted against it.
En zij zullen de nieuwe leiders zijnEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I'm sure he has some ace in the hole, some piece of evidence that he's holding back, something he's going to use to exculpate Iris.
Ja, hij kan kleine bewegingen maken met zijn tenenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Moreover, the records of the dealers' written statements, which the applicant considers to exculpate it, are in fact inculpatory documents if they are read between the lines.
Gecompliceerde prijsmodellen, vreemde tariefconstructies, praktijken die niet verenigbaar zijn met het beginsel van de interne markt - prijzen die alle kanten op vliegen vormen slechts één voorbeeld.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I'm not going to sit here and listen to you slander his good name in a weak attempt to exculpate Martin Odum, a man who has betrayed this country time and time again.
Transporterruimte, we zijn boven TitanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
72 Finally, the Court notes that, for the same reasons as those set out in paragraph 60, the fact that the applicant did not observe the prices and quotas is not such as to exculpate it.
Dat doet hetEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If you think refusing to prosecute exculpates the defendant, you are wrong.
Ik heb hem gevoed met deze!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Such statements will in fact rarely serve to exculpate or exonerate the maker; however, in so far as they add to the circumstantial detail, they may be given credence particularly where they are corroborated or consistent with the overall pattern of behaviour disclosed by the documentary evidence.
Jij... hebt me geslagenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The starting assumption would no longer be that travellers in general are to be considered as entering the Union in good faith, unless specific evidence causes suspicion, but that it would be up to travellers to exculpate themselves by supplying additional information about themselves, even in the absence of any evidence.
De in aanmerking komende tegenpartij komt met de verder vooraf te bevoorraden derde beroepsdoelgroep overeen dat deze de toekomstige NCB van het Eurosysteem zal toestaan middels audits en controles in zijn gebouwen de aanwezigheid van verder vooraf verstrekte eurobankbiljetten en –muntstukken na te gaanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In contesting the initial period of the duration, Pegler's object was to exculpate itself and inculpate Tomkins, whereas Tomkins' aim was a rather limited one, i.e. to contest the evidence related to the first 38 days (which would not even have affected the duration taken into account for the fine).
Trance, weet jij wie die wezens zijn?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On the other hand, in certain cases - among the most noteworthy are those of Eisai in vitamin E (recital 240) and Sumitomo in biotin (recital 504) - the attempts of producers to exculpate themselves by claiming to have been unwilling or unwitting participants in meetings with competitors, are contradicted by the documentary evidence.
Als wordt vastgesteld dat de consument direct gevaar loopt, wordt een waarschuwing gegevenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission added that it had itself re-examined all those documents in order to check whether they were of such a kind as to exculpate the applicant, but had not found any such document; furthermore, it offered to examine the files again if the applicant established "good cause" by reference to a specific factual or legal point.
De nodige documentatie zal ter beschikking van de kandidaten worden gesteld tijdens de examensessieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission observes that if, as regards concerted practices, it relies solely on observations of parallel conduct on the market and presumes, in this respect, that it cannot be explained other than by collusion between the undertakings concerned, it is sufficient for those undertakings to establish circumstances which cast the facts in a different light in order to exculpate themselves.
We hebben wel een vermoeden.Volgens ons is ambassadeur Sarek verantwoordelijk voor die incidentenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Such a situation results in an infringement of the rights of the defence, either because the burden of proof is reversed or because the opportunity to adduce exculpating evidence is limited.
Zou ' t waar zijn? ' t Regent niet en toch is hij natEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whilst lack of access to incriminating documents entails only the elimination of those documents as a means of proof (Case T-37/91 ICI, paragraph 71), lack of access to exculpating documents entails the illegality of the decision, as the Court cannot remedy an infringement of defence rights which occurred at the administrative stage of the procedure (Case T-30/91 Solvay, paragraph 98).
Statuut van de ambtenaren van de Europese Gemeenschappen, met name de artikelen # en #, alsmede bijlage VII, artikelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
95 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.